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Buying things I don't (really) need... I'm guilty of this. I bought a quad-core refurbished computer running Windows 8. Two 2 weeks later, I got another just like it. Why? I was pleased with the first purchase and know this retailer runs specials that sell out quickly. It was a good deal and If I procrastinated, there wouldn't be any more like this. Maybe. Sure, they run refurbished/off-lease deals all the time, but I liked what was being offered and have a spare now... just in case. It's actually my correspondence computer I use all the time and I justify it as so. Spares... someone asked why I often keep spares of things, especially tools. Computers are tools that help me do my job. They are configured to my liking. Should something happen to a work computer... the down-time setting up another computer is very costly. I'm sure I mentioned this before. I played music professionally. Starting off as a , we would work on Miami Beach busking at the hotels. Play music poolside for tourists and receive tips for the performance. That means all the equipment would get setup and packed several times a day as we moved from hotel to hotel. If something (like a microphone or guitar cord) broke, we were unable to perform and it would cost us dearly. I learned to keep spares of guitar strings, extension cords and in later years, an extra guitar. We did a gig once where we drove around during break time. The guitarist placed his guitar on the ledge between the seat and back window. It was a convertible and he decided to retract the roof. Unfortunately, the mechanism retracted back crushing the guitar! Fortunately, there were other bands playing this event and he was able to borrow a guitar. That wouldn't be possible with me as I'm left handed and have custom made lefty guitars. Yeah.. it was a pain, but I carried 2 left-handed guitars to my gigs. Back to the 'stuff' I don't use. I'm moving on with technology and it's time to unload some things I bought with speculation I'd be using and 6 years later these products are new in the box, or tried and couldn't implement in my routine. I'm home from work today and my plan is to sort through things on my back porch... garden tools that need to go in the shed but don't fit because I'm hoarding too much junque. I created a self-imposed moratorium on purchasing until I'm really sure I need it. Yeah, I need to use up those packages of ball-point pens, markers and office gadgets before buying more. Thanks for reading my blog. Grab a pen on your way out... I want to shop for more stuff next month. |
BK, yes... every time I have a 5 week month, I was using the money for fun things. Maybe I should put the money in the bank for retirement!
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Yeah, their money! ![]()
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sadly, most are not.. they use the attractions of looks far more than many would admit, as they age they often become very selfishly shrewd, because they know the body won't gain what it once did, and the look can't attract what it once could. Sadly, some forgot to develop "honestly in character along the way", the game of bartering sex was far more important to them and they were far too entrenched in over-valuing the organ of sex and the barter game surrounding it. Many as they get older, are not good communicators, because they trained themselves for too long to be 'bartering majors", and when they can't barter the same they have very short tempers and very low social tolerances in knowing how to deal with people from a standpoint of 'care'.. they are either seeing to take advantage or fearful now that someone will take advantage of them. because that's the circle of mindset they groomed themselves to function within. too many value money above all things. but they won't admit it. generally so many do not know how to choose mates based on actual love, appreciation or any of such things, because they have first looked with eyes trying to measure his monetary holding or what potential monetary gains he may acquire. The gold digger and hooker-like mentality is far more pervasive than many will admit or come clean about. the next things is "looks" more so for social ego claims, they forget completely to observe and regard the character. They are more interested in how the persons looks will fit with their social ego aims.
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I'm tempted to buy another tablet. This one has a 12" screen!
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Kayra... my dear, I have an HTC 7" tablet that was 3G/4G that malfunctioned while under warranty. HTC replaced the motherboard and it was never able to connect with my carrier (Sprint) again. I changed to an HTC 10" 3G/4G that worked perfectly for me on a trip to China. After, I had some problems with slow performance, so I changed to a Samsung Windows tablet with 4G LTE. That is my main tablet and I like Windows, but I really miss the Android system. Of the WiFi only tablets, I have an ASUS 10" with keyboard and recently bought a Samsung 8" note tablet that's okay, but I really want one with 4G LTE. Samsung recently released a 12" Galaxy note 2014 model with 4G LTE but it's on a different provider. I still have 12 months left on my contract with the other tablet. So... I must wait.