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chatillion 72M
2320 posts
4/9/2015 8:56 pm
Shooting people in the back...

If you've been following the news, everyday some new footage surfaces about the guy who got pulled over because of faulty tail lights and decided to run from the law.
Let's say I had his drivers license, registration, and his car was parked in front of me... thinking there's a good chance the key is in the ignition. Let him run. Seriously, I would look for his keys first, get on the radio (actually I think they use cellphones now) and call for backup. Then I would go looking for the suspect.

LynchburgLover 58M
85 posts
4/10/2015 1:43 am

I heard that he had a warrant for arrest for non payment of child support, which causes many men to run from the police.

1st thing is don't run from the police because it makes things worst for you .

2nd make sure there are others around you to be witnesses.

3rd don't resist police because like the BORG say on Star trek resistance is futile.

In many countries like in Asia including North Korea ,Iran,Cuba, D.R & Some South American countries if you run from the police they will shoot you no questions asked.

Just get along with the police.

It will be a OK.

LL in Virginia

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
4/10/2015 2:40 pm

    Quoting anzac_asia:
    WTF's this got to do with Asia Friendfinder - doubt this will impress and ladies....lmfao
Yeah.... you're right.
So my suggestion TO YOU is not to blog any current events or controversial topics. I would want you to be categorized by any of the women here.
Thanks for the blogging tip!

LynchburgLover 58M
85 posts
4/15/2015 11:56 pm

I heard that ISIS Police in ISIS land are throwing GAYS off of Rooftops, Where is the out rage from the GAYS in the U.S.?