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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
2/23/2019 5:45 pm

...... I see all the new models and the features they advertise and some of it looks interesting. Well I have older vehicles and I like them. I have not had a car payment in 20 yrs or so.... I like it that way!!!!

Recently my car stopped (on a rainy cold day) I had it towed to the shop and a part was replaced, then a week later it did the same thing, (probably 10 blocks from home, so I walked home), the next day I had it towed again to the shop!!!. This time I left it there they told me it seemed ok. but I told them I did not want to come and get it until I ordered a fuel pump.... even though the shop said I likely did not need it. Well I ordered it, and they installed it, and "the problem is resolved" !!!!! The issue was, the pump's regulator would not hold back pressure, and caused the engine to have to crank too many time, before it would start, or it would loose all pressure and simply not start. Basically, this was the issue that caused me to have it towed, first they said it was "crankshaft sensor", so I had it replaced. ( mis-diagnosis); All along the issue was the "fuel pump" , so I also bought the fuel pump regulator. No problem, at least now I know the crankshaft sensor is new as well.

Well, when I drove my truck to the shop (the same evening) to check on the car, shortly after I had the car towed the first time, "as I pulled into the lot" the truck made a loud sound as if something broke. next there was fluid all over the ground. The Rack and Pinion (Steering system) went out !!!! I was lucky it happened in the mechanic's parking lot. So, I left the truck and had to replace that system. (they had gotten the car running so I drove it home). I had previously had all the other parts on the front end of the truck replaced, so now... I have a full rebuilt front suspension and steering system. (It drives great !!!)....

My vehicles are 20 yrs old and the Truck is 22 yrs old..... They are both in excellent condition and the car looks better than some of the new models.
I put new wheels, new headlights, new paint, new shocks and it is very clean inside. I've likely put in more $'s than they are worth to re-sell, but I have no interest in selling them. Besides, the car I think is built far better than some of the new models. The Truck was a unique model in its class when it was built, it has a V8 engine, when others in that class came with 4 and 6 cylinder engines. It does however burn more fuel.... but I don't drive it on a daily basis.

I hope they remain within out major problems ...

Lily20145 61F
887 posts
2/24/2019 12:12 am

sound familiar........It's part of ageing process, sometime some parts are needed to remove or replace. It will never look as good as new.


oldghost32 79M
244 posts
2/25/2019 1:07 am

Haha - I have just replaced the brakes, the lights, the seat, the handlegrips on my bike; after breaking wrist and thumb last year I am back up and riding again! But the two hills around my house are harder now. I have finished all the repairs, but the seat is harder on the buttocks! The thumb is still limited in movement, but I can still ride, just need to be careful with the righthand (front) brake.

oldghost32 79M
244 posts
2/25/2019 9:31 pm

I have to say repairs of any kind leave me with a dread feeling of reluctance - My last triumph was replacing a capacitor in my spare computer monitor a few years ago but both computer and monitor died shortly thereafter; I have a headset with a 3.5mm jack to be replaced, but buying a new headset is soooooooooo much easier - I am determined to be kind to myself and set aside any hard jobs.

oldghost32 79M
244 posts
2/25/2019 9:33 pm

If ever I managed to revive my electric chainsaw I would probably only manage to chop off a hand and ear or a foot - let sleeping dogs lie!

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
3/2/2019 3:18 pm

When I was young starting at age 15-16, I was a very good mechanic, I've done so many major jobs on my cars and even at 17 was the mechanic at a service station back in the days, when service stations performed a wide variety of full services, I did this as after school work.
On my own cars, I fixed and replaced anything that it needed. I've taken apart everything from generators on old cars, alternators on new cars to manual transmission to automatic transmission, just to understand how they work, as well as to change out the gears in manual units. I did this kind of stuff for a few years until I got to the point I did not like the oil embedded on my fingers. Today, many engines are kept fairly clean; even during the young years of rebuilding my cars, my engines were clean, the problem was when I worked on other peoples cars, I often never charged them a fee. their engines were not so clean..
So... I stopped working on peoples cars... then when all the advanced emission things and other changes came, I did not care to mess with it, so... "now" I simply take my car to the shop.

I don't particularly care for plumbing work. I did have to upgrade my first house from 110 AC to 220 AC.... and did the wiring on a room addition to one house. But... now...I call a repairman... when I need to fix somethings. It's just easier to save up the money and pay to have it done. I don't like installing carpet or tile... so stuff like that its better to get the people who can do that. Although I would like to know how to lay brick, just because I want to know. I don't really have the patience to want to do it on any large scale, but its a thing I think is interesting to learn, as well as I have a cousin who said he'd teach me welding.... which is something I'd like to know as well.

At my age, these things are not going to be a career choice... I got enough to keep me busy.... but.. to invest a bit of time to learn the fundamentals of things is a good thing.

I got more ideals than I have time to actually create and build them.....

My father use to ask me, why did I take my time and money to buy wood, build things and make create things and then give it away. I just liked building and creating it....