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Blogs > 1ClassyLady > U r responsible for ur life |
The turbulent year of 2020 Ever since the beginning of 2020, the Coronavirus outbreak started from Wuhan City, China. On January 23, 2 am wee hour, Xi announced lockdown Wuhan in Hubei province. According 2 the Wuhan mayor on Chinese TV broadcast interview that were more than 5 million Wuhan city citizens knew about this news hrs in advance Xi's announcement and they escaped from Wuhan 2 other provinces, then some went abroad. At the time, China said the Coronavirus source was from a seafood market in Wuhan. was an ophthalmology Dr. Li Wen-Liang 李文亮 sent emails 2 his colleagues and warned them 2 be aware of virus spreading by human human. Dr. Li later had been sent 2 the security guard 2 sign a paper that he was spreading the fake news. Dr. Li died on Coronavirus. President Trump called Xi about the Coronavirus, Xi said the virus will disappear by April when weather becomes warmer just like SARS in 2003 in Asia. Trump believed Xi but he ordered U.S. airplane 2 take Americans worked in China back USA. Then the virus spread South Korea, Japan, Singapore, ... then 2 Iran, Italy, Spain, France, UK, .... and USA and rest of the world. Current Coronavirus update: Global confirmed case: 23.2+ millions, Global death toll: 804+ thousands 全球:確診病例逾2320萬例、死亡逾80.4萬例 USA confirmed case: 5.66+ million, USA death toll: exceeds 1 7 6 thousands (more than Vietnam war, Korean war, 9/ terror attack in combined) 美國確診566萬5483例,總死亡人數超過 萬6632人 This pandemic spreading claimed so many lives that made majority of Americans realized how CCP ignored the disease and spread 2 the world. Trump originally just wanted China 2 more US products, so that makes the import / export balanced. Nevertheless, this virus spread 2 USA really pissed Trump. The unemployment was 3.7%, all the sudden, jobless claims shatter record soar 3.283 millions. Trump started 2 print m*ney, FOMC lowered interest 2 near zero %, Trump declared "National Emergence" and sent $1,200 the people made less than 75K/yr. Many businesses, i.e. Airline companies, agencies, Hotel, Restaurants, Retail, Saloon, brick and mortar, ... got difficult. Everyone has 2 wear mask anywhere you go. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- China enforced new "National Security Laws" on Hong Kong. Actually that security laws can be enforced 2 anyone in the world has ever criticized CCP even not Chinese people, Hong Kong residents, or Taiwanese citizens. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- China has 27 provinces severe flooding. The food shortage will be coming soon. Their pork price is soaring 5 times higher. The rice, corn field in the flooding. Cows, pigs and chicken drowned. House crushed in mudslide, bridges broken, cars floating on the water, .... Please refer the photos inserted. However, China still has time to send airplanes to circle and threaten Taiwan almost every many times. U.S. sent fleet and airplanes to protect Taiwan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beirut, Lebanon, explosion causes mushroom cloud, least 181 deaths and 5,000 injured on August 4th. See the photo 4 and 5 for the images of Beirut before and after the explosion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Coronavirus caused Japan to postpone the Tokyo summer Olympic to 2021. Nearly 60 killed in severe flooding in Kumamoto熊本市, Kyushu九州島, Japan. Japanese prime minister, Shinzō Abe (安倍 晋三) resigned on August 28th due 2 his health problem. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Northern California wild fire due to the dry weather. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Presidential election is November 3rd. I am a Democrat but don't know whom to vote for this year. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Honesty is the best policy. |
We have to have the sympathy and compassion for all the mankind loss due to the pandemic disease, political suppression, and natural disasters. It took 40 yrs for Americans to know the CCP is wrong to its own people and to HongKongers and Taiwanese and now it extends to America and the whole world. My mom knew it and took me to USA 40 yrs ago. CCP was wrong for its "Cultural Revolution", "Great Famine", economy's recession. Don't they know the government should love their people? Don't they know killing, massacre, suppression people are wrong? Don't they know communism is wrong and democracy is the right way for people? U.S. former president, Jimmy Carter shouldn't establish diplomatic relationship with China in 1980 and used their cheap labor and helped China to become the world 2nd largest economy country. USA has ignored CCP cruelties on human rights for 70 yrs as long as not effect on American's lives. Trump originally just wanted to force China to buy more U.S. products so that the import and export would be balanced, so Trump imposed "tariffs" on China. However, it was the Coronavirus pandemic spreads to USA and the whole world that made Trump mad on China that didn't control the virus spreading. CCP has never changed its policy and continue to its propaganda that its country still in good shape and China will exceed USA and becomes the world leader. It is Xi's pipe dream but caused lots of death. 全球死亡逾83.8萬例, 美國死亡逾18.2萬例. I am updating the Global death toll on coronavirus exceed 838 thousand people and USA death toll on coronavirus has exceeded 182 thousand. It is not just a number but it is real human being loss and economy loss. Shouldn't China to be blamed? Isn't China's responsibility to cause the pandemic spreading? In USA, Black lives matter, but in China, Chinese lives no matter. We are not Chinese, we don't want to lose any life. Honesty is the best policy.
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It is good to hear that. Honesty is the best policy.
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AFF auto censor machine has deleted all the "to " words in my blog, so I have to edit it by "2". Is Asia Friendfinder belongs to CCP? Honesty is the best policy.
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It is just 2/3 of 2020 passed, still has 1/3 year to go. Hope things will turn to be more peaceful and calm. Photo 1: the mud water came out from 3rd floor of a building. Photo 2: the man looked upon his house tilted in the flood. He said his uncle and other relative families lived in five houses, but 4 houses have gone with the water. There was no time for them to take anything out. Photo 3: Three Gorge Dam release 11 paths of water 24 hour a day that makes the below provinces flooded. Heavy rain in Si-Chung province flooding is above the Three Gorge Dam. This flooding has been 2 months continuously. Honesty is the best policy.