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chatillion 72M
2296 posts
5/18/2019 7:09 am
Dragon at the Farmer's Market...

We've been busy lately moving to a condo 45 miles from our home in Miami so the weekend trips to the Farmers Market have been few. Last week we had a chance to visit one of the larger family owned stores and picked up some items we haven't seen in a while.
I hesitated on the Dragon fruit because we had already selected melon, grapes, oranges and papaya so next time we will get some then!

chatillion 72M
1597 posts
5/18/2019 7:10 am

I thought that $7.99 a pound was pricey until I found them in another store for much more...

XiWangdeXin 70M
146 posts
5/18/2019 3:52 pm

They are very delicious! They grow around here so they could grow in the Miami area as well--very similar climate. They cost about $1usd each here. I never tried them in the states but I eat them very often now.

chatillion 72M
1597 posts
5/20/2019 6:37 pm

The variety sold here is white with tiny black seeds.
I've added a photo to my blog.

XiWangdeXin 70M
146 posts
5/26/2019 8:27 am

    Quoting chatillion:
    The variety sold here is white with tiny black seeds.
    I've added a photo to my blog.
Yes, I prefer that one. Someone from my English reading group brought me a bag of 8 of them a few days ago. They are all gone already.

The other ones have a deep red/purple interior. They are more expensive and do taste delicious but they are juicier than the white ones and stain EVERYTHING very easily so I usually avoid them out of convenience.

chatillion 72M
1597 posts
5/31/2019 3:40 am

Foots, sorry to hear the news but I'm glad you are better.

As far as the condo goes. We moved in and only go to Miami on weekends to collect mail. I had the place tented for termites and we are moving a few things each week.
The plan was to rent, but I'm hearing horror stories about tenants who don't pay and the law protects them so eviction is long and costly.

Right now the advice is to sell and unload a 60+ year old house waiting for something to break.

XiWangdeXin 70M
146 posts
5/31/2019 12:00 pm

Foots, glad to hear you're progressing well. Hope we can all read about your complete remission and rapid healing here very soon. Best of luck!