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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
12/12/2019 10:47 am
Pro-Communists have been brainwashed

Communists and Pro-communists have been brainwashed and believe in k*lling, massacre and carnage will shut people's mouths and suppress people.

Pro-communists are rude and ignorant. They are chauvinists (盲目的愛國者). They don't know what is right, what is wrong. They are xenophobic and racists. They have been completly controlled by communist government. They don't know what "Democracy" is that they can vote for their leader. They don't know they have "human rights" live and freedom of speech, religion and press. They only have one political party, so that they are "silent lambs". There was a "Democracy movement" on June 4th about 30 ago, but failed by massacre the protestors. Their government massacred intelligent professors, scholars and rich property owners so that easy to control the less smart people. Their government censored people's emails, blocked (including , YouTube videos, Android cellphone, ,,,), blocked FaceBook, , so that their people don't know the outside world. They demolished the churches, temples, mosques, ... prohibited people talk about "Cultural Revolution" or "June 4th Democracy Movement". This is dictatorship, and totalitarianism.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/16/2019 10:27 pm

For all the Americans, no matter you are Democrats or Republicans, you have freedom of speech, religion and press. You have presidential election every 4 years. Despite the bipartisan system may seem one party attacks the opposite party, but that can prevent totalitarianism dictatorship.

USA has attracted so many countries people come to this "American dream" land. We don't need a racist who said in my blog that I am not a Caucasian and I was not born in USA and told me to go back to China (even though he knows that I am a Taiwanese-American). Of course, I have to delete his comment because he vilified me uneducated.

I posted those blogs just to show you what communists have done to their own people. Everything I have said are based on true facts. USA is an immigrant country as Americans came from England or Europe and declared independence 243 years ago.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/15/2019 9:46 am

    Quoting Ben19684:
    Communism is trouble...What China has done and seems inviting is allowing people to actually make money and of course you see the growth right across the country...Many ex pats live in China and are happy to be there. The people and history is fascinating...but one must always be wary. The government can and will crush you if they feel threatened....

    To stay in power they need to be ruthless...Russia's Josef Stalin summed it up best when he stated "Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem"
Many expats / foreigners even happier to live in Taiwan. Taiwan gives PR (permanent resident) and citizenship to live in Taiwan. Taiwanese are very friendly and kind to welcome and help expats and foreigners. You just don't know the fact to compare the two countries.

The democracy movement in Hong Kong has been over 6 months. What are they fighting for? It started from "extradition" to China and put in jail and NEVER can return. Hong Kong and Taiwan know much better CCP than you guys in the democracy freedom countries. The CCP wants to suppress any democracy voice by k*lling its own people that includes Hong Kong and Taiwan. Hong Kongers and Taiwanese are lucky to escape from Cultural Revolution, famine, ... but now the CCP extend these two areas after mainland China has grown stronger compare with the turmoil era since Cultural Revolution. Yes, China has grown economy but the basic "human rights" still not improving.

Do you know the expats / foreigners who live in China has been suspect as "spy" and always assign a Chinese to follow a expat / foreigner wherever the expat goes? CCP don't allow expat to open account at a bank, don't allow to obtain a PR visa, don't treat them as citizen. They can't use Google, FaceBook, Instagram, ... because those social media are blocked by CCP to Chinese people, let alone to expats / foreigners. There are many unfair treatment to expats you don't know. You can go to live in China and experience the inconveniences and unfair treatment yourself before you mentioned twice in my blogs. Go ahead to see for yourself. Their people see the expats as strange people and want to take pictures with you and take advantages to learn English that are kind Chinese. Some Chinese will scam you and approach you with girls and invite you to a certain coffee shop for coffee and charge you lots of money. You call for police and police can't help you. Many scammers in China, they think expats/ foreigners are rich and easy to be targeted.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/15/2019 9:18 am

CCP should apologize to their people for what have done in Cultural Revolution, June 4th Democracy Movement, famine, organ selling on Fulun Gon and Tibet and Xinjing prisoners, ... People have "human rights" to live. Do not k*ll the people have different opinions. Their totalitarian dictatorship is not working. North Korea leader, Kim Jong-Un, even worse than CCP. Kim even abetted people to assassinate his own brother at an airport few years ago. K*lling, massacre and carnage are criminal acts. People in communist countries should get democracy education and form another political party to against their government. However, they have been fully controlled and can't against their leaders. This is really sad.

Honesty is the best policy.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
12/14/2019 1:08 pm

Principle of quotPolicies and Issuequot is Important To People and Nations

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/13/2019 8:15 pm

    Quoting  :

Among the communist countries, North Korea is worse than China. People are very poor and they don't allow to get access of internet, TV, and they only can get radio and newspaper that are North Korea government, Kim Jong-Un, propaganda. The brainwash is even worse than China. People don't know the outside world. People worship Kim Jong-Un as their God. The country can afford to make nuclear missiles but people are hungry. North Korean people think their leader is the world powerful leader. In communist countries, they don't have bipartisan system to protect people if their leader is a dictator, such as Kim's three generations, from grandfather, to father to the son.

However, North Korea didn't say they will unify South Korea. Look South Korea is a very prosperous country. In South Korea, people can vote for their presidents, can impeach their previous female president. People can speak English (I mean educated people), get access to internet, TV, social media, ... everything we have in USA. South Korea is a freedom country.

Please compare the differences of communist and democracy countries. You will know what I am saying.

Some people might against what I said, but everything is under the Sun, who is right who is wrong. I am an honest person and said the truth, but many bloggers have attacked me, so I have to block them and deleted their comments.

"Like-mind think alike", I am glad you are agreed with me totally. Thanks.

Honesty is the best policy.

Ben19684 56M

12/13/2019 2:11 pm

Communism is trouble...What China has done and seems inviting is allowing people to actually make money and of course you see the growth right across the country...Many ex pats live in China and are happy to be there. The people and history is fascinating...but one must always be wary. The government can and will crush you if they feel threatened....

To stay in power they need to be ruthless...Russia's Josef Stalin summed it up best when he stated "Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem"

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/12/2019 11:22 am

It is sad to see those communists and pro-communists attacked me with names as "schizophrenia" and "uneducated". Everything I said are based on Real Truth and they are just scold me to get even. Those deplorable pro-communist people ignored the facts and sympathized the Chinese government.

The communist Russia let many countries became "Independent". The communist North Korea didn't want to unify Democracy South Korea, communist North Vietnam didn't want to unify Democracy South Vietnam, East Germany didn't want to unify Democracy West Germany even they speak the same language. As we know the communist side are poor in economy and been controlled. Democracy side are much more rich and prosperous. Americans were British citizen escaped to this land and fought with British military and declared "Independent".

Honesty is the best policy.