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chatillion 72M
2320 posts
5/23/2024 11:03 am
China ...

I am rewriting this blog as it was denied.
Mainland China.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
5/23/2024 11:04 am

Will China take over Taiwan may not be the important question...
When becomes more significant.

oldghost32 79M
244 posts
5/24/2024 4:58 am

Of course Taiwan was at various times colonised or ruled (in part) by Spain, the Dutch, the Japanese, mainland Chinese refugees and the tyrant Jiang Jieshi. China (Qing) really only ruled it for 200 years from about 1680 to 1895. For thousands of years before the Qing dynasty it was occupied by indigenous people, and they probably have a better claim to right of possession.

It seems pretty unlikely that China is going to flex muscles and bring about the huge confrontation that invasion involves, and anyway there is too much synergy and mutual dependence between ROC and PRC to permit forceful takeover or takeback, whatever you care to call it. Since 1980s Taiwan has become and embraced a Democracy, and in the EIU Democracy rankings it is higher than Australia or Canada, and far far higher than the USA

The day for voluntary re-absorption of Taiwan has passed too, as my baby-boomers generation passes. Soon there will be none of the 1945-49 refugee mainland Chinese, only their grandchildren and great grandchildren.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
5/24/2024 7:30 am

Thanks for the explanation.
I'm running a blog on CS of the same topic.
Are you able to comment there?

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
5/28/2024 4:04 pm

everything is gone now.

oldghost32 79M
244 posts
5/29/2024 6:36 pm

trying to figure out whether all my posts are bl*ck*d here or whether key words are denied. I think they me have singled me out. My previous post here was also denied.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
5/29/2024 6:45 pm

I see their word block is tight.
The link to their other blogs site no longer works.