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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
6/14/2019 5:03 pm
Vehicles II

Well.... quotVehiclesquot talked about stuff.... now in Vehicles II.... I'll talk about more stuff. (it make for interesting conversation)

1999 E320 Benz

1997 Dodge

I've for sure got more invested in the car than the market would meet for it... but ... still not ready to get rid of it.... Having the Transmission Rebuilt... its costly, but still less than a new cart; and it is far less burdensome than having 7 yrs of Car Payments to , based on the way the finance new cars. This car I know what I have and what has been replaced and still I don't have any payments. So... at this point its still a worthwhile viable option. Considering I basically drive back and forth to work and shopping.

I'll probably get 'another car" in the some future...but it won't be a New Car...

I like features in many new cars, but just not a point to make a choice to encumber myself for 7 yrs just to for it.

I also see people, who "rent cars" when they want to drive of town, even if they have a newer vehicle.... they don't want to put the "miles on it" for extended trips.

20 post Car Inquiry

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
6/14/2019 5:05 pm

What do you think of "vehicles" and the associated cost of having one.

Lily20145 61F
887 posts
6/15/2019 1:28 am

I won't blame you and it's similar to ladies enjoys the features of new clothes, shoes and handbags. They are the same investments with similar depreciation too.


XiWangdeXin 70M
146 posts
6/15/2019 12:06 pm

    Quoting beyondfantasy3:
    What do you think of "vehicles" and the associated cost of having one.
In the U.S. they are indispensable. Here in China the public transportation is so much more convenient and robust I have no use for a car (parking is TERRIBLE here) unless I want to go on a road trip in which case I rent something.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
6/15/2019 2:06 pm

    Quoting XiWangdeXin:
    In the U.S. they are indispensable. Here in China the public transportation is so much more convenient and robust I have no use for a car (parking is TERRIBLE here) unless I want to go on a road trip in which case I rent something.
You are correct .. in this city where I live... a car is necessary!!! I can't fathom having to walk long distance to do stuff... and then in the summer its very hot, and the winter it gets very cold....

The public transportation in some America cities is not as conveniently connected as is in some Asian Locations or some major cities in the US.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
6/19/2019 4:57 pm

    Quoting  :

My registration get cheaper every year.
The big issue for me now, is at what point to do stop investing in my present car? They thing I factor is... I had not plan to sell it, and at this point I don't have any immediate plans to sell it.
I do think... I will get one of three cars (not new!), either another Benz, Mini Cooper or Porsche. (depends on what I think I can afford)...
Other people try to tell me what I can afford... ( which I find funny)... and they keep telling me, to buy a new car.... I am not of the mindset to want to be strapped with 7 yrs of car payments based on the way the finance new cars, and there is no bag of money to plunk down to reduce that payment span)..... Besides... I don't think of cars the same as I did when I was younger... even then, I did not buy "new cars".... I just bought what I liked.

most homes have a 2 car garage, so I have to think of that, because I prefer not to leave them parked outside, considering the variation of weather, and if it storms with "hail'... that is just asking for problems.

then there's "insurance" because it no way to get maximum usage out of all of them.

I had more car when I lived in CA... and it was a problem not worth complaining about... as to "which one to drive"... I already have a bike I have not ridden in at least 3 yr, and its time to sell it, its only got 4k miles on it.

I got other things I'd like to do, more than I care about making car payments.

Where I work, many people have very new "expensive cars"... I have friends that have multiple expense cars that cost "thousands a month, between car payment and insurance... and that's an expense even before they'd made the house payment or bought groceries. But, "that's what they like" so its not my business to say what they should or should not have.

I'm happy to see anyone get "whatever they want"... I don't resent or envy what other people choose to want or what they have....

I have friends with classic and antique cars, that are in immaculate condition, and they invested a great deal to make them beautiful... and I have cousin who "restore" old cars.... and he does amazing work !!!

Met a good mechanic last year and he is very smart about cars... we discussed the challenges he has encounter with many of the newer models of the past decade.

I recently found out, that the 'transmission on my car" has lots of 'electronic stuff in it"... and since the advent of the computer, many cars have very sophisticated computerized controls for almost everything about some cars. Whether that's good or bad, I don't know...

Years ago when I was young, I could repair "anything" on old cars.... because it was all non electronically controlled. I took apart everything on old cars to understand how it works... but much of that does not apply to the vehicles today. I don't want to tamper with working on "anything" on my Benz... because anything that is messed with, can turn out to be costly to have the skilled technicians fix it, and its for certain... if I mess with it, it will result to still require a skilled technician to program it. So.. I just drive it

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
6/22/2019 1:30 pm

Yes, I keep my vehicles in the garage for the very same reason you mentioned above.
I prefer to take care of the vehicles, as they last much longer. I keep the engine compartment clean also... dust and oil build up on the engine is not good for the engine.

I do know people who change to a new vehicle every 3-4 yrs....