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chatillion 72M
2320 posts
9/22/2021 5:40 am
COVID booster or not...

Most of the people I come in contact with have had both vaccinations for COVID-19.
Be it Pfizer or Moderna, some are getting a booster that's said to include protection for the Delta variant.

One associate of mine had COVID, after receiving both shots. He fared well and and didn't require any hospitalization or treatment. He already went for a booster and continues to wear masks in public, even in places where it's no longer a requirement.

I have seen seen some back and forth of the CDC in requirements and coverage for the COVID booster, but one round stated no sooner than 6 months after the second dose.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
9/22/2021 5:46 am

Of those who have had both vaccinations about half have or will get the booster.

For those who did, they did not have any side effects.

The work I do involves meeting with the public and I am pondering as my vaccine was administered in January so I am eligible for a booster.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
9/22/2021 5:57 am

COVID booster or not... that is the question.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
9/25/2021 10:26 am

I think people should realize, there is continual learning and there will continue to be learning.
Thankfully people of knowledge learned quickly to develop vaccines, and they are learning the value benefit of booster.

This for me is good. Any virus that has the deadly results as COVID-19, itself should tell anyone that it is a very intricately invasive virus, and any and all protections that are developed should be utilized and there will be updates and modification to the means and methods to guard against it.

I follow the medical advice, of people who are educated, trained and skilled in the field of virology. I don't care about any of the commentary by people who are not educated, trained and skilled.

I would not go to a bicycle mechanic to have a dental procedures, so why would I listen to someone who does not have the education, training and skills in the specific field to address something that requires a person trained in a specific skill. Therefore, in this case virology, I don't care what TV spin is, I don't care what folklore cult groping of denialist and anti-vaccine people have to say,

I simply stay my distance from them, I wear my mask, got my vaccines and will get the booster and will adhere to future modifications of advisement they bring forth.

Many have tried to defy the virus and found death.... and many more will do so, with delusions they can wish it away, of what ever they conjure up.

There are many orphaned kids and broken families by the deaths and people still play the denialism and anti-vaccine, and for many when they are on the bed and "death is fast approaching", they continue to say, "I wish I'd gotten vaccinated'.
Wishing does nothing to defend against this virus.

God gave mankind the ability to acquire knowledge and to use it to help society... those who reject the works people invested to get that knowledge and develop skills which can be used to help society... Bring the calamity and death unto themselves as if a dare is put up which they are ill equipped to meet, and they will get the results of the damages and for some the causation of death.

Death is FINAL.... There is no reprieve.

People fight against many things, with a willful self delusion that they are somehow invincible or that they are exempt from being the host of the virus.