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Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona A group of 376 Central Americans was arrested in southwest Arizona, the vast majority of them families who dug short, shallow holes under a barrier to cross the border, authorities said Friday. The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 . The unusually large group was almost entirely from Guatemala. They were taken to Yuma after entering the country Monday. The area became a major corridor for illegal crossings in the mid-2000s, prompting the Bush administration to weld steel plates to a barrier made of steel bollards that had been designed to stop people in vehicles, not on foot, Border Patrol spokesman Jose Garibay said. In those spots, there is no concrete footing to prevent digging. The group used multiple holes in an apparent effort to get everyone across the border quickly, Garibay said. Customs and Border Protection released photos and video of a long line of migrants standing patiently on a desert road's dirt shoulder after they were stopped. On. Jan. 9, the Border Patrol arrested a group of 247 people, mostly from Central America, who turned themselves in to agents in a highly remote part of New Mexico. The agency said many needed medical care. Large numbers of Guatemalan families and unaccompanied are surrendering to immigration agents in Antelope Wells, New Mexico, where 7-year-old Jakelin Caal and her father were found Dec. 6 with 161 others. Caal started vomiting on the bus ride to the nearest Border Patrol station 94 miles (150 kilometers) away and had stopped breathing by the time she arrived. She died at a hospital in El Paso, Texas. The southwest Arizona desert is less remote but arrests have also sharply increased after years of relative quiet. The Border Patrol's Yuma sector made 7,857 arrests in October and November, more than double the same period a year earlier. Despite a surge in asylum-seeking families from Central America in recent months, border arrests remain low by historical standards. The Border Patrol made 396,579 arrests on the Mexican border in the 2018 fiscal year, up 30 percent from a 46-year low during the same period a year earlier but still well below a high of more than 1.6 million in 2000. Photo 1: 376 illegal migrants have been arrested in Arizona. Photo 2: A 8-month-old boy had been pushed through under wall hole (a shallow hole, not a tunnel). The wall didn't work. ![]() ![]() Honesty is the best policy. |
On MLK holiday I was at a waiting room of a car mechanic store for replacing all four tires, there were many guys talking about the boarder wall, they said "it is NOT about how tall the wall, it is about how deep the wall underground". People also concerned the government shutdown. Honesty is the best policy.
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El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala in Central America have the highest homicide rates in the world. Gangs, popularly known as maras, are responsible for much of the violence and crime. Most of the killers and victims are gang members themselves caught in turf battles. Mara Salvatrucha, popularly known as MS-13 and the Barrio 18 (18th street gang) are the two dominant gangs which hold the three central American countries to ransom. The rivalry between these two became so violent at one stage in 2012, the government of El Salvador intervened and brokered a ceasefire between MS-13 and the Barrio 18. In order to bring the two sides to the negotiating table, the government relaxed conditions in the prisons in which the members of the two gangs were held. Following this peace deal, the murder rate dropped immediately. But this truce broke down in 2014 and crime has once again skyrocketed. Honesty is the best policy.
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Trump wants to spend near $600 billion dollars for the border walls. The Central Americans (mainly Guatemalan) dig tunnels underground right underneath of the walls. We have to spend so much money to build the walls, but do the walls work if they dig tunnels under the wall? During the 2016 campaign, Trump said Mexicans will pay for the walls. But now we U.S. taxpayers to pay for the walls. Our National Debt will be sky-high (please Google US national debt) to 23 trillions. The question is "does the wall work to stop those migrants?" Can Guatemala government stop crimes from those "drug cartels?" The root of the problem from Guatemala is "drug cartels" killing people. People came to U.S.A. for asylum protection. How much it will cost to stop those drug cartel crimes? In comparison for the U.S. to spend money to build boarder walls. We build the walls but then they came in through the tunnels. This is never end problems. Honesty is the best policy.