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chatillion 72M
2320 posts
3/24/2013 8:19 am
Getting a Chinese woman to leave California...

Guys, maybe you have succeeded at this... meeting a Chinese woman who lives in California and getting her to accept a relationship with you in another state. Yes, that means relocation.
Maybe their profile says they are willing to relocate, but I haven't found it so.
I've been a member of Asia Friendfinder for a number of years and met a 'few hundred' women online. Many are living in California and all my contacts from women California have been a wasted attempt.
I'm thinking... they are settled and have family, good jobs, great weather. Why would they want to loose that?

Oh... did I mention how hard it is to get a Chinese woman living in Hawaii to leave?

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
3/25/2013 4:27 pm

If the dollars are big, it might not be a problem to get any ethnicity of woman to leave any place and move to another place.

California is good if you have the means to afford to indulge the things in the environment.
Many people waste a lot of money trying to live the TV illusions of California as depicted in the media.

Some places are not as developed or as maintained as some areas of California.
As to the Weather, depending on what part of California and what one likes, then the weather can be a good attribute to appreciate.

I know between here where I am now vs California, I will take the California weather in the flash of a moment.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
4/8/2013 10:54 pm

Ying, I happen to like warm weather too. That's why I live in Miami.
I've got a great job, own my own home (no mortgage) have no outstanding debt, dislike drama, don't smoke, drink or gamble.
Warm and friendly with a great sense of humor... I would think every available Chinese woman would want a guy like me.

I see you play drums... !!
Music was my life for many years. All through high school, college and beyond, I played professionally... up until disco killed Rock & Roll. Then I had to get a real job!

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
4/26/2013 3:08 am

    Quoting beautifulkayra:
    do u lie?
    do u cheat?
    do u hit?

    if the answers are no,
    u have most of the requirements, most women look for a husband.

    Good luck ......
    GOD make things beautiful in its time....

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
5/7/2013 3:25 am

    Quoting  :
