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chatillion 72M
2320 posts
11/3/2019 7:36 pm
Free Pickup Today...

I usually do some online research before buying any products. That said, if I search for products that are available in store now, the search engine should actually show products that are... IN STORE NOW!
Not always the case, and many retailers rely on huge inventories that are shipped from remote warehouses and not all from one location. That's what trying to avoid.

Many folks have become addicted to Amazon and their free delivery. I don't want to wait for many of the items I purchase. Give me something to touch and feel before I get my debit !

The memory foam mattress topper I wanted was not available in the local places I was shopping at and had to be ordered in. Three days shipped to my door. It was a little softer than I expected, but too much trouble to send back, wait for and order another.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
11/3/2019 7:37 pm

Give me 'Brick & Mortar' before you give me debit!