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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
6/15/2019 1:59 pm
"Buying Stuff'

( This post is for HUMOR)... about "Buying Stuff".. )

"Is this the general basic format of concerns within the Western Society"?
We hear people claiming "depression" when they can't to go and shop... to a society that has many people who build their whole sense of self around "Buying Stuff" or "What they have bought"...

I don't know if its just funny, or if its sad.... its a contradictory thing, because when people "buy stuff" it means others have a means and opportunity to work, in the business that create and the stuff people "...

Life was far simpler when people's primary aim of "Buying Stuff" was to meet actual Need, least 80% of the time, but ""that was a long time ago""...

We went through an era where the whole point of "Saturdays" for some was "going to the Shopping Mall"...

Now, many many people " via the internet"... and in some cases its like a habit they can't tame.... because they don't see "actual dollar change hand"... they simply type in "some numbers from a " and Whamo!!! a few days later... products show up at their door...

Sometimes i around the house all the things "i've bought over time"... and the many things, I either don't have the time, or the interest to use or deal with.

I see some people, who so much, they have to move things they'd previously bought into "Storage Units" ( by the way, Storage Facilities is Big Business Nowdays)... I see some people who can't get their car in their garage, because it is filled with stuff they have bought over time... its packed so tight and deep, they may never see some items ever again... because many who pack the garage like that, have no interest or motivation to sort through it or clean it , then others after filling up the garage, they "extra storage shed's and place them in the back yard" and pack in even more stuff.

As I said, I don't know if it "funny" or sad"... but I do know... its really not my business what others choose to do... until it become a problem where they attract rats and roaches and if those rats and roaches come near or onto my property. ..... I am thankful that in my community, they don't store it in the front yard or on their Ranch Style Home Porch.... (at least not yet!!)

Then there comes the people who keep non operable vehicles, that they may never repair...

I see used car lots that have so many cars stacked on it, and the lot is in locations where not that many people are likely to come to looking to purchase a vehicle. Maybe there should be a "certification test" for people to become a "Used Car Dealer" !!!

There is something about "Buying Stuff" that makes some people feel alive and functional in their lives... because when people "can't to stuff"... it seem to have a profound impact to a greater or lesser degree.... then comes the other element of some are thrilled about "paying a price for what they bought" and "others are thrilled about paying a low price for what they bought".. and even still there are others, "who what they don't need and maybe did not even consider to want, until they saw it "On ".

not saying that exempt from Buying Stuff... because we all by some means are involved in the system of "Buying Stuff"... not because of Need, but by want, and even by "impulse"....

I buy stuff ... sometimes even stuff to use work, even though work, has means to supply what ever is needed to do the work that is expected. I ornaments for my office, and sometimes I find myself ... spending $20 or maybe even $30 some days while work... and then later, wonder what the heck did I spend the on.

Sometimes, I can sit home and just "conjure up stuff" that I want to go ...

I don't care for TV or Radio Commercials.... but it seems that does not curb the "Buying of Stuff" anyway

I can go to the Grocery store to get something, and forget what I went for and end up "buying stuff" I had no idea of buying before I went to the store.

Then there's the "Yard Sales'... I see people lined up to "Buy Stuff" that someone else bought, that they don't want, or so they can clear the house so they can have room for "Buying More Stuff"...

People go on vacation... supposedly to get away from routine habits, but they take with them the habit of "Buying Stuff"... and they come back home with a lot of "Stuff they Bought"..

Some people, when they spend all their , they run up a tab, to ensure they can engage the habit of "Buying Stuff".... even before they off the debt... they run up more to engage the habit of "Buying Stuff".

I often the "trash that I generate' from "Stuff I've Bought" and wonder sometimes, how can I generate so much garbage. I find too that "Buying Stuff" we often don't even consider the eloborate packaging that it comes it, because whether or not we know it, we bought that too. and we gladly throw it away...
( I recently bought some cookies, and was amazed at how eloborate the packaging was, it was in a box, inside the box it had a foil like wrapper, then a plastic tray, and it was only maybe cookies in the package.... it may have less if it was not so elaborately packaged, and to top it off, the cookie did not match the picture on the box, the cookies were much smaller...!!!! !!!!

Do your think in the next week the bug of "Buying Stuff" will you to go and start "Buying Stuff"...

how many times we "buy stuff" and get home and find we don't like it as much as we thought we liked it while in the store... then sometimes, we delude ourself to get angry and swear not to go back to that store, but reality is, we were the one who chose to it...

Or, we see something and know that its price is too good to believe, for what it claims, and we it anyway... when we know... we should have bought the higher items that represented the quality we think it truly should be... and we get home and get angry because what we bought is a low cheap product.

Some people are just gullible when it comes to sales people, and even more of what we don't need, because something inside wants to impress the sales persons that we can it. then, later, wonder why the heck did we it.

What's your funny or sad story about "Buying Stuff" ?

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
6/15/2019 2:08 pm

So far today... I did not buy much stuff... still I think I got ripped off a bit anyway....

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
6/15/2019 2:12 pm

Maybe what would be good to have in this city, is "Beer Bar's "like in Thailand... where one can buy " female company" on a day by day basis.... ( not necessarily for sex,) but just "company to share laughs and go do stuff" without it having to be filled with drama and agenda of obligation of some sort.

Lily20145 61F
887 posts
6/16/2019 12:55 am

Rent a spouse is not new in Japan and China, I am sure there are websites out there you can rent a 'company' soon at your area.
