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Many Perspectives of Attitude

By living today, we build what become tomorrow. We must know what was within Yesterday, to understand what we are faced with today.

Money and life
Posted:May 1, 2016 5:49 am
Last Updated:May 6, 2016 5:54 am

Such and interesting tool "Money" - in the material world we live and the monetary system which is part of our societal structures is always with many interesting aspects, twist and much else, but requires Money to set up and have a life which can conveniently cover the basics..

In some individuals within some relationships and some situations, It seem no matter how much some have, it is not enough, and some have so little and it is enough to cover their daily living where they can and do still smile, share and enjoy the things about their lives. Some have Money that can be saved away for events and emergencies and some save for comfort of financial security in later years. Do people often discuss and come to terms of agreement about such things when they are developing a relationship?

"Money" .... Not many people in the developed society exist who don't want some of it. But a great many want to earn what they get, and others want to get it by any means including lying, cheating others, stealing, and brazen brutal encroachments, including robbery and other forceful means.

What would drive people to work together to build the things we enjoy, or participate in the factories, offices and other functions that make business and industry work, if there was no such thing as Money?

I certainly don't know the answer. Teamwork and shared objectives could be a possibility. How long might that work before one or the other complain about their level or volume of contribution?

It is up to each person to develop their concept of Money and what they will or will not be prone to do to get it.

How does Money work within Love relationships is too an interesting thing. One wants it and the other is comfortable with having enough to manage daily. One can't get enough of it, and the other is content to work to earn what it takes to cover the basic needs.
One wants luxury and the other likes basic things and simplicity.

Do people really talk to each other in open terms about their concerns, thoughts, and perspectives about Money?

What is the expectation within relation to ones mate when it comes to Money?

* If you were left or given a legacy of Money be it 20K, 50k, 200-500k or million(s). what do you think you'd do?
* How do you think it would impact your mate selecting viewpoint?
Just when we think "its" a challenge.. someone is having even more
Posted:Apr 29, 2016 4:57 am
Last Updated:May 3, 2016 4:50 am

I forgot to leave a note to tell the gardener not to use the weed-eater in a particular area.
Unfortunately they cut down my budding cucumber plants, tomato plants and green onions. I don't know if it will grow back.

It's forecast to rain heavy this weekend, so, maybe next week I will know.
I will make plans to buy some pre-grown plants and simply re-plant them in my area. This time I will put some type of fencing barrier around it.

It was a beautiful thing to watch them grow up from simple seeds.

They did not damage the flowers I planted in the front and they seem to be blooming pretty good so far. Now, suddenly the hedges have grown very very very fast, and that becomes another chore to trim them.
In this respects, there is no such thing as trying to have a nice lawn and shrubbery, flower and such without "work to maintain it" !!!!!!

I see some homes who have excellent work engaged to maintain their plants around their home, neat and well managed. So, I will get busy in the next weeks doing more to make it look better. I still don't think I will buy a lawn mower, as I took the one back to the other house. I think its best I stay with the lawn man service, so I know it is cut in a timely manner, as it gets hotter outside I don't think I'll be a regular at cutting grass.

More work, my like to dig holes and lay in the hole, most of them have filled in with grass, but the still has a few where the dirt is visible, and she lays in them. It's odd, because it makes the yard un-even, and eventually I will need to buy dirt to fill in these holes. ( the funny thing is, when I was a , growing up in a country town, I would have never though about "buying dirt". things and time changes, because even as a buying water in a bottle was not something I considered I'd do, but for 20 or more years I've been buying bottled water, I don't often drink water from the faucet, but I do use it to cook and clean, bathe and such.

We've had tremendous rainfall last year and so far this year.
I went out to check areas for flooding around the Lake, and visited a beautiful home which had flooded, and the gentleman was fearful that the lake would rise and he would be 're-flooded" after he had cut out and began repairing his walls from the last food. He had a very nice back yard, but the water had began to cover parts of it, and while we were standing there "the sprinkler system came on". I wondered, why a sprinkler when your back yard extend to the lake. He had a very nice raised walkway and boat dock, which was partially submerged and in his yard he had made a nice 'outside room" connected to a small building which was very nice, sadly, that had been flooded previously and he had cleaned everything.
I checked the flood gates which dump the lake overflow into the bayou which leads to the river, they were open and dispensing a lot of water, but the lake level was at 172 feet, and the standards it seems is 171, when it flooded his area it had risen to 177 feet. (that's a lot of water). I went to another area where the water comes across the state line via stream and such, and area were flooded,but it had not reached it peak level, and a tremendous volume of water was moving toward the lake.
Interestingly the guy told me, he had lived there a long time, he was 70, he looked like maybe 50 something, and he said, he'd worked his life trying to set up to make things easy in older age years, and now he has a mass of work to do to deal with this.
Although I could not grasp why he'd build his home so close to the water, but the whole community had homes circling the lake with their ramps and boat docks, it all looked good but the roadways also flooded, so he had quite a challenge.

It all makes my issue with overgrown hedges and replanting my vegetables seem like a very small task.
Years is not just years its time passing.
Posted:Apr 24, 2016 4:07 pm
Last Updated:Apr 28, 2016 5:19 am

for many years I played with my Bass everyday!!!! Now, its been 20+ yrs, and I'm trying to find the rhythm... its such and odd thing. How tight my body has become for the loose feel that it takes to truly play.
I've been so into the technical and detail aspects of business and making things to advance work business, and I've worked on so many projects and compiled so much data.
Now, I want to get back to making music, I need the relaxations and rhythm that it gives.

I sometimes want more days or time in the days, or the resources to just do these things without having to work, but on the other hand. I like work. I actually enjoy doing what I do. I get to interact and deal with "all" departments and all "divisions" of each department. I like the span without the limitations. I know a lot of people by interaction, but I am terrible at remembers names, (why I don't know), but I do remember what ever we've discussed down to the minute details.

I'm greatly respected for my quality and standards of work. I don't skim and I don't try to slide by, I do the actual work.
1 comment
Just stuff and things.....
Posted:Apr 24, 2016 7:47 am
Last Updated:Apr 26, 2016 4:45 pm

Seems as though, some thing just have problems at the wrong time.
I have a wonderful Bass made by Kawai, (the piano company) and another made by Shaffer (a Piano company).
I put the kawai in the shop and the tech totally messed it up, not only do the switches not work, it has a terrible static. Now I have to put it in another shop, but this time I will take the electronic schematic so they can actually do it right.

I put the Shaffer Bass in the shop, I had modified it years ago, the strange thing is the bass works fine but the modification worked only a few days after I got it out of the shop and it needs again to be put in the shop.

Things, I'd like it to simply work like it should when I pick it up. I have an old Fender Fretless, which seem to work like it should, it does not have any complicated electronics inside.

I guess one has to keep things in constant use to keep them properly functioning.

I don't like the fact of having to continually make fixes and adjustments.
Envy? - Resentment?
Posted:Apr 21, 2016 4:34 am
Last Updated:Apr 22, 2016 3:45 pm

Have your experienced Envy? Do you often see the many things that people find to envy about others?

What do you think the point of Envy is? Do you think the Envious Person gains anything by being envious?


Have your experienced Resentment? Do you often see the many things that people find to resent about others?

What do you think the point of Resentment is? Do you think the resentful persons gains anything by being resentful?
Buying Love???
Posted:Apr 21, 2016 4:30 am
Last Updated:Apr 24, 2016 7:47 am

Do you think it is bought and sold in various places around the world?

How much do you think it cost?

Why do you think society has become so vouyeristic and sx driven. (example): Take Yahoo news, its filled with stories about some act or some exposure of womens bodies or some insinuation about some sx act they may have engaged, and now people (Americans) seem to take delight in talking about their exploits. (example) Dancing with the Stars, why is it necessary for this one person to come out talking about who is and who has slept with the other among the contestants?

If it was not for sx allure, tempting and teasing and flaunting suggestive body imagery, do you think the Kardasians would have become so wealthy and so much written and shown about their lives?

why is there so little of stores about Asian women in Asian location, publicly claiming sx abuse or suing me for something related to sx? Do you think the women take more responsibility for what they do, and do you think they are more discreet about what they do? or do you think its the system they live in that will not support them complaining after the fact?

don't go silent, surely people have some thoughts about this stuff>
1 comment
Dating with a twist in the mix
Posted:Apr 20, 2016 4:19 am
Last Updated:Apr 22, 2016 3:48 pm

China is marking National Security Education Day with a poster warning young female government workers about dating handsome foreigners, who could turn out to have secret agendas.

Titled "Dangerous Love," the 16-panel, comic book-like poster tells the story of an attractive young Chinese civil servant nicknamed Xiao Li, or Little Li, who meets a red-headed foreign man at a dinner party and starts a relationship.

The man, David, claims to be a visiting scholar, but he actually is a foreign spy who butters Xiao Li up with compliments on her beauty, bouquets of roses, fancy dinners and romantic walks in the park.

After Xiao Li provides David with secret internal documents from her job at a government propaganda office, the two are arrested. In one of the poster's final panels, Xiao Li is shown sitting handcuffed before two policemen, who tell her that she has a "shallow understanding of secrecy for a state employee."
The poster has appeared on local governments' public bulletin boards, targeting mainly rank-and-file state employees.

A Beijing district government said in a statement that it would display the poster to educate its employees about keeping classified information confidential and reporting to state security agencies if they spot any spying activity. It said it would familiarize employees with ways to counter espionage.

The central government's inaugural National Security Education Day, which was last Friday, was meant to make people aware about security problems in China, and was marked by speeches and the distribution of materials.
Things keep morphing into madness
Posted:Apr 20, 2016 3:58 am
Last Updated:Apr 21, 2016 3:43 am

How sad, people can contaminate something like sx. ....

Last year's emergence of so-called "super gonorrhea" in Leeds hasn't ended in the UK city. Because the STD is so good at fighting off antibiotics, treatment typically involves a combination of two drugs—azithromycin and ceftriaxone—but resistance to azithromycin is spreading and doctors worry ceftriaxone will soon be next, reports the BBC. The spread is a "further sign of the very real threat of antibiotic resistance to our ability to treat infections," says Public Health England, which has had only limited success in tracking down sexual partners of those diagnosed with super gonorrhea, reports the Independent. "The spread of high level azithromycin-resistant gonorrhea is a huge concern and it is essential that every effort is made to contain further spread
1 comment
Why is it so hard for this generation?
Posted:Apr 16, 2016 10:20 am
Last Updated:Apr 27, 2016 3:57 am

Why is it so hard for women to choose a mate in this generation? Is it because they are focused on options?

Decades ago, women seem to have had far less issues with choosing a mate and far less demanding criteria of particulars that practically void out any potential suitor?

It's today almost like "perpetual" shopping !!!!,

Decades ago, when there were few stores and the selections in the store were not with the confusions of today, they could shop and make choices.
This generation today, where there is store next to store and more stores down the block, women seem to shop all day and claim they can't find anything they like.

It's as if when presented with options, making a choice and even sticking with the choice made is so much more difficult for women in the society of today.

I do see somewhat of a difference in smaller towns/cities, the women don't have such difficult finding a mate, choosing a mate and even staying with the mate they have chosen.

Here in the South, the women don't seem to have such a problem making a choice and building a relationship with someone. When I lived in California, the women who were within the communities they grew up in, they seem to find a mate more easily than women who lived in the city who tried to canvass the whole of the Los Angeles region.
Again, it just might be when faced with too many options, people find a greater difficulty choosing.

This conditions in some ways seem to impact women who have money, women who have university experience, and women who have careers. Then compound that with the current day media - the rapid change of fashion and what is so called claimed to be fashionable to do, where to go and what to entertain, it appears the choice is even more difficult.

It's almost like taking a in to the candy section, they get so excited looking at the options, even when they choose a piece of candy, they are concerned about all the pieces they did not get to sample or choose.
This is a problem both guys and girls seem have in segments of society today, especially in certain age groups.

Now with the Internet, it may even confound the matter more than help the matter of mate selection.

I notice too here in the South, something I wrote about long ago before they wiped out my blog. The couples seem to be comfortable with the simple things of life, the make family build friendships and a network of family and friends and their mate and they seem to understand, they can't have everything and certainly not even try to have everything all at once.

I think its horrible in some situations where people have money and come through the university system and play in the circle of alumni pursuits, everything seems to be wrapped in an incessant pursuit type of framework, more than a settled build a relationship and make a life and put in the work to try and keep it together. It's almost like nothing is ever enough !!!!

Look at the guys who come to these sites, in some ways when I first came, some of the guys wanted the seemingly country girl who liked simplicity, but now it seems they encounter city girls who are caught up in looking at all the options and simply window shopping on a multiple variety of websites not to mention what they may be shopping in their physical environment.

One member here when he talks about women, he seems to say he likes looking for the Chinese women who are likely new arrivals with a limited circle and who has not got yet caught up in being overwhelmed looking at options.

It's rather interesting???
Posted:Apr 10, 2016 6:02 am
Last Updated:Apr 13, 2016 3:49 am
thinking of options.

To make modifications, such a wood floors, resurface fireplaces, maybe enclose patio, add some other things, and make the back yard look like a park. (I saw some very good backyard work in homes when I lived in California. Some Asian families did amazing things with their back yards.)

Image taken when tree limb broke
It has a big back yard, and this extra section is the front is adjacent to the driveway, which can accommodate 2-3 additional cars. I can fit 4 cars in the driveway, and two in the garage, so there is more than enough parking.
Getting older at 61, I just don't see taking on the high dollar cost of a new home, when this one is manageable.
I see some people who change homes like people change cars, mine is 4bdrm so It's already more space than I actually use. I do like homes with "open kitchen that has a counter, this is one thing I don't like about mine, but it too can be modified.
I could see switching if I found the right house for the right price and the payments fit in the right category. But, in no way am I going to get a house with a payment that becomes a challenge in coming years which diminishes what is expendable resources.

Second house;
It's three bedrooms, overall in decent condition - the family that now lives there, has made it a very nice home for themselves inside. It has a big back yard, a walkway and slab in the back yard (use to be a craft shop like room) but it makes for a nice backyard patio areas, and there's a cement slab also behind the laundry room. which is at the back of the carport.

Two other homes which were new homes, were located near Houston, but they are no longer mine. (what a relief !!!).

Before I bought the house, I thought about a home near the Lake, but (Snakes come out of the water and live around the water, so that ruled that option out) I detest the thought of snakes in the yard or near the home.

A friend wants to buy a home in another area, which has a pond in the back yard on 5 acres, and is about a few miles from the lake, maybe closer. I simply don't want the responsibility of having that much grass to cut. and keeping an areas around a pond clean. It's nice in thought, its nice to look at, but something I think people don't think of the maintenance necessary as they get older.

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