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Notre Dame Cathedral on fire On April 15, 2019 around 7 pm in Paris local time, a fire started in the historic Notre Dame Cathedral. The cathedral, which was undergoing renovations, suffered "colossal damages." The cause of the blaze remains unclear, but officials do not currently suspect terrorism or arson. The fire was finally extinguished on Tuesday morning. There were no deaths and only one firefighter reported injured. Construction on Notre Dame began in 1163 and was completed in 1345. French President Emmanuel Macron says he wants the Notre Dame Cathedral rebuilt in 5 years. “We will rebuild Notre Dame even more beautiful and I want that to be done in the next five years," he said. The donors include billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault, owner of the luxury group Kering, who pledged 100 million euros. His rival, billionaire businessman and owner of LVMH luxury goods group Bernard Arnault, said his family and company will donate 200 million euros. The Bettencourt Meyers family, owners of the French cosmetic company L'Oréal, said they and the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation will donate 200 million euros. The French oil company Total is pledging 100 million euros. Almost a dozen other French companies and banks are pledging tens of millions of euros more and technical expertise to aid the reconstruction, according to Reuters. In the United States, private-equity tycoon Henry Kravis and his wife, Marie-Josée Kravis, pledged $10 million and Apple CEO Tim Cook tweeted that his company will donate an unspecified amount to the rebuilding efforts "for future generations." President Trump spoke to French President Emmanuel Macron in a phone call this morning to offer condolences for the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement. "The United States stands with French citizens, the city of Paris, and the millions of visitors from around the world who have sought solace in that iconic structure," she said. Queen Elizabeth II "deeply saddened" by fire. Honesty is the best policy. |
Evil ISIS taught those ignorant French young people to kill people. I can't believe those French and Belgians went to Mid-East and government allowed them to return and killed so many innocent people. Don't let them come back!!! Honesty is the best policy.
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Correct me if I am wrong, I heard from the news that many French went to join with ISIS in Mid-East then came back to France. Those people are dangerous and they have been trained and changed their personalities became horrible terrorists. I love to travel, but until I saw peace in Mid-East, I won't step on those countries. I feel not safe and those men in Mid-East not respect women. Women have to dress cover-up from head to toe. It is not civilization to me. Honesty is the best policy.
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Propaganda goes both ways. This is not the place for this discussion you have asked me to join. Feel free to contact me privately or even start a different blog conversation where this content could be on-topic. And how about a few less questions at a time.....I don't wish to prepare a thesis..... Anyway, I don't like communist countries or people. They have been brainwashed by their governments. Their governments control their people. You don't need to answer my questions. You are responsible for your life. Have your way to live in communist China. Honesty is the best policy.
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PARIS—On November 13, 2015, terrorists claiming allegiance to the Islamic State opened fire in coordinated attacks across Paris, killing 130 people and wounding 494 others at the Bataclan concert hall and nearby cafés. Earlier that evening, two suicide bombers had blown themselves up outside the Stade de France, Paris’s main sports arena, where 80,000 people, including then-President François Hollande and one of his sons, were watching a soccer match. The November 13 attacks were the crescendo of a year that began with the slaughter of 12 people at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and four more at a kosher supermarket, a year whose aftershocks reverberated well into the summer of 2016, when another terrorist drove a truck into crowds celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, killing 86 and wounding hundreds of others. Honesty is the best policy.
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Compare with Bataclan shooting in Nov 2015, the Notre-Dame cathedral fire had no human injury or death. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Islamic State terrorists who attacked the Bataclan theater in Paris in Nov. 2015 not only killed scores of innocents — they also gouged out the eyes and sliced up the genitals of some of the victims, according to testimony in a disturbing French report. Some victims’ bodies from the 2nd floor of the theater had been beheaded, eviscerated and otherwise mutilated, according to two secondhand accounts reported to a parliamentary commission set up to investigate the attack. The investigation’s chair, conservative lawmaker Georges Fennec, complained to the commission that details of the mutilations have been kept from families and the press, according to an online transcript. He also said he had heard of one especially grievous account: The father of one victim had told him that his son had been disemboweled and castrated, with his testicles found in his mouth. “They had cut off his testicles,” Fenech said during testimony. French law-enforcement officials who also testified for investigators insisted, meanwhile, that there was no evidence that victim injuries were caused by anything other than gunfire and shrapnel. One official, Michel Cadot, the prefect of police in Paris, stressed that no knives were recovered from the scene. “Some of the bodies found at the Bataclan were extremely mutilated by the explosions and weapons, to the point that it was sometimes difficult to reconstruct the dismembered bodies,” said investigator Christian Saint. But Fenech stood by his account. “Someone put his testicles in his mouth,” he said. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That was a horrifying terrorist attack. ISIS is very cruel. The news I Googled today has even more horrible than I knew from the TV news in 2015. OMG, ISIS is worse than animal. Honesty is the best policy.
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I have been to 17 countries and still counting.... I wonder why you chose China? since when? what job you are doing in China? I don't intend to ply your privacy but if you want to talk about it in my blogs, you can. Don't you know China is a Communist country, their government controls their people, one party, no protest, no different opinions. I heard from many "Foreigners" who live in China said there are no Google search engine, no Gmail, no YouTube, no Google Maps, no Google Translate, no FaceBook, no Instigm, no Twitter, .... U.S. Constitution First Amendment "Freedom of speech, press and religion", they don't have. Baidu is the only choice they have for search engine, but under government censorship. How can you cope with those regulations? I couldn't live a day without Google, YouTube, freedom of speech, press and religion. Don't you know they have "Cultural Revolution" for a decade? K*lled millions of their own people? China don't give "Foreigners" PR (permanent resident) or even open a checking account at bank. How many years you have been in China? Don't you know Chinese government tortured and k*lled many "Falun Gong" people?? Many Chinese in rural area didn't see "Foreigners" in their lives, they don't speak English. They don't know all other countries but only China. Chinese don't know "bipartisan democracy", no presidential election. They don't know "checks and balances" their leaders. They think their government is always right and that is patriotism. But little does they know, it is easy to create a "dictator" such as Mao Jer-Dong in Cultural Revolution. Poor people followed the dictator Mao to k*ll millions of intelligent professors, principles, and teachers. Why did you go to China for such a corruptive country?? I escaped from them in 1980 to USA. Do you know Taiwan accept and treat "Foreigners" much better?
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Notre-Dame fire is an unfortunate event. I certainly understand how French people feeling for their loss. Did the fire investigation find out any one or any thing cause the fire? To say the least, the fire was not caused by terrorist or hatred or religion differences that in Sri Lanka Easter bombing. I believe that as your President, Emmanuel Macron, promised that Notre-Dame will be rebuilt within 5 years and even a better cathedral. There are so many rich companies (Louis Vuitton) promised to donate million EURO or USD, the Notre-Dame will be built a better cathedral in five years. Honesty is the best policy.
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Those are probably not real people with any opinion they care about. This sounds more like the internet plague we all know as TROLLS. Trolls are just ignorant a-holes who like to say outrageous crap just to get other people upset. In blogs all over the web-verse the constant message is "Do Not Feed the Trolls!" Getting angry with them and responding or worse, arguing with them, is exactly what they hope we will do. Best to just ignore them. Don't you know China is a Communist country, their government controls their people, one party, no protest, no different opinions. I heard from many "Foreigners" who live in China said there are no Google search engine, no Gmail, no YouTube, no Google Maps, no Google Translate, no FaceBook, no Instigm, no Twitter, .... U.S. Constitution First Amendment "Freedom of speech, press and religion", they don't have. Baidu is the only choice they have for search engine, but under government censorship. How can you cope with those regulations? I couldn't live a day without Google, YouTube, freedom of speech, press and religion. Don't you know they have "Cultural Revolution" for a decade? K*lled millions of their own people? China don't give "Foreigners" PR (permanent resident) or even open a checking account at bank. How many years you have been in China? Don't you know Chinese government tortured and k*lled many "Falun Gong" people?? Many Chinese in rural area didn't see "Foreigners" in their lives, they don't speak English. They don't know all other countries but only China. Chinese don't know "bipartisan democracy", no presidential election. They don't know "checks and balances" their leaders. They think their government is always right and that is patriotism. But little does they know, it is easy to create a "dictator" such as Mao Jer-Dong in Cultural Revolution. Poor people followed the dictator Mao to k*ll millions of intelligent professors, principles, and teachers. Why did you go to China for such a corruptive country?? I escaped from them in 1980 to USA. Do you know Taiwan accept and treat "Foreigners" much better? Honesty is the best policy.
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If you can't read the Chinese, I translate for you. Those ignorant Chinese gloat over (schadenfreude) French Notre-Dame fire, they thought is a patriotism but it is a chauvinism. They laughed, cheerful and applaud that Notre-Dame on fire is a revenge of French once burned down 圓明園. They even NEVER seen Notre-Dame, not even France, but they cheered and applaud over the fire. What ignorant people!!! This is not time for "an eye for an eye" retaliation. It certainly a chauvinist reaction.
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If you can't read the Chinese, I translate for you. Those ignorant Chinese gloat over (schadenfreude) French Notre-Dame fire, they thought is a patriotism but it is a chauvinism. They laughed, cheerful and applaud that Notre-Dame on fire is a revenge of French once burned down 圓明園. They even NEVER seen Notre-Dame, not even France, but they cheered and applaud over the fire. What ignorant people!!! This is not time for "an eye for an eye" retaliation. It certainly a chauvinist reaction. Honesty is the best policy.
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Some Chinese in China posted many comments on their internet to laugh about Notre Dame Cathedral fire is a punishment for France because French burned down 火燒圓明園 in China. 有一天,兩個強盜闖進了圓明園,一個強盜大肆搶劫,另一個強盜縱火焚燒······在歷史面前,這兩個強盜:一個強盜叫法蘭西,另一個強盜叫英吉利。 不可否認的是,愛國是我們一生的主旋律,我很愛我的國家,可我同樣欣賞和尊重其他文明的軌跡。如果一個人想用對聖母院大火的冷嘲熱諷表達自己的愛國主義,那就大錯特錯,只能將自己的無知與狹隘暴露的一覽無遺。畢竟就算以殘忍冷酷著稱納粹,也無法對全人類的瑰寶下手。 「我聽過一個故事,說的是佔領巴黎的德軍,當他們不得不撤離的時候,他們在巴黎聖母院埋了很多炸葯,但他們得留一個人來按爆破的按鈕。但那個人,那個士兵,他卻下不了手。他只是獃獃地坐著,驚嘆于這地方的美妙。當盟軍部隊到達的時候,他們發現炸葯還在那裡,但按鈕沒人碰過。」 此外,除了說「巴黎聖母院被燒是活該」的部分人,還有另一種人擅長冷嘲熱諷,說連巴黎聖母院都沒去過還好意思假惺惺地惋惜,不就是跟風,為了顯得自己逼格很高嗎? 我想說,還真不是。 就像當初霍金先生去世也有人嘲諷一樣,我沒見過霍金,他的書也沒讀過幾本,可我真的對他的學識和眼界表示敬仰,他的逝世是全人類的遺憾;我沒去過巴黎聖母院,甚至沒去過法國,但一點都不妨礙聽見「巴黎聖母院」這五個字在我腦海中勾勒出的美好肅穆畫面。 任何一種美麗的文化,都值得被紀念和珍重,值得被好好對待。 從來都應該只有被譴責的人和罪行,而沒有有罪的建築藝術。每一個藝術作品的損毀,都是整個人類的損失,我們窮極一生也將不能欣賞它們的美。 這個遺憾,無法彌補。 如果你對全人類的文化瑰寶沒有一點惋惜的話,那也將沒有任何資格提及圓明園。 在全球語境下看巴黎聖母院火災,每一種聲音都可能被打上國族標籤,一片痛心、惋惜和祈禱中,這種幸災樂禍的惡臭言論會格外顯得刺眼。在外國網友看來,他們會認為是「有中國網友如何如何說」,雖然這些偏激而惡臭的言論,完全是極端個別,完全代表不了什麼,但會讓所有國人覺得羞愧和不安。 巴黎聖母院浩劫,任何幸災樂禍都是對人類的犯罪,對人性、道德和文明共識的犯罪。我們都在傳統的掌心中,巴黎聖母院是巴黎的,是法國的,更是人類的,它見證着世界歷史,見證着人類文明的進步,凝聚着文化藝術的精華,記錄了人類為進步所做的抗爭、努力和關懷。人類同在一條船上,需要命運共同體意識,尤其面對一些共同的挑戰,戰爭、災難、殺戮、死亡、地震,這些讓每一個人都覺得自己很渺小、孤立無援的時刻,更需要共情共鳴,需要站在一起。 今天因為巴黎聖母院大火幸災樂禍的人,和因旅美展覽的兵馬俑被掰斷手指,所以宣稱要砍掉自由女神手臂的人,心中懷着的仇恨和偏狹,其實真的一點都不好看。 是的,那種為火災幸災樂禍的,那些拍手叫好的,只是極少數極個別,但此時此刻,再小的幸災樂禍聲,都讓人刺眼,都讓本就對災難無比痛心的人多了一層刺痛感。 從今天起,很多人的遺憾將又增加一個,至少十年內,前往法國的遊客將再也不能感受巴黎聖母院的魅力。 「文明可以重建,善良也可以」 目前為止,法國總統馬克宏表態:「我們將重建這座大教堂。」藍血奢侈品牌LV、Gucci也將出資三億歐元用於重建,相信後續將會得到更多的支持和關注。 幸運的是,這場大火中沒有人員傷亡,巴黎聖母院的主體結構得以保留,諸多珍貴的藏品也被搶救下來。 火,或許可以焚燬一座易燃的哥特式塔尖,卻不能燒燬卡西莫多心靈中的家園,那個見證了真善美的巴黎聖母院,是因為愛流芳百世,這種精神是不可能被燒燬的。 2019年4月16日,我們和之前的巴黎聖母院告別。 從此之後,我們也許只能在影像和照片中重溫它瑰麗的身影,在有生之年,我們也許都不能重新和它重逢。 但是,未來,這場大火一定會成為「巴黎聖母院」千年文明史上讓人銘記的一章,讓藝術和美浴火重生,更加燦爛奪目。但願這場火,讓我們明白,沒有什麼是永世長存的,巴黎聖母院會消失,可能地球也會,人類也會,只有文明、善良、藝術和美,才能讓我們的存在有意義。 人這一生,最常做的事就是等,等有錢了,等有空了,等將來,等以後,等下次,等來等去,留下的是遺憾,錯過的是永遠。 這世間,哪有什麼來日方長,只有世事無常。許多未完成的心願,其實一轉眼就來不及了。 所以,趁歲月靜好,年齡正好,及時去看遍所有想看的風景, 想去地方就要去,想做的事就去做。我們沒有時間去等待,我們有的也只有今天而已。 Honesty is the best policy.
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Thanks for your comment and compliment. I am NOT a journalist, just a retired pharmacist doing investments. I like to travel, listen to music, .... I am an atheist, Democrat, .... who was born and raised in Taiwan, emigrated to USA since 1980 (39 years). I am not a paid subscriber on Asia Friendfinder currently, so I can't read anyone's profile. But I like to come on Asia Friendfinder blogs to interact with other bloggers. The Asia Friendfinder blogs are the main reason for me to be on AFF. However, not many bloggers interact with me. I care about the world. Life is short, so I want to live the fullest as much as I can. I go travel, listen to the music to relax and care about the "current events" in every aspect, i.e. politics, religions, investments. I came on Asia Friendfinder mainly for blogs (quit SFF too many crazy people attacked me). Although I have encountered many scammers and attackers on AFF, but I keep my class and dignity and don't stoop their level trying to get even. I have my own opinions and stand on my feet firmly. If you have followed my many blogs, you should know who I am. Honesty is the best policy.
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The Twin Towers World Trade Center was replaced with the One World Trade Center which opened in 2015. Honesty is the best policy.
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There are three well-known iconic buildings that I've visited but now not available to visit. I visited U.S. East Coast in 1996 Christmas Eve to New Year Day of 1997. That trip during my marriage so I didn't post photos in my profile. That trip included New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Boston, Niagara Falls, Quebec Canada, .... Of course, the travel agency took us to the "World Trade Center Twin Towers" at 101 floor for tourists. You know that on the dreadful day of Sept 11, 2001 the terror attack, the 19 terrorists hijacked our planes into the tallest buildings in USA. The WTC Twin Towers crashed in front of all of us. It has been almost 18 years but we haven't rebuilt these 2 buildings in New York City. As I mentioned, I went to visit Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris in Christmas Eve 1995 to New Year's Day 1996. A fire started on April 15m 2019 evening that destroyed the cathedral that needs to rebuild for at least 5 years. Until then, the tourists can't visit this iconic church. I visited Las Vegas Sands casino and had lunch with my family and my mom. Few years later, they demolished that casino on Nov 26, 1996 at 2:05 A.M. The demolition was spectacular.
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There are three well-known iconic buildings that I've visited but now not available to visit. I visited U.S. East Coast in 1996 Christmas Eve to New Year Day of 1997. That trip during my marriage so I didn't post photos in my profile. That trip included New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Boston, Niagara Falls, Quebec Canada, .... Of course, the travel agency took us to the "World Trade Center Twin Towers" at 101 floor for tourists. You know that on the dreadful day of Sept 11, 2001 the terror attack, the 19 terrorists hijacked our planes into the tallest buildings in USA. The WTC Twin Towers crashed in front of all of us. It has been almost 18 years but we haven't rebuilt these 2 buildings in New York City. As I mentioned, I went to visit Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris in Christmas Eve 1995 to New Year's Day 1996. A fire started on April 15m 2019 evening that destroyed the cathedral that needs to rebuild for at least 5 years. Until then, the tourists can't visit this iconic church. I visited Las Vegas Sands casino and had lunch with my family and my mom. Few years later, they demolished that casino on Nov 26, 1996 at 2:05 A.M. The demolition was spectacular. Honesty is the best policy.
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There was a moment yesterday when authorities worried that almost all of Notre-Dame Cathedral would be lost. Thankfully, some 500 firefighters-and even one priest-worked to prevent that worst-case scenario, and much of the structure remains standing. Many of the cathedral's irreplaceable artworks and relics were also saved from the blaze. Honesty is the best policy.
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I have been to Europe (England, France, Netherlands, Belgium) from Christmas Eve of 1995 to January 2nd of 1996. It was a family trip of 4 and my mom with travel agency. We visited Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Effel Tower, Louvre Museum, Arc de Trimphe and Notre-Dame Cathedral de Paris. Paris is a beautiful city, so many places to see, so little time. When I was little, my mom (a Catholic) took me to see the movie "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame". So, I invited my mom to travel to Europe with my family in 1995 Christmas holidays. Notre-Dame is a beautiful cathedral that has been through World War I and II, Napoleon became an emperor at this cathedral. The cathedral's most precious relic — the Crown of Thorns — was saved by quick-thinking heroes. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo tweeted that the relic, believed to have been worn by Jesus Christ at his crucifixion, was among the pieces rescued from the fire. Honesty is the best policy.