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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
6/7/2020 5:08 pm
UK promise to give millions of Hong Kong citizens a path to UK citizenship

Not only Boris Johnson’s promise give millions of Hong Kong citizens a path UK citizenship is a remarkable offer from a government, but also asked "Five Eyes Alliance" that includes Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA, Taiwan is willing take some Hong Kong citizens.

Ever since CCP has suppressed Hong Kong protestors last year on "Extradition" and recent passed "National Security Laws" on Hong Kong, the Hong Kong citizens started to escape from CCP to other countries. Hong Kong once a British colony and been educated as "Democracy" and "Freedom of Speech, Religion and Press", HongKongers can't endure CCP's communism. So, Britain is willing to take Hong Kong citizens to UK. However, Hong Kong has near 7.5 millions of people, so British asked "five Eyes Alliance" to help o*t. Taiwan has same language with Hong Kong (different local dialect though), there are many HongKongers already left Hong Kong and emigrated to Taiwan. Taiwan is a small island with 23.8 million people, can't take too many Hong Kong people. Taiwan welcomes Hong Kong citizens but the island is too small. HongKongers can have 6 choices of UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA and Taiwan.

Photo 1: Pro-democracy protesters are detained by police during a demonstration in Hong Kong on May 27

Photo 2: A protester in Hong Kong holds a British National (Overseas) passport during a protest against China’s national security legislation for the city.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
7/7/2020 9:51 pm




Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/22/2020 5:38 pm

Hong Kong police brutality is even worse than White cops to Black men in USA.

Hong Kong police possible mixed with PLA (People's Liberation Army 中国人民解放军). They arrested female Hong Kongers and r*ped them then dumped into the ocean at night. When fishermen found the n*ked female bodies on ocean, the H.K. police said those are suicidal. How can a girl wanted to suicide, took off all her dresses and jumped into ocean?? It is impossible. It is HK police took off female dresses to avoid people identify (no ID card in pocket) who was the victim.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/13/2020 9:33 pm

The Sunday Express has learnt that ministers are considering how to support Taiwan more and could defy Beijing and formally recognize it within the next five years. As the coronavirus fallout continues with China there is increasing anger over how the Communist regime has treated Hong Kong and is now threatening Taiwan. A source told the Sunday Express “don’t be surprised if we end up recognizing Taiwan and joining others in defending it with military assets.”

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/10/2020 6:17 pm

All lives matter!!! It doesn't matter what you skin color, but it matters "Human Rights". Government or leaders should "LOVE" people, not his political future, especially CCP. Do NOT "organ harvesting" Falun Kong practitioners or Tibetan or Wegers or Christians for m*ney. They are not criminals but just different opinions with CCP.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady replies on 6/10/2020 8:24 pm:
Correction: Tibetan or Uyghurs.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/10/2020 8:25 am

There are many female detainees n*ked dead bodies floating on the Hong Kong ocean, some female had been forced to push down from tall building, some hang on rope as they were suicide forcefully. No police investigated those cases. Their cases became unknown "suicidal". There are so many injustice for those Hongkongers to send back to China.

Where is "Human Rights"?

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/9/2020 9:47 am

China has suspended debt repayments for 77 developing countries and regions as part of the G-20 debt relief initiative to help impoverished countries weather economic difficulties amid the coronavirus pandemic, in spite of its own country's economy in real danger of plunge to recession. Xi doesn't care of his people in financial crisis and strictly suppression on HongKongers protest. He wants to keep the Hong Kong land but not the people in Hong Kong as well as Taiwan. He has no heart for people's lives. He just wants the votes of those 77 developing countries in UN, W.H.O. and W.T.O. He thinks he can change the whole world to be communists.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/7/2020 5:51 pm

It is sad to see how CCP has k*lled its 80 million people in China, spread the coronavirus to the world claimed 405,074 deaths. CCP saw Hong Kong's prosperity and wants to keep to its own by suppressing different voice: Democracy. It is sad to see "Today's Hong Kong, Tomorrow's Taiwan".

My mom had seen this tyranny CCP since 19'78 and took me to USA in 19'80. The USA has helped from a sick cat to become a tiger. CCP has brainwashed Chinese for 70.5 yrs and become silent lambs, Xi thought it was easy to brainwash the whole world using "One Belt, One Road" and to control UN, W.H.O., W.T.O. and isolated Taiwan from the world. Little does CCP knows, the coronavirus prevention in Taiwan made Taiwan very famous. The world sees the corruption of China and W.H.O. general director, Dr. Tedros.

The CCP became 2nd largest economy country and they wanted challenge the USA and become an "Emperor of the world". It is Xi's pipe dream. USA and Europe even Africa countries, Asia countries all realized to remove the factories from China back to their countries. Once those countries are no longer depend on China for production, China is OVER. Their real estate will collapse, unemployment rate will shoot to the sky, their economy will back to the Mao's era. Just wait and see....

Honesty is the best policy.