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1ClassyLady 69F
3136 posts
1/25/2024 9:38 pm
Chinese “Piano Incident” in the UK with Dr. Kavanagh

British Dr. Brendan Kavanagh (Dr. K) PhD was playing a public piano and live stream to YouTube at King's Cross St Pancras train station in London. All the sudden, a group of Chinese interrupted Dr. K's piano performance. Those Chinese asked Dr. K to stop the video camera because they wanted to protect their "image". Dr. K said "this is a public place and people have no image right in the public place. Dr. K politely told them that they can leave to escape from the camera. Dr. K persistently to play and film his piano performance. Those Chinese said "you are NOT allowed to film them in the background". Dr. K said this is Britain, a free country. This is not Communist China, we don't need to follow Chinese government rules.

The highlight of this piano incident was when Dr. K pointed to a CCP flag and said this is communist China's flag, you are from China. A guy suddenly raised his voice loudly and started yelling and shouting at Dr. K "Don't touch her, don't touch her" several times. Dr. K was stunned and stepped back a few steps. The Chinese girl said "don't shoot him, don't shoot him". Dr. K said I didn't touch her. She carry a CCP flag. The Chinese girl responded "we have image right, you can't film us". The Chinese guy next to her shouted at Dr. K "this is racism", we can take legal action against you". Someone called British police over. Police separated them into two sides. The male policeman talked to Chinese group while a female police talked to Dr. K.

Those Chinese don't want to be filmed but actually they came over to the live stream camera and exposed themselves in front of a live stream camera to the world through YouTube. This piano incident became a BIG EVENT. What a big fuss!!

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/5/2024 9:54 pm

The whole "piano gate" thing, those "Little Pink" "make a mountain out of a molehill 小題大作". They said they wanted to protect their "image right" and not allow Dr. K to film them. Then it became "Streisand effect" - an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead backfires by increasing awareness of that information. (The U.S. famous movie and singer, Barbara Streisand attempt to suppress Kenneth Adelman's website publication of his photograph of her cliff-top residence in Malibu, CA, taken to document CA coastal erosion, inadvertently drew far greater attention to the previously obscure photograph in 2003.)

Now the whole can see them. Ha, ha, ha, ....

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/4/2024 2:07 am

Do you remember in August 2023, a graffiti wall in London’s bustling street art hub of Brick Lane has become an unlikely canvas for protest messages against China’s authoritarian rule, after it was whitewashed and painted over with propaganda slogans promoting Chinese Communist Party ideology.

Chinese graffiti painting over the London street wall and tried to infiltrate British people to become communists. CCP's brutality and cruelty to torture and persecute its own people. The schools closed down for 10 yrs during Cultural Revolution, the Iron Curtain isolate China from outside world.

The US former president Jimmy Carter established diplomatic relationship with CCP in 1980 and made China rich for 40 yrs. Many large companies such as McDonald's, KFC, Nike, Coca Cola, Pizza, iPhone, Microsoft, Tesla.... brought to China, used Chinese cheap labor and large population. The Europeans followed U.S. footsteps to bring lots of businesses to China and made China rich. Westerners thought if they made China rich, China will become Democracy country. No, no, no, Communists are the same communists. They thought they are rich by themselves and money can briber scientists, steal the U.S. technology.

I hope Dr. Brendan Kavanagh can know CCP's 74 yrs history. CCP is evil. CCP is "Against Humanity".

China from poverty to rich, now poverty again, Real Estate crashed, stock market plummeted, unemployment rate 48%, population went down, COVID lockdown 3 yrs, people jumped out of high buildings, organ harvesting, ... so many weird things, so many crimes. Chinese people don't understand what I said is on their side, not CCP.

So sad.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
2/1/2024 9:32 pm

During this "piano incident", in the background of video camera accidentally revealed a well-known Chinese attorney who lives in Britain. Her name is Christine Lee. British MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5) name Christine Lee as an "agent of Influence". British security services issued an alert earlier this year stating that a UK-based lawyer had been engaged in "political interference activities" for the Chinese state. MI5's public naming of Christine Lee, and a recent unprecedented news conference with the FBI, mark a shift in the approach being taken against the security threat posed by China.

MI5 alleged that Christine Lee was 'involved in political interference activities' in the UK on behalf of CCP.

Now this "piano incident" became more intricate, and complex. Now Dr. K knows why Xi doesn't want people imply "Winne the Pooh" as Xi Jingping. So Dr. K brought two Winne the Pooh" toys and picture to the piano at St. Pancras train station. Dr. K also said "Glory to Hong Kong and he is strongly support Taiwan".

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
1/27/2024 8:26 pm

That piano at London train station was donated by Elton John on February, 14th, 2016 to promote the album "Wonderful Crazy Night."


Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
1/26/2024 1:56 pm

I have been in the USA for 43.5 yrs and been assimilated (民族、語音)被同化, 吸收(知識); 理解. I came from Taiwan where has "Democracy" system, we can vote for Taiwan's presidents every 4 yrs, the president only has 2 terms maximum. We can have different political parties 政黨, different opinions.

However, CCP brainwashed Chinese people since their young ages. CCP propaganda 中華人民共和國宣傳活動 is to spread its policies, build social consensus, and mobilize the population for social programs. Ideological bias 偏見. CCP overly emphasized how great of Communist party and censored all good news from Western countries. CCP propaganda slogan in 1972: "Long Live the Great, Glorious, and Correct Communist Party of China!"

CCP used "fire-wall" to block (censorship) the outside world news, so Chinese people can only know CCP controlled news. There are no Google search engine, Face Book, Twitter, YouTube, .... social medias. Chinese people only know from their own TV, magazine, Baidu 百度中文搜索引擎的公司, ... CCP told the lies thousand times and the lie became "truth".

I saw so many Chinese people came to foreign country but don't want to be assimilated and still use "We Chat", 支付寶 to pay from their money from their bank in China. However, due to CCP economy in crisis, I heard large amount of money can't be withdrew from their banks in China.

Deplorable Chinese people can't identify the differences of "patriotism 愛國心;愛國精神;愛國主義" and "chauvinism 盲目的愛國者" especially those "Little Pinks 小粉紅" and "50 cents Army.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
1/25/2024 10:04 pm

I have my personal experiences with Chinese from China. I was driving my car at a "residential area", listened to my car radio and sang along. I drove 25 MPH (mile per hour) speed. Then a Chinese girl behind me started to press her car horn several times. I stopped at a "stop sign". She came over to my car window, shouting in Mandarin Chinese "you drive too slow". I pretended I don't speak Chinese and said in English "this is residential area and the speed limit is 25 mile per hour". She took out her cellular camera and started to videotaping me and took pictures of my car license plate. She asked me "what is your name?" in Chinese. I replied "why should I tell you my name? You are not a police". She said she got my license plate #'s and she will find out my name and report me. I drove away from the stop sign place.

She is so rude. she saw me that I have an Asian face, so she spoke in Chinese. I got the same incident twice, I don't remember the same girl or not. CCP Chinese came to the USA with bad attitude and no manner.

Honesty is the best policy.