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People are burning documents at the Chinese Consulate in Houston, the US gave it 72 hrs to shut down People were seen burning documents at the Chinese Consulate in Houston, and fire services were called to the scene. The police told multiple outlets that people were burning documents in what appeared to be open trash cans. It is not clear what those documents were. It came as China said the US ordered the consulate to be closed in an "unprecedented escalation." Chinese state media reported that the US had given China 72 hours to close it. The State Department said the closing was ordered to protect American intellectual property and Americans' private information. China painted the decision in light of strained US-China relations, claiming the US "has repeatedly stigmatized China," and vowed to retaliate if the US did not reverse its order. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next Chinese Consulate to be shut down could be in San Francisco as a fugitive researcher 'hiding in San Francisco consulate. ![]() ![]() Honesty is the best policy. |
針對唐娟隱瞞中共軍人身份等問題 聯邦大陪審團將於8月10日在Sacramento聯邦法庭提審. Honesty is the best policy.
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唐娟(Juan Tang)一度藏身的中共驻旧金山总领事馆。 被控签证欺诈罪的中共女军官唐娟(Juan Tang)周一(7月27日)首次在美国联邦法院出庭,但令人意外的是,尽管中共驻旧金山总领事馆此前曾藏匿这名军方研究人员,但却并未帮她聘请律师,疑似已将其放弃,任其自生自灭。 37岁的唐娟周一下午以视频形式首次出庭。由于她未聘请律师,法庭为她指定了一名联邦公设辩护人( federal public defender)。 公设辩护人希瑟•威廉姆斯(Heather Williams)寻求让唐娟获得保释,但加州东区联邦法院地方法官黛博拉•巴恩斯(Deborah Barnes)裁定,唐娟存在潜逃的可能,因此下令将她继续关押。 唐娟将于8月10日接受法庭初审。 美国司法部上周对唐娟及另外3名现居美国的中国研究人员提起诉讼,指控他们在申请美国签证时隐瞒了其中共军人的身份。4人中,除了在加州大学戴维斯分校(UC Davis)做访问学者的唐娟以外,还包括在加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF)从事研究的王鑫(Xin Wang,音译),在斯坦福大学进行脑部疾病研究的宋琛(Song Chen,音译)和在印第安纳大学学习人工智能的研究生赵凯凯(Kaikai Zhao,音译)。 检方称,唐娟6月份接受了联邦调查局(FBI)特工的问讯,但之后她便躲进了中共驻旧金山领事馆以寻求庇护。上周五,在她走出中领馆后,美国法警逮捕了她,并把她羁押在在萨克拉门托县监狱(Sacramento County Jail)。 尚不清楚唐娟是“自愿”走出其藏身的中领馆、还是被中共政府要求离开的,但其周一出庭所依靠的竟是法庭指定的公设辩护律师,这着实令人意外。几乎不会有人质疑这位颇具资历的研究人员有聘请律师的经济实力,但周一的迹象却显示,她没有力争为自己减罪,而中共也没有尽力保护她的意愿,似乎已将其放弃。 Honesty is the best policy.
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Chinese consulate in Houston has been closed, American consulate in Chendu has been closed for "tit for tat", but there are some differences. 1) The Chinese employees of Chinese consulate in Houston locked all the doors from inside before they left the consulate. U.S. law enforcers have to break down the door from the back in order to enter the premise. 2) The PLA (people liberation army) communist soldier, 唐娟(Juan Tang) has been pushed out of Chinese consulate in San Francisco at midnight hours. U.S. law enforcers arrested her and she will be in a courthouse for a trial that she faked her PLA soldier as regular citizen to apply visa to come to USA. When CCP needed 唐娟(Juan Tang) to spy USA, they let her inside of Chinese consulate in San Francisco. When CCP don't need her, they pushed her out of door. 3) China use TV and online to broadcast the real-time news to videotape every movement of American consulate in Chendu. There are snipers on roofs of the surrounding buildings, there are fire trucks on the scene standby, there are Chinese people fire firecrackers at the scene to celebrate China closed down American consulate. American employees didn't lock the doors and left, the Chinese people outside were cheering and applauded. Childish acts. Honesty is the best policy.
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唐娟被捕!中共丢卒保帅!美警方逮捕逃亡旧金山中领馆唐娟今天上庭! 唐娟(Juan Tang) in above picture who had hidden in Consulate in San Francisco been let out of from San Francisco Consulate. USA immediately arrested her, she will appear at U.S. courthouse today. Honesty is the best policy.
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China's retaliation to order close down America's consulate in Chingdu, China within 72 hrs. "Tit for tat" 針鋒相對; 一報還一報. Honesty is the best policy.
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司法部23日表示,聯邦調查局(FBI )近來在超過25個美國城市,分別約談過涉嫌隱匿具有中國軍方現役身分的簽證持有人;中國事務專家指出,這是美國與中國發展雙邊關係與建交的40餘年來,美國針對打擊竊取美方智慧財產權技術所發動的最大規模查緝行動。 司法部證實: 1人躲進駐舊金山總領館 到目前為止,共有四名在美國從事研究工作的中國公民,被查出申請美國簽證時隱瞞軍職身分,遭到簽證詐騙罪名起訴,其中三人已被聯邦調查局逮捕,另有一人在逃,據調查現正躲在中國駐舊金山總領事館。 根據司法部的文件,遭到簽證詐騙罪名起訴的四名被告王新(Xin Wang)、唐娟(Juan Tang)、宋辰(Song Chen)、趙凱凱(Kaikai Zhao,均音譯),未來如果被法院裁定有罪,最高將面臨十年有期徒刑以及25萬元罰款。 王新在2019年3月持J-1非移民簽證入境美國,在舊金山加大(University of California, San Francisco)進行科學研究;唐娟於2019年12月持J-1簽證入境,在戴維斯加大(University of California at Davis)做研究,目前躲在中國駐舊金山領事館內。 宋辰持J-1簽證於2018年12月入境,在史丹福大學(Stanford University )研究腦部疾病;2018年6月申請F-1簽證的趙凱凱,是印地安納大學(Indiana University)研究生,專攻人工智慧,今年7月18日遭到聯邦調查局逮捕。 一般預料,司法部的宣布將讓高度緊張的美中關係變得火上加油。川普政府已經下令,中國駐休士頓領事館必須在24日關閉。 全美各地超過25個城市 展開約談行動 司法部助理部長戴莫斯(John Demers)發表聲明指出,聯邦調查局最近在全美各地超過25個城市,約談了具有中國人民解放軍身份,但申請美國簽證時卻隱瞞軍職身份事實的中國公民。 「這是中國共產黨全盤計畫底下的其中一環,利用我們開放社會,剝削我們的學術機構。」戴莫斯說:「我們將協同聯邦調查局,持續進行查緝行動。」 「SOS緊急醫療救援組織」(SOS International)中國解放軍研究專家毛文傑(James Mulvenon)指出,這是自從中國開放以來,美國針對中方竊取智慧財產權所發動的最大規模行動。 聯邦調查局國家安全處執行副主任布朗(John Brown)指出,美國歡迎來自世界各地的學生、學者以及研究人員,「今天的宣布證明了中國政府無所不用其極的程度,企圖滲透美國,利用美國的善意圖謀己利。」 布朗指出,聯邦調查局在全美超過25個城市對解放軍成員完成約談之後,發現受訪對象之間有著故意隱藏真實身份的共同點,企圖對美國以及美國人民占便宜。 Honesty is the best policy.
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The espionage game has begun. A Chinese scientist suspected of visa fraud and concealing ties to the military has fled to China's consulate in San Francisco, the US says. Prosecutors allege that the case is part of a Chinese program to send undercover army scientists to the US. Trump administration ordered the closure of China's mission in Houston, saying it was involved in stealing intellectual property. China condemned moves against its scientists and consulates in the US. Honesty is the best policy.