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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
12/6/2020 9:21 pm
Only a few people wore masks as Trump rally in Georgia state

US health officials Sunday (Dec 6) expressed alarm over the refusal of many Americans to wear masks as the nation faces a soaring daily COVID-19 death toll and Donald Trump held a packed rally where basic health measures were flouted.

With the rollout of new vaccines expected in just weeks, the officials warned against false confidence - particularly with year-end travel still ahead.

Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, said it was "frustrating" to hear people "parroting back that masks don't work (and) that gatherings don't result in superspreading events."

"This is not just the worst public health event. This is the worst event that this country will face," Birx told NBC's Meet the Press.

"The vaccine is critical," she said, "but it's not going to save us from this current surge."
Trump only cares about he lost the presidential election but ignored people's lives at his rally in Georgia state (please refer to the attached photos). The election has over a month ago, but Trump hasn't conceded yet. Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani tested "positive" for COVIT-19.
COVIT-19 pandemic update:
Globally: 67,393,134 confirmed cases, death toll: 1,541,747

In USA: 15,159,529 confirmed cases, death toll: 288,906 people.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/14/2020 10:49 pm

Sometimes we drink water and went to the wrong way to upper lung. We cough, cough to get rid of water. Can you image the COVIT-19 patients lungs full of fluid from the bottom? It is a very painful, drowning experience. A very painful way to die.

My daughter has worked a hospital in New York from June 2019 to June this year. When in March of 2020, she told me she has worked 12 hour shift in a hospital that full of COVIT-19 patients. I asked her if she had enough PPE to protect herself. She said no, hospital only provided her a re-useful face shield. no face masks, she and her colleagues had to wear garbage bags to cover their uniform. It was difficult for them to go to rest room.

I checked Amazon website, Target, Walmart, ... but there are no face masks available. I ran to a Chinese store to buy N-95 masks, a box of ten N-95 costed $75. I also packed with 10 boxes of gloves and ten thick paper made coat. I ran all over the town. I sent the package as "priority" overnight to reach to New York. My daughter received them at noon time the next day.

MD, nurses are the front line first respond. They worked long hours to save lives. My daughter said she was exhausted for 12 hours night shift. When a hospital in Texas gave my daughter a doctor position, she moved to Texas in June of this year. Then Texas state also became very serious. It is a tough job for a new MD. She kept moving to different states to fulfill her 3 years "Residency" to be an OB/GYN doctor.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/13/2020 10:08 pm

Wearing a mask to prevent COVIT-19 is very imjportant, but yet Trump didn't tell people to wear masks.

The truth I want to tell you below, please don't doubt that I am intimidating you. It is an absolutely real for the dying COVIT-19 patients last one week before they died. The patients described they felt like they are drowning, they couldn't breathe, their lungs full of fluid, they suffered tremendous painful and helpless situation to the end. They begged doctor to help them, but even doctors tried to withdraw the thick phlegm out with tube (suction), but the phlegm is way down at the bottom to the upper (full lungs). It is very dangerous task for both doctors and patients. Doctors had to very close to patient's mouth, put in the tube called ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) to patient's lung, .... It is a difficult job for doctors and patient suffered lot of pain. This is no myth.

I am a very honest person with some healthcare knowledge. Please believe me that I read many medical articles. Wear a face mask is a very easy thing to do to protect yourself and others.

Global death toll on Coronavirus is exceeded 1.61 million.
In USA alone death toll on Coronavirus is 299K that is near 300k.
Those who died didn't have chance to tell you how much they suffered before their last breath.

Wear face masks should be mandatory.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/10/2020 8:22 pm

    Quoting  :

I have lived in California for 40+ years. Georgia state is above 2,500 miles away from me. Driving distance is more than 36+ hours non-stop.

For the record, the 3 states in the West coast of USA, Washington, Oregon and California always vote for Democratic party for president, guaranteed. Trump is a Republican.

However, one of U.S. president, Donald Reagan was born in California but he was a Republican president for 2 terms.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/8/2020 7:44 pm

    Quoting laughwithsinners:
    it is a bad deal that there are deniers. Some want to live in their own reality which is usually OK but in this case it can really have an effect on those they come in contact with.
I am a healthcare personnel, a pharmacist, wear mask is an important and easy thing to do to prevent a pandemic that killed 288K people in USA. How can we not care??

Not wear a mask is an ignorant attitude. Trump should encourage his followers to wear masks. Trump as an U.S. president has the top-notched medical doctors, nurses team, but we are just ordinary people, we should watch out for ourselves.

While waiting for vaccines to come to USA and distribute to every state and city, we need to wear masks. Life is precious. Wealth can't buy Health. Money can't buy Love.

Honesty is the best policy.

laughwithsinners 63M
1 post
12/8/2020 7:00 am

it is a bad deal that there are deniers. Some want to live in their own reality which is usually OK but in this case it can really have an effect on those they come in contact with.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/7/2020 11:18 pm

Although I want to have a normalcy as soon as possible, but meanwhile, everyone should wear face masks. Face masks are not a treatment but it is a prevention. I truly believe in "Prevention is better than treatment". The mask is to protect myself from the unknown public and protect others. I always wear mask when I step out of my house. I prepare some new masks in my car.

I have consulted with my primary care doctor, "do I need to test COVIT-19?". He said if I don't have a symptom, I don't need to test.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
12/6/2020 10:31 pm

I live in California. The governor, Gavin Newsom, announced to impose curfew starting the next day, Saturday, Nov 20 from 10 pm to next morning 5 am. It didn't effect me since I sleep at home, not go out at night. Los Angeles city mayor, Eric Garcetti, announced to "lockdown" Los Angeles county starting from Saturday, Dec 5th. I went to supermarket on Dec 5, I have been stopped at entrance by a security. He asked me to get in the line and wait. When some customers came out, then he let people enter.

Honesty is the best policy.