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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
1/29/2021 5:41 pm
Have you received Covid-19 vaccine yet?

Yes, I have been vaccinated on January 26, Tuesday. All seniors over 65 living in Los Angeles county have priorities. I received an email and text message said I have been scheduled for my first dose of Covid-19 vaccine on a local location, and specific time on January 26th. They even sent me a QR code.

I went there with my smartphone and driver's license on time, the waiting time wasn't bad. There were so many "cones" on the floor and I followed the direction to get the first shot. I showed my QR code on smartphone and my driver's license to them. A black woman praised my Tesla is beautiful. She said "can I drive away your car after you have vaccinated?"

Then I have been directed to another place to wait for 15 minutes to make sure that I don't have any bad allergy reaction for the vaccine. I had no problem. So, I drove off after 15 minutes. I have been told that I don't need to schedule 2nd dose appointment, they will email me.

My arm has a little bit pain at injection site the next day, but that was it. I feel fine. BTW, The vaccine I received is made by Pfizer.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/16/2021 9:34 pm

Today, 2/16/21, I received my 2nd dose of Covid-19 (Pfizer) vaccine.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/9/2021 9:54 pm

I just received a phone call to confirm my 2nd dose Covid-19 vaccination appointment on February 16, 2021 at same time and same location.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
1/30/2021 2:49 pm

COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic update:

Global Coronavirus cases: 103,064,633 cases (exceed 103 million)
Global Coronavirus death: 2,226,468 death (over 2.2 million people died)

In USA alone
USA Coronavirus cases: 26,631,311 cases (more than 26.63 million)
USA Coronavirus death: 449,910 death (near 450 thousand people died)

The enormous financial loss in Airline companies, travel agencies, cruise companies, brick-and-mortar retail companies (有廠房和店舖的實體店), restaurants, beauty salon, nail shops, ... and many others.

Whom should be blamed (sued 控告, 提出訴訟) for this pandemic?
Who started this pandemic?

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
1/29/2021 5:57 pm

My banker friend has been vaccinated a week earlier than me on January 21, Thursday, at Dodger Stadium. He texted message to me that he got the vaccine shot and told me to keep trying to schedule my appointment.

The website was down, nobody answered the toll free phone # since January 21 (I was frustrated) till January 24, Sunday. I was surprised to receive email and text message from Covid-19 vaccine center, L.A. county. It was like winning a lottery. My neighbors also got messages on Sunday too.

My son who lives with me is younger, so he hasn't gotten his appointment yet. My daughter is an OB/GYN MD working at a hospital in Texas, so she has the healthcare personnel priority to receive her 2 vaccine shots already.

Honesty is the best policy.