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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
7/1/2020 7:24 pm
China’s campaign of ‘genocide’ could bring the U.S. and E.U. closer together

First of all, I received an article from my PhD physicist friend who read and share with me with link 3 days ago. I also heard the same information from CNBC yesterday.
The world knows about the dystopian situation in Xinjiang 新疆, a region in the far west of China that’s home to Turkic Muslim ethnic minorities. In recent years, more than a million Uighurs 維吾爾族人, once the predominant ethic group in the area, have been detained in a sprawl of camps and “reeducation” centers as part of an Orwellian program implemented in the name of “counterterrorism.” Critics and survivors claim it’s tantamount to a form of ethnic cleansing, aimed at squashing the region’s distinct cultures and identities.

Newly published investigative research showcases the depths of Beijing’s Xinjiang 新疆crackdown. For years, Chinese authorities have tried to suppress the birthrates of Uighurs 维吾尔族人 and other ethnic minorities in the region, according to a story published by the Associated Press and a study by German researcher Adrian Zenz, a veteran chronicler of repression in Xinjiang.

“Once in the detention camps, women are subjected to forced IUDs and what appear to be pregnancy prevention shots, according to former detainees. They are also made to attend lectures on how many they should have,” the AP reported. “Seven former detainees told the AP that they were force-fed birth control pills or injected with fluids, often with no explanation. Many felt dizzy, tired or ill, and women stopped getting their periods. After being released and leaving China, some went to get medical checkups and found they were sterile.”

Previous survivor testimonies have detailed forced sterilization being carried out in the camps, but new research reveals a chillingly systematic campaign. According to the AP, birthrates in some Uighur areas维吾尔自治区 of Xinjiang新疆 fell by 60% from 20'15 to 20'18. Though China has a decades-long history of draconian family planning edicts, it has relaxed measures such as the “one-” policy and is even trying to encourage families from the Han Chinese majority to have more . The national birthrate declined some 4.2% last year, but in Xinjiang, it fell 24%.

p.s. IUD is an "intrauterine device" - a little, t-shaped piece of plastic inserted into the uterus to provide birth control.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
7/2/2020 10:03 am

Do you condemn or praise on a regime that k*lling, massacre, carnage, Holocaust, ... in order to keep their "emperor" dream? The regime who against all human lives, ignore "human rights", neglect the humanity. Any normal person will condemn and punish these kind of regime, such as CCP and North Korea.

The USA and Europian countries have neglect these communist countries cruelty and made them richer after Cultural Revolution recession. It has been 40 yrs. Until the coronavirus pandemic spread to the world, Westerners realized what they have done wrong to the monsters. People used to think those k*lling are far away, and as long as the k*lling not happen on me, it is Okay to ignore the facts. The pandemic woke *p the U.S. and E.U. leaders what communists can destroy human lives.

However, there are still lots of ignorant people in the world who believe in k*lling leaders.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
7/1/2020 7:41 pm

We are all human beings. Why do CCP do this anti-humanity act to people? Why CCP had to control people?

President Trump has signed legislation calling for sanctions on those responsible for China’s forced labor camps targeting Uighur Muslims and other Muslim minority groups.

Trump signed the bill, formally entitled the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020, on Wednesday, a White House official confirmed. It was approved by the House and Senate in May.

In a statement issued Wednesday, Trump said the legislation “holds accountable perpetrators of human rights violations and abuses such as the systematic use of indoctrination camps, forced labor, and intrusive surveillance to eradicate the ethnic identity and religious beliefs of Uyghurs and other minorities in China.”

Honesty is the best policy.