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1ClassyLady 69F
3137 posts
4/7/2021 10:59 pm
Taiwan train crashed - 50 dead and more than 200 injured

A Taiwan train (台鐵) 太魯閣號出軌 crashed on Good Friday, April 2nd, 2021 that accident caused 50 people died and more than 200 injured. April 2nd was the first day of Taiwan national "Tomb Sweeping day" plus weekend. The train was fully loaded almost 500 passengers from the capital Taipei to Taitung.

A construction site manager, Lee Yi-hsiang (李義祥), 49, whose lorry slid on to a railway track and led to Taiwan's worst train disaster in 5 decades has expressed "deep regret". Mr. Lee's flatbed lorry was parked on an embankment but slipped down it, causing the train to derail on Friday near the city of Hualien.

Investigators say CCTV footage from the front carriage showed the train driver had only 6.9 seconds to respond and the train was only 250m (820ft) away from the lorry, not enough time or distance for the train driver to stop and avoid the collision. The probe is now looking into whether Mr Lee failed to set the emergency brake or whether there was a mechanical failure in his vehicle.

Rescue crews are still removing the train wreck from the tunnel, and fear they may still find more bodies

At least 50 people were killed and more than 200 injured in the crash.

Mr. Lee was questioned over the weekend by prosecutors and released on bail, but on Sunday he was taken back into custody because he was deemed a flight risk and had a previous conviction.

Reading a statement to news crews outside his house, Mr Lee said he would co-operate with crash investigators, and "take the responsibility I should take". He was then taken away by police.

He was part of a team who regularly inspected Taiwan's mountainous eastern train line for landslides and other risks. He was also thought to be the flatbed's operator.

Some survivors lost their whole families, and Taiwan declared three days of national mourning.

Priest Sung Chih-chiang said he spoke to one female survivor who lost her husband and two in the crash. "She could not find her . When she yelled, she found her was under the steel panels. She put some effort into moving those pieces one by one, but her 's voice became quieter and quieter, and then there was no response," the priest told Reuters.

Investigators have been going through the train's recording devices and CCTV footage from the front carriage, the chairman of the Taiwan Transportation Safety Board told AFP.

"According to the testimonies by some passengers, they heard the horn being sounded and it's believed the train driver had spotted an object on the track," Hong Young said. He added that the train driver, who was among those killed, would have struggled to avoid the crash.
I offer my sincere condolence to all the victims in this train crash. Please be strong for all the survivors. Please take good care of yourselves.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/12/2021 10:14 pm

CCP sent 25 fighting jets to threaten Taiwan in one day, April 12, 2021. 25架共機擾台,按戰時編隊. Taiwan has done nothing wrong to CCP.

U.S. White House had a "Semiconductor Summit" on April 12, 2021 morning that including "Taiwan Semiconductor Company", Korean "Samsung" and Dutch ASML company, and of course many America's semiconductor companies such as Intel and Qualcomm. China is NOT on the list. China is an exception from the Chip Summit.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/10/2021 11:31 pm

The train driver, Mr. Yuan 司機員袁淳修, 33, had done his best to stop (reduce the speed) the impact on to the flatbed lorry which slipped on to the railroad. It was too short time for him to react such a crash. Mr. Yuan 袁淳修 sounded the emergency horns at least 4 times and pressed on brake till his last breath. Mr. Yuan 袁淳修 was courageous act perhaps reduced some casualties. Mr. Yuan just got married about 1 and 1/2 years ago. 台鐵太魯閣號意外撞上橫躺在軌道上工程車,司機員袁淳修雖盡全力拉手煞車,仍未能阻止憾事,不幸罹難,今早舉行告別式,送往花蓮慈雲山火化,中午12點,家屬帶著袁員骨灰一同搭上8725次專列車,先前往樹林象徵「任務完成」,再開往台中。

李義祥 is the one at fault. He is the irresponsible, stup*d construction worker who sneaked during the national "Tomb Sweeping holidays" when nobody was there to bury those obsolete tires at construction site. His flatbed lorry got stuck in the bushes. He then operated an excavator tried to loose lorry and caused the lorry slipped down the hill and landed on railroad. 李義祥 didn't call to warn the railroad company but continued to chat with his friends and smoking until the police came to him asking him questions. 李義祥 still denied what he has done. However, there is surveillance camera at construction site revealed all the fact. There is a "Black Box" camera with sound in the train as the train driver's vision shows how short time (6.9 seconds) to react before the train smashed the lorry.

It is a horrible tragedy that caused 50 people to die and more than 200 injured. All the rescue members and survived passengers have PTSD (Post-Traumatic stress disorder), they have nightmare and fear for train travel.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/9/2021 4:50 pm

When Northern Japan had a 8.9 earthquake/ tsunami/ radiation reactor released on March 11, 2011, Taiwan was the fastest abd #1 highest donation to Japan. Japan has highly appreciated Taiwanese. This time ten years later, Taiwan has train crash accident, Japanese generously to donate m*ney and time to help Taiwan. Also, this train was purchased from Japan, so Japanese came to help to investigate the accident.

Unlike a Chinese authority person said that the train was built in Taiwan using cheap material to save m*ney. No, it was made in Japan, Japanese made the train with careful inspection before ship the train to Taiwan. It was totally Mr. 李義祥 fault to park the flatbed lorry at side that stuck in bushes, then he tried to use an excavator to loose the lorry which then slide down the hills and hit the train below. Nothing to do with train mechanic or train driver's fault at all. 李義祥 is the one to be blamed and put in jail for 50 people's death and 200 injured and the train crashed.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/8/2021 1:13 am

According to the YouTube videos, Mr. Lee actually still have one minute of time to call railroad company to warn his flatbed lorry slid down to the railroad downhill. But he didn't call. This accident is caused by Mr. Lee negligence for such a horrible train crash into a tunnel.

Investigators found the "black box" in the train that shows the last few seconds before the crash. The train driver did what he could to step on the brake to slow down the speed in such a short time, until the train turned over to the side and he died. He was a courageous and responsible train driver.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
4/8/2021 12:44 am

Although Xi offered his sorrow to this Taiwan train accident in his brief comment, but he still sent 10 fighting jets to the borderline of Taiwan on April 5th, 4 fighting jets on April 6th and 15 fighting jets on April 7th.

Previously he has sent 19 jets in one day and 20 jets in another day. During that 20 jets day, 2 jets at 9 am, 3 jets at 11 am, 3 jets at noon time, ..... total 20 jets to exhaust Taiwan's Air Force pilots.

CCP keeps saying Taiwan is part of their nation. Why they treat Taiwan in such a threaten gesture? If China is a big country, how can they not understand "LOVE" people instead of 'KILL" people? Look how CCP treated Hong Kongese, Xinjiang Uygurs, Tibetans, and Falun Gong practitioners, now extend to Burmese in Myanmar. Why so much hatred and atrocities? Don't they know everyone has "Human Rights" to live in spite of their different ethnicity (race), religions, languages, culture and traditions. Is because the "Cultural Revolution" cruelty still remain in their blood?

Honesty is the best policy.