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aliceyumi 53F
314 posts
5/19/2020 12:04 pm
Tired of quarentine but doing fine at home

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aliceyumi 53F
566 posts
5/19/2020 12:08 pm

Weather is cold for us, at least in my area, I can not do without a pull. Now it's rare to see me wearing a simple t-shirt How's the temperature over there?

aliceyumi 53F
566 posts
5/19/2020 1:00 pm

Do you think using a full make up is better? Hide imperfections? My skin is filled of those, but I never try to disguise as the photos show.

Lily20145 60F
887 posts
5/21/2020 4:28 am

look lovely girl.


aliceyumi replies on 5/21/2020 2:22 pm:
Really Lily, me a girl? hahaha Thanks for the compliment!

Lily20145 60F
887 posts
5/22/2020 2:23 am

Of course, you are still a little girl Yumi.


aliceyumi replies on 5/22/2020 10:04 am:
Well, to mom I'll always be her little girl and in some way I think I'll never grow up... With my hair gray or white, people tend to say I look much older but what bothers most is the wrinkles, I doesn't want to laugh or smile much so that it doesn't show.