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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
6/2/2021 2:32 pm
Tienanmen Square Massacre on June 4th 1989

Today is June 2nd and the day after tomorrow will be June 4th. The notorious Beijing "Tienanmen Square Massacre", the "Tank Man" *n June 4th of 1989 that massacred ten thousands of college students. I was in USA for 9 yrs in 1989, I saw *n TV about the "Tank Man" tried 2 use his body 2 block the whole pile of tanks at Tienanmen Square. The foreign photographers took the pictures and videos to show the world how horrify situation was. The tanks ran over the students, used the tanks to shoot students. Those videos shows the chaos massacre, the students had been shot dead and other students tried to save the injured student to hospital. The cameras also showed the dead students lied on the hospital floors.

When I went to Beijing city in May 2008 for Summer Olympics in August 2008, I asked a dozen or 2 dozens of Beijing citizens "where is the tank man? Did he died that d*y?" T* my surprise, no body answered . They said they never heard "tank man" or "Tienanmen Square Massacre". I thought they are living in Beijing they should know this massacre. I asked the tour guide, the bus driver, the strangers on the street in Mandarin Chinese, but they said they didn't know. Finally there was a Chinese guy said he just wanted to make m*ney and live a better life. He didn't care anything else." CCP ban the people to talk about Culture Revolution, Great Famine, and Tienanmen Square Massacre. We live in the outside of China, but we know the massacre, the tank man, organ harvesting Falun Gong practitioners. The Time Magazine also had article about the whole massacre, but the Beijing people didn't know about it. It is weird.

That is the way CCP control their people to be silent and the people became "silent lambs". People don't dare to talk about the massacre. We live in USA but we know about it. This is CCP. They don't have transparency. They concealed everything. China is a totalitarian regime. No human rights.

They are deplorable Chinese people. They don't have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or freedom of press. They are silent lambs. They are the frogs sit at the bottom of well, lo*k the sk* and said the sk* is as wide as the well size. 井底蛙

They live in Beijing, China, I live in USA. I know the Tienanmen Square Massacre but they don't know.

It seems that Asia Friendfinder has banned non-subscribed members to post comment on their own blogs and/or insert pictures with blogs since June 1st, 2021.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/13/2021 11:37 am

    Quoting  :

In USA and majority of nations in the world, we can use Google search engine to know the facts. Those pictures I got from Google. However, you can't use Google search engine or Gmail in China. Chinese people became "Blind" and "Deaf" for the true stories.

Google China is a subsidiary of Google. Once a popular search engine, most services offered by Google China were blocked by the Great Firewall in the People's Republic of China. In 2010, searching via all Google search sites, including Google Mobile, was moved from mainland China to Hong Kong.

Why I know this news? Because I had Google stock and held it to be soar, and I had shorted Baidu (the major search engine in China) stock to be down. When China kick Google out from China and replaced by CCP controlled Baidu internet search media. I had a double losses. Google went down, Baidu soared. I lost a lot of m*ney in 2010.

CCP controls their people by blocking the good news from USA and exaggerated Chinese good news but blocked all the bad news in China such as Great Famine, Cultural Revolution, Falun Gong practitioners organ harvesting, Tienanmen Square massacre, including suppression of Hong Kong students. CCP created "Nationalism" to attack foreign countries, such as H&M Xinjiang cotton using slave labor, Tesla car brake failure. CCP educated people since elementary school, so the young generation don't know the CCP atrocities on the people in the past.

A monster leader such as Mao that k*lled 80 million Chinese people, and yet his picture at everywhere including Chinese currency bill, Renminbi 人民币. We have good president's pictures on U.S. currency bill such as President Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson pictures.

Whatever we think is "Right", China thinks is "wrong" or "Left. No Human Rights, censored all news to CCP favorite. Lots of fake news, wrong decisions using "Wolf Warrior Diplomat" to attack USA and EU (European Union).

I thought that guy living in Hong Kong, he is supposed to have diplomacy concept from British (England) education, but that guy is a communist. He twisted "student" k*lled Chinese soldiers. What a weird person. I think he live alone, blind and deaf about the world.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/12/2021 8:43 pm

    Quoting  :

I have to post 2 more pictures to show some communist idiots what the true face of CCP PLA (People's Liberation Army). There were 11 soldiers surrounded one armless 無武器的 student with guns and long batons hitting a student on Tienanmen Square. PLA soldiers used the cannons to shoot students randomly. What kind of government is? Chinese, China.

You also can Google "Cultural Revolution", "Hong Kong protestors" suppression to see many pictures showed on Google. Some idiots couldn't read my blogs well. Those people shouldn't appear on my blogs. Those morons don't have same value with me, no common sense, no common ground. They upset me.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/12/2021 7:39 am

To ben4567:

I don't like to post blo*dy pictures, but you have wrong concept about students k*ll CCP soldiers. So, I added another two pictures on AFF, to show the truth that happened on Tienanmen Square on June 4th, 1989.

Tell me so many CCP soldiers beating on a student who didn't have any we*pon that student could k*ll CCP soldiers???? You are crazy.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/12/2021 7:24 am

    Quoting ben4567:
    Well, wondering have you read any news from the West about many Chinese soldiers were killed by the "peaceful" students?
You live in Hong Kong. Are you a HongKongese or communist Chinese? The world sympathize HongKongers to fight for CCP, but you believe in CCP news. Do you see how CCP treated Hong Kong students? Are you a blind? You don't see "Extradition", CCP "National Security Law" using violence to Hong Kong students. I am very disappointed with you. No, no student k*ll any PLA (People's Liberation Army), PLA k*lled hundred Hong Kong students. I think you are not a HongKonger.

CCP signed document on July 1st, 1997 with UK to protect Hong Kong for 50 years. 1997 + 50 yrs = 2047. However, the CCP violated the 50 yrs rule since 2019. HongKongers protest CCP using peaceful demonstration, but CCP used weapon to Hong Kong protestors. It is the true story that on our of world. What kind of news you heard or read that said student k*lled PLA? You live in Hong Kong (Democracy), you should know the truth. How the students without guns to k*ll Chinese soldiers. You are ridiculous. You have been brainwashed by CCP and Chinese propaganda.

We saw CCP soldiers k*lled students, not the other way around. Not only in the West but the whole world except China. Chinese soldiers own guns, students don't own guns.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/11/2021 8:06 pm

    Quoting  :

When I traveled to Australia in Feb 2015, the tour bus passed Chinatown. So many Chinese in Sydney. I read Chinese bought houses in Australia and let those houses vacant. The prices kept going up and made Aussies couldn't afford to buy. The owners left vacant properties ruined, no mowing grass and neighbors complained. What a waste!!

All my properties (except my home) rented out. None of my properties vacant.

I enjoyed kangaroo steak and crocodile meat and barracuda fish at restaurants in Australia. I had a very good roommate, Lisa, (she is a Caucasian American who lives in Minnesota state).

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/11/2021 7:46 am

    Quoting ben4567:
    Well, wondering have you read any news from the West about many Chinese soldiers were killed by the "peaceful" students?
Do you mean "People's Liberation Army" from China? College students have no weapon, how they can kill PLA? I don't believe the news from CCP. Maybe PLA was injured but they attacked and killed students with weapon. PLA have shield and guns, CCP told them to kill college students.

Are you a communist?? Listen to the CCP news??

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/10/2021 5:32 pm

Mao died long time ago, but his photo still hang on the Tienanmen Square. For a person who k*lled (ordered to k*ll) 40 million Chinese people, why people worship him as god. Mao's photo on every Chinese currency bill.

CCP boycott to import Australia red wine, Australia steel, ..., mocked Australia prime minister. NZ said China bully on Australia, will bully on NZ. CCP mocked USA, EU (European Union), .... Japan, ... almost every country except Russia, Iran and many Africa countries who delinquent loan payments to China.

CCP are Anti-humanity, against democracy, against human rights, against religion, using "Wolf Warrior Diplomacy" to the leaders of the world. No common denominator, no common sense, no common ground, no basic standard, rudeness, shameless, ....

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/10/2021 12:22 pm

    Quoting  :

I know you are an Aussie who living in Australia. Do you know "China is Intent on Bullying Australia' “wolf warrior diplomacy"?

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/10/2021 11:19 am

AFF censor machine delete many words in my blogs.

The sentence "They are the frogs sit at the bottom of well, the and said the is as wide as the well size. 井底蛙"

I originally wrote "They are like the frogs sit at the bottom of well, look up the sky and said the sky is as wide as the well size. 井底蛙 I don't know why "sky" is a bad word to censor. Go figure!!!

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/10/2021 11:02 am

    Quoting  :

I was traveling to China for 6 days and 6 nights. I didn't know anyone lived in China. I didn't know any police or authority in China. I thought this Tienanmen Square incident was all over the news in USA and other countries, Beijing citizens should know. However, due to the strict policy, CCP has had censorship on news. CCP only allow the good news in China and bad news in USA to be on their medias.

I implied in this blog that the CCP "censorship" make their Chinese people become 井底蛙. People don't have the whole picture of current event or news and CCP control their people's mind, thought, and lives. How terrible of their government is!!!

Not only Tienanmen Square massacre, but also Great famine, and Cultural Revolution and Tong-San earthquake. There are no real recorder of deaths. CCP not allow different voices.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
6/7/2021 9:13 pm

Finally Asia Friendfinder allows me to comment on my own blog. There are many words in my blogs have been deleted. But at least I can write comments.

Justice will prevail. CCP will be punished for their atrocities, anti-humanity, Covid-19 spreading.

Honesty is the best policy.