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1ClassyLady 69F
3137 posts
5/15/2020 10:55 pm
To Reopen or NOT to Reopen, That is the question

This blog topic has borrowed from Shakespeare Hamlet's ‘To Be Or Not To Be’ Soliloquy.

The Coronavirus pandemic has spread to the world. There are more than 4 million confirmed cases, more than 278 thousand lives died. In USA alone, there are 1.4 million confirmed cases and more than 81 thousand people died from Coronavirus. It is more than the 911 terrorist attack in 2001 of 2,996 persons died and Pearl Harbor 2,403 death toll in combined and ten times more. No wonder Trump is very angry, Americans are furious. Furloughed employees and lay-off gig workers from 3.5% soars 2 .7% according 2 Labor dept reported on May 8th. U.S. government issued "Emergency Stimulus Check" for $1,200 2 the unemployed. It is printing the m*ney but seems no other method 2 solve the problem at this time. Fed Reserve already lowered the interest rate 2 near zero %. This is worse than 19'30 recession.

Our lives have been changed since Covit-19, many businesses have 2 closed down, among the business the Travel industry is the worst.

1. Travel - Airline companies and cruise companies have tremendous loss. People sit next 2 each other in a row, no social distancing in the plane. Airline said they can remove the middle seats and adjust the A/C ducts, but the ticket prices have 2 increase 2 six times higher that passengers can't afford. Airline said they are selling the seats in the air. Airline will sanitize all the seat, aisle, and row. I am worry about the airline that I am going 2 Europe and river cruise line next year. There are hotels, motels, buses, museums, ... are also related 2 travel industry.

2. Restaurants and movie theaters - We are no longer can sit in a restaurant, enjoying the pleasant music, eating a delicious meal while checking the messages from smartphones. All the restaurant posted a note on the door "Take out or delivery only". At least restaurant can survive by "take out food", but they need 2 p*y rent, property tax, insurance, and overhead expenses, .... I once a pharmacy owner (self-employed), so I know those expenses.

3. Nail Pavilion and hair salons - I don't care about nail, but I need hair-cut and dye my hair every 4 weeks (the root is showing). All salon has closed for 2+ months long, my gray hair is showing. I called my hairdresser, she said they won't open until June or even later.

4. Shopping Mall - you can only order online and pick-up at store near you. Their employee will deliver to your car trun I normally like 2 window shopping (brick and mortar store), touch the material and try the dress on before I buy it.

5. Supermarket and grocery store - you need to wear a face mask and stand 6 ft apart on cashier's check out line. Supermarket and banks all taped 6 ft distance on the floor.

6. Elementary school to colleges - I don't have in the school, they are working. I don't know schools and colleges are open or close. My daugh*er is still working at a hospital in New York as a Resident doctor for OBGYN. She accepted a job offer to Texas in June. She said she works twelve hour shift every night and hospital full of Covit-19 patients. (New York city is the worst) My works from home for his newly job as a computer software.

7. Gym and Fitness center - 24hr Fitness has closed for 2 and 1/2 months due 2 coronavirus needs keep social distancing and sanitize the equipment. The Aqua Aerobics class I have attended also has been closed until further notice. I stay home watch CNBC and stock market.

There are many other jobs I didn't cover, but you can mention those jobs in the comments. Thanks.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
5/31/2020 2:01 am

    Quoting  :

I need to make a correction on my comment in one of my blogs.

I said 1/2 million of Wuhan city people escaped out of Wuhan in 12 hrs before Xi announced lockdown Wuhan city on January 23rd wee hour.

It should be 5 million of Wuhan city people escaped out of Wuhan in 12 hrs before Xi announced lockdown.

Five million is ten times of 1/2 million. Those 5 million Wuhan people first went to other provinces, then they traveled out of countries to spread the virus to the world. According to the Wuhan city mayor said on TV there were five million Wuhan people knew the news about lockdown and they ran out of Wuhan. That Wuhan city mayor is still having his job as mayor in Wuhan city, he has some sort of connection with CCP and CCP allowed him to say the truth on their national TV. He said 5 million Wuhan citizens out of Wuhan in Mandarin Chinese on a TV interview.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
5/31/2020 12:38 am

    Quoting beyondfantasy3:
    Life is far more important.. People Make Economies, a as long as people are alive, they will find means to create to promote exchange.
    The world gets an opportunity to "Re-set" in how it does business, in how it treats people.
    The nations that grasp this and move forward to rebuild in better ways, will be the nations that will fare well in the long term.

    People rushing to go back to Normal, is as if people live with a mindset of "Confabulation" about the past as normal. I think people will find that many will come to a point to realize their priorities have changed... and people will find ways to reshape their lives.

    I'm more interested in "Stability".... and
    my big concern is to "Stay Healthy".... without health nothing else matters...
My daughter is a MD in New York city working 12 hrs shift every day to save lives. She said it is very tough to see patients died.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
5/31/2020 12:30 am

    Quoting  :

CCP is extremely "thin skinned" about "Face", a word that means their proud. CCP only allow praise them, not allow different voices against them. In the beginning, CCP said from seafood market in Wuhan city. However, they covered-up the fact the severity of human to human transmission. When Trump and Xi on a phone conversation, Xi said the virus is controllable and it will gone by April when weather becomes warmer, just like SARS disappeared. Trump believed in Xi in order to have China fulfill their promise on Trade deal signed in mid-January to buy more U.S. agricultural products. Trump ordered to fly back all the Americans back and closed the Chinese airplanes to come to the USA on January 31.

When virus spread to the Asia, to Mid-East, to Europe (Italy, Spain, France, England, ...), finally to USA, Trump realized that China's ambition to be the world top #1 leader, Xi won't buy agricultural products from USA that will influence the presidential election in November, Trump got agitated. Then CCP impose security laws to Hong Kong with One Country, One System, Trump got really mad.

Hong Kongers and Taiwanese know well about CCP belligerent ambition because we believe in Democracy. Look around the world, the countries that don't believe in CCP got less death in coronavirus.

Do you know there is a very small country in Africa called "Lesotho" which has diplomatic relationship with Taiwan got only two deaths from coronavirus. Taiwan only has 7 deaths from coronavirus.

I am very sorry to hear that you have lost job due to coronavirus. You can apply for unemployment compensation. I remember you said you worked at a gym. Many gym and fitness center have closed because the pandemic. Many counties in Southern California have reopened for businesses with exception of Los Angeles County.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
5/20/2020 3:08 pm

Recently CCP wants factories to reopen businesses. Those factories have been forced to reopen, but the owners don't have new orders, or the existing orders have been cancelled, the owners can't afford to p*y employees salary nor rent or utilities. The weird things happened, the owner asked employees to go home, and then at midnight hours, the owner set fire to burn down the factories and claim loss to "fire insurance company". In the beginning, only a few factories, and then many other factories followed. Strange factory fire at midnight NOT by arsonist but by owner.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
5/20/2020 9:42 am

    Quoting  :

Do you think it is Okay for CCP to have so many massacres that k*lled 70 to 80 million Chinese? Do you think this coronavirus started from Wuhan city, China? Probably from P4 virology Laboratory near that filthy seafood market in Wuhan city? Are you an American citizen or a CCP sympathizer? Do you agree what CCP has done to its people? Who is to blame, CCP or Trump? Trump was hoping CCP to fulfill their promises to buy more U.S. agriculture products, soybean, pork, beef when CCP signed a trade agreement with Trump on January 15, Trump believed Xi who said this virus is controllable, not human to human transmissible, no need to transport Americans back to USA. Trump thought this pandemic would only spread in Asia, just like the SARS spread in Asia only. Trump has promised U.S. farmers that he will make CCP to buy our agriculture products as many farmers had committed suicide. Trump underestimated this coronavirus and CCP covered up the source of this pandemic and let out 500,000 Wuhan citizens out 12 hrs before Xi announced lockdown of Wuhan on January 23 wee hours. Wuhan city mayor has admitted on TV this 500,000 rich Wuhan citizens escaped within the 12 hrs notice. Those 1/2 million of Wuhan citizens have carried virus and they traveled out of China later to 182 countries.

I am bilingual in English and Mandarin, I understood what that Wuhan mayor said in Chinese on TV few days after Xi lockdown Wuhan city. I saw a map how those 500,000 Wuhan citizens traveled to 182 countries, to Italy, Spain, France, Iran, and USA.

CCP should p*y for the lives loss and financial loss in the world. CCP should be responsible for this pandemic spread to the world. Nobody blamed CCP massacres in China, but now this pandemic (started in China) spread to the world, the leaders of 122 countries including Russia, 25 countries in Africa, and all 26 countries in EU during W.H.A. two days meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on Monday, May 18th and 19th.

This pandemic started in China and CCP "Wolf Worriers" blamed to U.S. military and then blamed to Italy, Spain and France. Of course, Trump is very mad. I don't agree with Trump for many actions but I blame CCP much more than Trump. I don't trust CCP. You should realize the ignorant CCP cruelty to its own Chinese people and for all the people who died and suffered from coronavirus.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
5/20/2020 2:01 am

    Quoting beyondfantasy3:
    Life is far more important.. People Make Economies, a as long as people are alive, they will find means to create to promote exchange.
    The world gets an opportunity to "Re-set" in how it does business, in how it treats people.
    The nations that grasp this and move forward to rebuild in better ways, will be the nations that will fare well in the long term.

    People rushing to go back to Normal, is as if people live with a mindset of "Confabulation" about the past as normal. I think people will find that many will come to a point to realize their priorities have changed... and people will find ways to reshape their lives.

    I'm more interested in "Stability".... and
    my big concern is to "Stay Healthy".... without health nothing else matters...
I always think "Health is more important than Wealth". No matter how rich you are, if you die too soon, you can't enjoy your life. I am a retired healthcare profession, people's lives means a lot to me.

CCP has made lots of killing to their deplorable people. CCP didn't give their people "Human Rights". It has been 70 and half years, nobody has protested CCP. I want to help Chinese people, but CCP made too many huge mistakes, Chinese people has been brainwashed that they obeyed to CCP for whatever CCP had massacres on them are Okay. China was in recession their economy retreated 30 yrs from the world level. USA saw their cheap labor and large population and used Chinese as world factory. Many Europe countries followed U.S. footsteps and made China rich to the 2nd largest economy country. However, China thought foreigners are all bad people.

Those massacres were happened in China, so other countries helped to educate Chinese people what CCP has done to them are wrong. This coronavirus spread to the world made global death toll over 322 thousand people (Iran and China reported much lower death), now the European, American, Australia and New Zealand, Russian, .... 122 countries in W.H.O. video meeting joined together to do independent investigation for how this coronavirus started, what is the source. Unfortunately, CCP has ordered to destroyed all the evidence and reports. It will be difficult to find the fact.

Westerners underestimated this pandemic and thought it will only happen in China and Asia. However, half million Wuhan people have escaped out of China and spread the disease to 186 countries.

I have posted many blogs mentioned CCP guilty acts, but people attacked me. I just want to let people know "human rights" to live. Now the world know how wrong CCP are.

The tremendous financial loss in China and all around the world. It changed our lives. China won't get orders from foreign countries, their unemployment rate will soar to very high (probably 25 in next quarter GDP growth rate. Many countries also hit high unemployment rate. The economy will be down and people will be suffering.

When to reopen businesses is a big dilemma?? Each state governor can make decision how and when to reopen what kind of businesses according to their state situation. New York state is the most serious state. Taiwan is the #1 in defending coronavirus, only 7 deaths, GDP growth rate is still in positive. Many country leaders have praised Taiwan that done a good job.

Do you know Taiwan??

Honesty is the best policy.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
5/19/2020 9:31 pm

Life is far more important.. People Make Economies, a as long as people are alive, they will find means to create to promote exchange.
The world gets an opportunity to "Re-set" in how it does business, in how it treats people.
The nations that grasp this and move forward to rebuild in better ways, will be the nations that will fare well in the long term.

People rushing to go back to Normal, is as if people live with a mindset of "Confabulation" about the past as normal. I think people will find that many will come to a point to realize their priorities have changed... and people will find ways to reshape their lives.

I'm more interested in "Stability".... and
my big concern is to "Stay Healthy".... without health nothing else matters...

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
5/19/2020 11:06 am

    Quoting  :

We are lucky to be Americans. We can criticize the presidents who are people elected. We can vote for the president who we think he can lead the USA to a better future. We have NEVER had Cultural Revolution, Great Famine, Tienanmen Square Massacre, One child policy, Organ Harvesting Falun Gong practitioners (too cruel), Suppress Hong Kong protesters, weapon threaten Taiwan, now its coronavirus has k*lled more than 322+ thousand people globally.

You should love the USA, be a patriot. To say the least, Trump has never k*ll a person, but CCP has k*lled 70 to 80 million of their people and controlled their people to be "silence lambs" for 70+ years. Plus now their coronavirus spread to the world and k*lled 322+ thousand of people. CCP brainwashed their people and many Chinese became "50 cents Army" to attack other countries internet blog online. CCP censorship blocked the news they don't want their people to know. When the Americans got the highest infected people and death toll is high, CCP put up the news for Chinese to read. A Chinese store put a banner on their store "celebrate USA got coronavirus the most serious".

CCP educated Chinese that they have the top #1 weapon in the world and Xi pipe dreamed about "One Belt, One Road" to be the ruler of the world. Now the whole world realized CCP attention and will sue China for what they have done.

It was CCP's fault to cover-up the coronavirus outbreak and human to human transmission. it was not Trump's fault, at least Trump transported Americans in China back to the USA on January 31. Otherwise, the situation probably will be even worse. We have freedom of speech, religion and press, but we need to recognize the facts, not just keep criticize or call Trump by name as buffoon. Xi prohibited his people to call him "Winnie the pooh" as he walked side by side with Obama in a picture.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
5/18/2020 10:18 am

    Quoting  :

I have retired from pharmacist job for 11 years. I became a Real Estate and Stock market investors using my mom's name during her last 5 years stayed in my home and she already passed away for six years. I am doing much better in my investment than pharmacist job.

I would blame this coronavirus pandemic on CCP and W.H.O. than on Trump. Trump was fooled by Xi when they had a phone call, Xi told Trump that coronarirus will be disappeared by April when the weather become warmer. Also, W.H.O. was bribed by CCP and didn't warn the world that Covit-19 is not human to human transmission. Until January 23rd, Xi announced to lockdown Wuhan city, then W.H.O. changed to say the disease is controllable. No need to transport Americans in China back to USA. Trump insisted to transport all Americans back on January 31st with an American airplane. It is a fact that USA is the 2nd country to citizens back to country. At that time, the Westerners thought this coronavirus is an Asian flu, not serious. Before CCP lockdowned Wuhan city, there are 12 hours of time for 500 thousand of Wuhan citizens to escape out of Wuhan according to Wuhan mayor in a TV interview. Wuhan mayor said those 1/2 million Wuhan citizens escaped to other provinces in China first, and then they ran out the China to 185+ countries, to Italy, to Iran, to South Korea, to Japan, to Spain, to USA. They carried coronavirus disease and spread to the world.

Taiwan is the best country in defending coronavirus, only six people died. Taiwan is the first country to lockdown the entire world especially from China. Taiwan has the SARS experience from China spread SARS to Taiwan in 20'03. When Xi announced to lockdown Wuhan city on January 23rd, Taiwan citizens immediately put on the face masks since that day. Taiwan increased the speed of machine that making facial masks to 24/7. Taiwan became very famous. Taiwan donated 18 million masks to the world, top quality masks. Taiwan donated more than tens million dollars to Italy when a Catholic priest in Taiwan for 25+ years plead for help from Taiwanese people. Yes, Taiwanese donated more than that Italian priest asked for, more than tens million. It is a fact.

Taiwan donated masked to Czech Republic, Italy, Japan, USA, Canada, France, Singapore, and many other countries masks. Please check the fact. The truck of masks with a big label "Taiwan can Help", "Taiwan is Helping". Taiwan is a small country that under the pressure of China for 70 yrs. Finally the world has seen how good is Taiwan. Many praise from USA, Canada, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, .... and many others. I don't lie. You don't know Taiwan, but you only know China, a communist country.

China has signed trade agreement with Trump after the Taiwanese presidential election on January 11th this year. Trump wanted China to follow up their promise to buy U.S. agriculture products, soybean, pork, beef, ... that Trump promised to farmers that China will buy U.S. products and reduce USA/ China trade deficit.

You should see how CCP treated their Chinese people in the past and present. CCP lied about the coronavirus source (from P4 Lab, possible), hoarding masks from every country in the world before the pandemic spread to the world, how CCP suppressed Hong Kong protestors, organ harvesting Falun Gong practitioners, weapon threaten Taiwan even during the coronavirus period. I don't know why you are blind all those facts and said so many good things on CCP. You sent 600 facial masks to China before the pandemic spread to the world. Don't you know USA short of toilet paper, facial masks, hand sanitizer for long time??? Don't you love your country, USA?? Are you a patriot to China or USA?? Are you too left wing to communist because your hatred of Trump?

I have misunderstood Trump when he just he just inaugurated. Trump wanted to be friends with Russia, North Korea, and China three communist countries. I was scared. Trump fired too many his cabinet personnel, inject disinfectants (Lysol, Clorox) into body, ... so many idiotic actions. But now Trump realized he can't associate with Putin, Kim, and Xi. Trump and Pence should wear masks and keep social distancing of 6 ft with his cabinet personnel including CDC, Virus Force team.

CCP will go down, you will see.... China economy will go down. The unemployment rate will blow sky high because no order from many countries that don't trust China. There are many countries including Africa countries are suing China for their lost lives and financial loss. W.H.O. will be sued also. Just wait and see in the foreseeable future.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
5/17/2020 10:18 am

AFF has deleted all the "to" words in my blogs once I edited. Asia Friendfinder automatic censor is very sensitive to Arabic numbers. Asia Friendfinder also not allow the word "pay".

Furloughed employees and lay-off gig workers from 3.5% soars 2 14.7% according 2 Labor dept reported on May 8th should be read as from 3.5% soars to 14.7% according to Labor dept reported on May 8th.

I wonder if Asia Friendfinder is controlled by CCP censorship?

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
5/16/2020 11:36 pm

Retail store, JC Penny has 118 years history forced to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection due to coronavirus on Friday, May 15th.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
5/16/2020 8:43 am

Taiwan only has six people died from coronavirus. The world best country in defending coronavirus.

The restaurants, beauty salon, shopping mall, schools and colleges are continuously open, no lockdown. People wear masks and spray hand sanitizer, free to go anywhere but keep a social distance.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
5/15/2020 11:16 pm

To reopen, you need to make sure the Covit-19 has gone.
Not to reopen, you need to worry about rent, property tax, insurance, employee's pay-check, overhead expenses. How long has to wait is a dilemma.

People's lives and economic loss, which is more important?? People need to work to make a living, so that they can pay for their mortgage payment, living expenses, car insurance, .... etc.

Honesty is the best policy.