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chatillion 72M
2324 posts
6/4/2019 3:13 am
Tupperware never dies...

I would think the entire word heard about Tupperware products.
If you haven't... Tupperware is the name of air-tight kitchen storage products created by Earl Tupper in 1948. They are made from a form of pliable plastic and sold through direct marketing, typically obtained from Tupperware Parties. My Aunt was a Tupperware dealer and my mother was her best customer!

We had Tupperware bowls in all shapes and sizes. The worst one was a tall pitcher that usually saw fruit juice.

After a while, with long term use the edges of Tupperware become dingy, frayed and fuzzy looking. I remember my aunt mixed some bleach in a pitcher they always used for lemonade. Cousin Joan came in from a hot summer day thinking it was a fresh batch of drink, chugged a cupful and was bent over puking it up!

Every weekend we travel to Miami to check the house (we moved from) bringing and things back to our new location. There are a few items of Tupperware that I haven't claimed. I'm figuring after 50 years they should be considered indigenous and be part of the house when I rent or decide to sell it.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
6/4/2019 3:14 am

Tupperware never dies...

XiWangdeXin 70M
146 posts
6/4/2019 8:26 am

They have a number of Tupperware retail shops in my city here in Southern China! My mom sold Tupperware at house parties when I was little.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
6/6/2019 9:37 am

Tupperware was the first. Now we have Rubbermaid products you can buy from most stores. No party necessary...

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
6/16/2019 6:02 pm

FMM, I hate to throw things away, but I don't have time for any yard sales and I don't think old Tupperware products would bring any interest in a yard sale.

Some of the old containers have been 'repurposed' to hold small tools and hardware parts, etc.