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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
10/2/2020 2:52 am
POTUS and FLOTUS have tested positive for COVID-19

President Trump announced early Friday morning that he and First Lady Melania Trump have “tested positive for COVID-19.”

Donald J. Trump

Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!

9:54 PM · Oct 1, 2020· for iPhone

Trump made the announcement about two hours after he said that he and the first lady were “waiting for our test results,” following the news that Hope Hicks, a top White House aide with whom they had recently traveled on Air Force One, had tested positive.

“Hope Hicks, who has been working so hard without even taking a small break, has just tested positive for Covid 19,” Trump wrote. “Terrible! The First Lady and I are waiting for our test results. In the meantime, we will begin our quarantine process!”

The White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment about the total number of people in the president’s inner circle and staff who may also have been infected with the disease, which, as of Friday morning, has killed at least 207,789 Americans.

Photo 2: Hope Hicks, one of President Donald Trump's closest advisers, has tested positive for the coronavirus.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
10/14/2020 4:13 am

COVID-19 update:
Global: Confirmed cases 38.14+ million cases, Death toll 1.086+ million people died.
USA: Confirmed cases 7.85 + million cases, Death toll 215+ thousands people died.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
10/8/2020 12:23 pm

I have a question here if you can reply. Why it has been called COVID-19? Did CCP know this pandemic disease was happened in China since 2019? Why CCP Xi announced lockdown Wuhan city on Feb 23, 2020? Why CCP has to lie? Why CCP let 1/2 million of Wuhan citizens escaped from Wuhan city and spread to the world? Dr. Li warned his doctor colleagues on Dec 31, 20'19 and been taken to the secrete police for question? Why when Chinese heard President Trump and his wife tested positive for COVID-19 and went to the hospital, those Chinese were cheering and applauding and put on a banner to celebrate that U.S. President Trump caught COVID-19? Bunch of ignorant, uneducated morons. The U.S. should ask for compensation for over 210 thousand of Americans who died on COVID-19.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
10/5/2020 7:31 am

During the weekend, the MD's at Walter Reed Medical Center have answered media's questions and revealed the prescription drugs that MD prescribed for Trump.

1. Gilead drug for Coronavirus - Remdesivir
2. Dexamathasone - a Steroid drug for inflammation (an old drug that is generic)
3. Regeneron's Experimental Antibody Treatment for COVID-19 (FDA has NOT approved this mixed cocktail antibiotic drugs).

I am a retired California licensed pharmacist and transformed to be a stock market and real estate investor. My largest stock holders in my stock portfolio are Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, symbol REGN and Gilead Science, Inc. symbol GILD. I use my pharmaceutical knowledge on coronavirus pandemic drugs. These two drug companies I invested in REGN that I have taken profits already and recently I repurchased back some shares, but it is on the side way, not too up, not too down either because FDA has not approved REGN experimental antibody treatment yet. REGN has to submit clinical "stage 3" treatment (inject to the coronavirus human and prove it is safe). Nobody has the injection, but MD used on Trump. When MD announced they used this experimental antibody treatment on Trump. The stock REGN jumped after Friday's closing price. REGN is the largest holding I have at this time.

Currently, there is only Remdesivir for the treatment of Coronavirus. My 2nd largest holding is GILD. However, GILD reported an earning a month ago that didn't satisfied by the investors, so this stock has plunged almost everyday little by little. I am holding GILD patiently with a very small loss. I hope Trump will be healthy with Remdesivir treatment. As my knowledge Remdesivir must administrated at hospital under MD closely watching for at least minimum five consecutive days. However, Trump insisted to go back to White House for work, I hope Trump remains at Walter Reed hospital for two or three days more to make sure the effectiveness of Remdesivir. Remdesivir is a very new and only drug that has approved by FDA for treatment of coronavirus.

Hope after Trump received Regeneron's Experimental Antibody Treatment for COVID-19, he will be healthy. The MD's have taken a risk on a drug that has NOT administrated on human, nor approved by FDA.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
10/4/2020 8:08 pm

    Quoting  :

I have posted a blog "Did Virus Task Force team keep social distancing of 6 ft?" with a photo that president Trump surrounded with his cabinet member and CDC staffs on April 5, 20'20 at 9:52 pm California time zone. It was six months ago. President Trump has many security agents to protect him, but he didn't wear masks during his campaign rallies, White House Press Briefing, .... and the public didn't wear masks either. Trump didn't set good role model and his advisers didn't force him to wear masks. That was the mistake.
President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, and many others stood elbow to elbow in the daily "Press Briefing Room" telling us to wear masks, gloves, keeping social distancing of 6 ft, .... etc. guideline for public to prevent virus spreading. But in the photo, what kind of "Role Models" they are setting for us? A crowd room without distance, without masks.

I am NOT criticizing our government, but for their own health safety concern. I am a healthcare professional too, I wear mask, glove, and keeping social distancing, so should them. Please find a bigger room.

Look around the world, we know from news that movie actor Tom Hanks and his wife in Australia, NBA players got infected, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, British Prince Charles, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife, ... they got confirmed Coronavirus infection and quarantined.

See from the enclosed photo, do I need to say more?

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
10/2/2020 6:15 pm

U.S. Presidential election will be Nov 3, 2020. Just about one month before the election date, we heard this news.

President Trump has been taken by a helicopter to a military hospital for treatment and he has transferred his duties temporarily to VP, Mike Pence.

Wish Trump and his wife a swiftly recovery.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
10/2/2020 3:28 am

Through the internet, media and Trump's Twitter message, most people must know this news by now. Coronavirus pandemic is an invisible disease and it didn't spare anyone even our POTUS (President of the United States) and FLOTUS (First Lady of the United States), Melania Trump. Trump should wear masks since the beginning of Coronavirus pandemic spreading.

All the countries, including Europe countries, USA and rest of the world have neglected the serious spreading and thought this disease would be only in China or Asian countries, not spreading to the Westerners. Taiwan has the painful experiences since SARS in 2003 and knew to wear masks, wash hands frequently, need to be quarantined for 14 days and test and confirm on nasal mucus and saliva. Taiwan did a very good job on prevention of Coronavirus even W.H.O. humiliated Taiwan to brown nose China. Taiwan even donated 10 million of masks to Europe countries and the USA.

Hope Trump and first lady will recover soon. I believe in U.S. healthcare system.

Honesty is the best policy.