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18 US Congressmen calling for Normalized ties w/ Taiwan Congressmen Tom Tiffany and Scott Perry introduced a bill that called for the U.S. to abandon the "one China policy," resume formal relations with Taiwan, and begin negotiations on a U.S.-Taiwan free trade agreement. Over the past nine months, the bill has gained 16 additional cosponsors, all of whom are Republicans thus far. In addition to Tiffany and Perry, the cosponsors include Doug LaMalfa, Debbie Lesko, Diana Harshbarger, Nicole Malliotakis, Scott DesJarlais, Gregory W. Steube, Ralph Norman, Lisa McClain, Glenn Grothman, Kat Cammack, Tracey Mann, Marry Miller, Ronny Jackson, Louie Gohmert, and Brian Babin. Tiffany's office on Monday (Dec. 6) notified Taiwan News that Representative Tom McClintock will also co-sponsor the bill. Tiffany's spokesperson suggested that this shows "growing support for a change in U.S.-Taiwan policy on Capitol Hill." The congressman's representative said that Tiffany has been reaching out to members directly to gain support for the resolution. He noted that all the cosponsors are currently Republicans but stressed that the congressman is seeking to reach out to Democrats with the hopes of making the effort bipartisan next year. In a tweet posted on Dec. 3, Tiffany wrote that the "Carter-era 'one China policy' is dishonest and outdated." He said that it is time for the U.S. to lead by example and "recognize Taiwan as a free and independent nation." He added that the U.S. does not need a "permission slip from China" to engage in normal relations with "our friends and allies." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sen. Young: ‘Every member of Congress should visit Taiwan’ KEVIN McCARTHY promised to retrace NANCY PELOSI’s steps and visit the island nation once he became speaker. Honesty is the best policy. |
U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken will visit China soon. Newly elected "House Speaker" Kevin McCarthy will vist Taiwan in April. Xi maybe visit Russia to meet Putin in person. Honesty is the best policy.
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Texas Rep. Troy Nehls, a Republican, introduced "China Lied, People Died" a bill to prohibit federal funds from going to China until the communist nation pays the U.S. back the $4.6 trillion spent by the American government for COVID-19 relief. In the month after December 8, China reported only 37 deaths from local Covid cases, according to figures released on the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website – even as the outbreak has overwhelmed hospitals and crematoriums amid apparent Covid surges in multiple cities. The World Health Organization and the United States have accused China of “under-representing” the severity of its current outbreak, while top global health officials have also urged Beijing to share more data about the explosive spread of Covid in China, where reports have emerged of overwhelmed hospitals and funeral homes. ?China announced the next day that "Close to 60,000 people have died of Covid in China since the country abruptly abandoned its tight “zero-Covid” policy in early December", a medical official from the National Health Commission (NHC) told a press conference in Beijing. Wow, China has died 59,963 people in one day??!! But even 60,000 is still lying. The real numbers is 400 million Chinese people died in 3 years since Covid outbreak in Wuhan City in January 2020. CCP are liars, don't believe them. CCP lead people to the edge of cliff. China's economy, population abruptly dropped. CCP said China's population is 1.4 billions but experts estimate China's population is approximately 0.7 (700 millions) or 0.8 billions (800 millions) currently. Half of population has gone. OMG. Honesty is the best policy.
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If you know USA, Australia, Canada and India histories, you know they were once belong to British (England, UK). But USA, Canada, Australia and India have announced "Independence" from British. Speak same language doesn't mean that they are belong to England. After so many years separation between China and Taiwan, we have different opinion, different value, and thoughts, we can't "unify as one". I am a Taiwanese-American, I love Taiwan and the USA. Honesty is the best policy.
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CCP have done too much damages to China for the past 73 years. From Mao, Deng, Jiang, Hu, and Xi, they all 武鬥, killing, massacre, brainwashed their own Chinese people that life is about fighting, and killing. My ancestors came to Taiwan since "Ming Dynasty" for 400 years. We speak Taiwanese until 1949 when Chiang Kai-Shek 蔣中正 AKA 蔣介石 retreated to Taiwan. We have escaped from CCP's 3 year Great Famine 饑荒 that caused 45 million Chinese starved to death (recently people estimate 70 million people died from that Great Famine). The Cultural Revolution 文化大革命 for a decade long that caused at least 40 million people died during Mao. The One Child policy 一孩政策 unknown how many unborn children or abortion. Tienanmen Square massacre 天安门大屠杀 that killed approximately 12 thousand college protestors with tanks and cannons. The Falun Gong practitioners torture and organ harvesting. The Hong Kong extradition 引渡 to China for trial. Taiwan has free from CCP cruelties, in humanities and atrocities. Taiwan has our own passport, flag, national anthem, constitution, democracy, .... We have near 24 million people on the island. CCP threatened to attack Taiwan and military air force circled Taiwan daily. It was US president Jimmy Carter who established diplomacy relationship in 1980 that made China rich from poverty. But now Xi made China poverty again that their real estate 恒大債彈, One Belt One Road ambition to control the world and let 17 African countries to delinquent from huge debts. Clean up DIDI 滴滴出行, Alibaba 阿里巴巴, and Baidu 百 度 companies and CEO personal fortune, Covid-19 virus spread to the world causing million of people died. The 3 years Zero tolerance 清零, lockdown 封城, 核酸 and million people death. CCP thought they can conceal the truth and the world won't know. CCP has "firewall" to prevent their people to know the world real truth. In this computer era, Chinese don't know the outside world news, only a few people use VPN to use internet. Evil CCP control everything. CCP use the "Nationalism" as chauvinism 盲目的愛國者 and Chinese people thought all the USA and Europeans are against China. CCP know "Violence", they don't know "Peace on Earth". Honesty is the best policy.