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chatillion 72M
2320 posts
5/29/2024 4:31 am
I'm looking for a new place to BLOG...

For many years I was on a free site nicknamed CS and they were recently sold. They decided to merge to a pay site and all the members profiles were migrated to a new platform. More than half of these new profiles are fakes. The place no longer has blogs or discussion forums.

Everything is geared to pay to use the site and I made a comment on my profile about the amount of BS so my profile has been locked.

I am looking for a new place to BLOG now.

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
5/29/2024 4:32 am

Any suggestions?

oldghost32 79M
244 posts
5/29/2024 6:32 pm

I've been using wireclub which is more a chatting site than blogging. It doesn't suit me so much. Like you i was suspended seemingly for 6 months as a result of reporting the South African, not because of anything I had posted.
Another site I used for a while was buzz50 where some of the original Asia Friendfinder members had relocated including the Canadian vietnamese photographer but that got tedious after a year of so.
The new CS is absolutely hopeless, even if you do want to contanct old CS members there is no effective search by name. CS now is an out and out pay for contact site

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
5/29/2024 6:44 pm

I agree with you on the new CS. What surprised me is eighty thousand members on opening day!
We were misled. Instead of blogs, we are allowed to make diary posts, so I described how more than twenty percent of the members are fake.
Obviously that annoyed administration and my account is closed.
Hopefully only temporarily.
The address to customer service bounces back invalid.
I think they created one site for each country as I am only able to see Americans.
Should my profile reopen, I will report back here of my findings.

oldghost32 79M
244 posts
5/29/2024 8:41 pm

Likewise I see only CS.AU and I am getting zillions of messages there, none of which I open or respond to. My comments it appears you have seen, but they are not visible to me - there is something going on in the way of d-e-n-i-a-l

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
5/30/2024 4:21 am

The morning when CS closed, I was redirected to the Australian version for a second then an error came up on my screen.

When I logged in this morning it showed 1 comment waiting, but nothing was there. I believe one was deleted by the system.

oldghost32 79M
244 posts
5/31/2024 10:36 pm

came across blogroll dot org which prima facie seems worth investigating

chatillion 72M
1612 posts
6/10/2024 5:01 am

FF, if you happen to see Mercedes on CS AU, say hello for me.

I'm only able to see members from America.