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Blogs > 1ClassyLady > U r responsible for ur life |
長江三峽大壩危險! 水位飆漲大雨不停, 6億人恐面臨潰堤危機 中國自進入6月以來,各地不停傳出暴雨成災的消息,昨日重慶綦江更是江水暴漲,形成80年來最大洪水,綦江沿岸的一樓商舖全遭淹沒,甚至有不少房舍與橋梁被大水沖垮。但老天爺似乎不給長江沿岸有喘息的空間,今日中國中央氣象台對長江沿岸10省發布暴雨黃色警報,且長江三峽大壩水位持續飆漲,甚至超出防洪限制近2公尺,因此有部分外界人士擔心,長江沿岸6億人恐怕正在面臨三峽大壩隨時會潰堤的危機。 今年6月以來,中國南方的氣象就不安靜,長江的上、中、下游不斷傳出災情,昨日除了重慶綦江,貴州遵義一樣也是大雨成災,大水淹沒大樓低樓層,並出現土石流災害。但今日長江一帶的氣候依舊不穩定,今日早上中國中央氣象台持續對長江沿岸10省發布大雨警報,包括湖南、湖北、安徽、浙江、上海、貴州,甚至是西藏東南部等地區,今日都會出現暴雨、大風、大雷等強烈熱對流氣候,極度不穩定。 另外《央視》更報導指出,受到近日強降雨影響,長江三峽大壩水位已經超出防洪限制近2公尺。旅居德國的中國水利專家王維洛在接受《自由亞洲電台》訪問時,就憂心地表示:「三峽大壩工程根本沒有政府誇口的防洪能力!」他表示三峽大壩現在面臨長江中上游暴雨、下游也暴雨的極端氣候狀態,大壩潰堤的風險永遠存在,而且中國在世界上是潰壩率最高的地方,是平均水準1倍以上。王維洛分析,中國潰壩率高的原因有三:50%來自大壩的設計錯誤,比如庫容設計太小、低估暴雨影響;40%來自工程品質太差,10%則是運行出錯。 長江中下游是中國人口密集度非常高的地方,總人口約有6億人,若長江三峽大壩真的潰堤,首當其衝的就是70萬人居住的宜興。中國水利部日前也警告,今年以來中國全國累積降雨量,比往年同期多6%,珠江流域的西江、北江,長江流域的湘江和鄱陽湖水系,浙江錢塘江水系等地148條河流,都超過警戒線水位。中國水利部指出,部分河川出現超過歷史紀錄的洪水,顯示「防汛形勢很嚴峻」。不過中國微博上現在也出現另一種聲音,稱長江三峽大壩很堅固,連核彈來襲都能抵擋。 Honesty is the best policy. |
三峡大坝大祸至?惊曝真实现况 最重要数据消失!超警19米还涨 3天暴涨8米 开6孔泄洪 Honesty is the best policy.
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快逃啊!中國抗洪祭最後殺招「保武漢、棄鄱陽」動員百輛車全村撤離! Honesty is the best policy.
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暴雨突襲南京城,全城多處積水超1米,氣象局連暴雨黃紅預警,路上很多車輛熄火,路人行路不便,南京城開啟看海場景,出現不起SHI故,預計未來幾天還會有暴雨到來。 Honesty is the best policy.
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27省、3800萬人中國經濟核心全泡在水裡 習近平認了「形勢十分嚴峻」! Honesty is the best policy.
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重庆连发暴雨雷电预警,16个区县104个雨量站达暴雨,最大雨量182.4毫米(永川大桥村),9座水库扛不住同时泄洪,下游一片汪洋,水穿楼再现,重庆暴雨还要持续。 Honesty is the best policy.
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9,000 People Evacuated In Jianxi, China; Financial Troubles For Chinese Military Company. Honesty is the best policy.
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洩洪長江水位暴漲武漢被淹, 連發35天暴雨預警上海列首位, 內幕:三峽工程欺世暗地上馬 湖北11省市紅色預警 潛江升最高級 三峽大壩垮?網用數學一算嚇死 內幕:長江回遷部落有百萬人. 湖北11縣市紅色預警 潛江防汛應急升至一級 連發35天暴雨預警 長江中下游汛情告急 中共急列上海暴雨黃色預警首位 三峽泄洪長江水位暴漲 武漢江灘被淹沒 河南鄭州涌噴泉 內蒙包頭現異樣雲 北京、河北突降冰雹 三峽大壩泄洪無用?網用數學公式一算嚇死 重慶奇景"陽台掛瀑布" 居民至今不敢回家住 三峽大壩恐奪上億條人命?學者曝致命危機竟非變形 內幕:三峽工程欺世大謊 暗地上馬 長江回遷部落有百萬人 上游被大肆開發成景點變禍害 Honesty is the best policy.
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三峽大壩 中共正在掩蓋的最大事 蓄水位147米不是問題 央視詭異 暴雨預警持續至7月中 土壤水量飽和 滅頂之災最重要原因之一是...已從萬年一遇淪為"別指望"暴雨後垃圾歸宿是三峽大壩. 三峽電機首次全開不提滿負荷洩洪,黨媒宣傳報三峽大壩美景 蓄水位147米對三峽不是問題,央視刻意報導引恐慌啥意思 觸目驚心暴雨過後,這些垃圾的歸宿是三峽大壩 26省逾千萬人次受災鐵路沖毀山洪奪命,重慶和武漢淹水! 暴雨預警連續23天 持續至7月中 土壤含水量近飽和 湖北680座水庫超出防洪限制水位 網友關註三峽大壩,評論犀利 Do you want to gamble your lives on Three Gorge Dam may or may not broke?? That Aussie blogger said Three Gorge Dam won't break, what if you listen to him, can you ask him to pay back your life?? I meant well to warn people to flee, but they say they bet the dam won't break. They bet on 600 millions Chinese people's lives. Can they guarantee? Honesty is the best policy.
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Old Ghost: You have been blocked again. You are a CCP pro-communist, NOT welcome to comment in my blogs. Shame on you to brown nose CCP and said all Chinese not need to escape from the Three Gorge Dam flooding. You are a hater. You like to see blood and death corpses floating on the rivers in China. Honesty is the best policy.
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北京危機爆表, 習近平, 李克強, 7常委, 都不見了. They fled and don't care Chinese people. Honesty is the best policy.
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暴三峡大坝论证不包括百姓安全 中共治下灾害是史上几十倍 专家: 早准备库区居民也快逃 --- 80年最大洪水 三峡上游全报警 如溃坝一天南京被毁直冲上海 江泽民造孽 胡温不愿背黑锅. My computer keyboard can't type Chinese. I "copy and paste" the news. Honesty is the best policy.
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你是惟恐天下不乱 災難才開始, 最強雨彈橫掃長江流域 中國官方紅色警戒是「趕快逃」! 暴雨狂炸!三峽大壩水位再升高1公尺 1/4中國陷泡水屋倒人毀危機! 80年最慘洪災重慶山城變水城 暴雨橙色警戒大水沖垮鐵路橋斷屋毀! The flooding ruined agriculture products and animal meat supplies for the people that still alive. The food scarce is a big problem. Honesty is the best policy.
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災難才開始, 最強雨彈橫掃長江流域 中國官方紅色警戒是「趕快逃」! Honesty is the best policy.
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你是惟恐天下不乱 Honesty is the best policy.
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6/23/2020 8:55 am |
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I know Chinese in Mainland China can read Asia Friendfinder blogs. Your government CCP won't warn you because they only tell people good news, but cover-up the bad news. I wish this Three Gorges Dam won't break, but if it break it will be very powerful. You'd better flee out while you can. If the dam won't break, you can move back. I am living in Southern California, but I care about your people. CCP won't care about you. If you can't read English, here is the Chinese expert said 三峡水库的静库容按1992年4月3日人民代表大会法定为221.5亿立方米,但那是秋冬早春的库容,是介于海拔145米和175米之间的静库容,是浪漫诗人高峡出平湖的静库容。夏汛时则必须由动库容决定,因为平均宽一公里长度600公里极其狭窄的所谓三峡水库,要“翘尾巴”。即三峡大坝坝前水位在海拔147米时,600公里上游重庆市朝天门下游8公里的寸滩水文站已经翘到海拔185米了,这是2019年7月19号本人根据长江水情报告做的记录,当时重庆朝天门水库不但所有阶梯入水,连朝天门门洞都淹没大半了。本人根据自己做的三峡水库时程线,得到当时洪峰的三峡水库动库容只有区区76亿立方米,是静库容的约三分之一,也就是说洪峰时节的动库容远远低于221.5亿立方米。当日三峡水库的入库流量超过了每秒7万立方米,而大坝的泄洪流量控制在每秒4万立方米,勉强保住下游武汉不被淹没。今年黑天鹅是70年以来最大洪水,愿上苍念人世草民可怜,手下留情吧! Honesty is the best policy.
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Flee, escape, move out of Wuhan, Nanjing, and even Shanghai ASAP. Run but not walk out those area while you can. It is very urgent matter. I am warning you. The dam might break and create a disaster for 600 million people living in those area if the dam broken. I post this blog to warn you in good intention. Honesty is the best policy.
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For English readers ....... Expert warns China's Three Gorges Dam in danger of collapse. Residents in lower reaches of Yangtze River should brace for evacuation: Chinese hydrologist As torrential rains in China continue to wreak havoc on more than 24 provinces, notable Chinese hydrologist Wang Weiluo (王維洛) has questioned the safety of the massive Three Gorges Dam, warning that it could collapse at any moment. In southern China, regional rainstorms and mudslides that began on June 1 have uprooted more than 7,300 houses and affected nearly eight million people as of Monday morning (June 21). The immediate economic loss is estimated at 20.6 billion RMB (US$2.9 billion) by local officials. The nonstop downpours have also raised the Chinese public's concerns over the potential bursting of the world's biggest hydropower project. Despite government assurances that the dam is structurally sound, Wang has taken an opposing view and claimed that the facility is not as stable as many have been led to believe, reported New Talk. Wang pointed out that the dam's design, construction, and quality inspection were all carried out by the same group of people and that the project was finished too quickly. He said that even Chinese Vice Minister of Water Resources Ye Jianchun (葉建春) confessed at a June 10 press conference that water levels of at least 148 rivers in the country have risen above warning thresholds, which proves that the Three Gorges Dam has a limited effect on flood control. Rather than commenting on the validity of the images showing the dam's warping a year ago, Wang said a more serious concern is the cracks and substandard concrete discovered during its construction. He said a failure of the dam would have catastrophic consequences for individuals residing in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and that they should prepare for evacuation as soon as possible. Honesty is the best policy.