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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
4/2/2019 8:03 pm
Unchained Melody (from movie "Ghost") sang by Righteous Brothers

Oh, my love, my darling
I've hungered for your touch
A long, lonely time
Time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
God speed your love to me

Lonely rivers flow
To the sea, to the sea
To the open arms of the sea
Lonely rivers sigh
"Wait for me, wait for me"
I'll be coming home, wait for me

Oh, my love, my darling
I've hungered, for your touch
A long, lonely time
Time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
God speed your love to me

Honesty is the best policy.

XiWangdeXin 70M
146 posts
4/6/2019 5:35 am

Point of order, "Unchained Melody" predated the movie "Ghost" by 25 years. It was a favorite LONG before the movie ever arrived on the scene. I especially love the Willie Nelson cover of this song as well. His rendition is so simple--and also in a key that is much easier for me to sing along with.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/4/2019 11:22 am

    Quoting  :

I am sorry to learn that one of the brother in Righteous Brothers passed away due to over-dosage of cocaine. I am a pharmacist and don't use any narcotic or stimulant drugs that may form habit or addiction. Many famous singers or movie stars who became famous and rich very fast, they take those drugs as fashion. What a shame!!!

I like Celine Dion and Barbara Steisand who is clean in using drugs or any scandals.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/4/2019 11:18 am

my responses to "woaini1947" has been denied twice. I complained to Asia Friendfinder and got a reply as follows:

Thanks for contacting us. I looked into your reported issue and this is what i found. Initially everything that gets submitted to the site gets pulled back for a review before getting published if approved. Your reply was reviewed and denied due to it breaking our terms of use by the mention of drugs in it so this is why it was denied then deleted, thanks.

"woaini1947" mentioned cocaine got through but I wrote in capital "C" and got denied by Asia Friendfinder censor machine. I hope you can read my two denied responses.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/2/2019 8:16 pm

I had seen the movie "Ghost" at theater and re-run on TV several times. The movie "Ghost" acted by Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze that touched my heart. The song "Unchained Melody" is so beautiful sang by Righteous Brothers. The movie and the song are absolutely my favorite.

Please Google YouTube video "Righteous Brothers - Ghost - Unchained Melody - Traduction Française". It translated from English into French.

I absolutely like the movie and the song. You should see the movie and listen to the song.

Honesty is the best policy.