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Many Perspectives of Attitude

By living today, we build what become tomorrow. We must know what was within Yesterday, to understand what we are faced with today.

Good Things
Posted:Sep 26, 2015 6:41 am
Last Updated:Oct 24, 2015 6:29 am

I feel blessed, that my mother is pulling through the challenges, it is very difficult set of variable, but I have faith she will pull through.

I don't want to say too much, because all is in Gods hands and within the strength of spirit which lives within her. She has unwavering faith, even within her challenges she is worried about us, and we are assuring her we are all maintaining well. They keep her sedated for comfort at this time, but she is responsive.
My current boss and office staff surprised me with an outing to Lunch, as their care to relieve the stress of the challenges being faced. They caught me totally off guard, as I though we were going to do a site visit. It was a gracious gift of their hearts and I appreciate it greatly.

I've been presented with an opportunity to be second in responsibility, in another department. It's a very good position and job; as I am dedicated to doing good things in the capacity.

I keep my prayers focused on the positive outcomes with my mothers care at the top of the minds focus.
1 comment
The frightening reality of Truths
Posted:Sep 13, 2015 5:57 am
Last Updated:Sep 19, 2015 7:59 am

To some the truths of and within life can be frightening, but once faced, it becomes just something else to deal with.
Dealing with truths one will grow, whether they are prepared for the growth or not, truth brings growth.

I see so many young people stuck down by acts of violence, and many other things, and those of us who have longevity continue on facing the many growth factors that makes up our days.

It is WISE for everyone to think in terms of "Safety", don't become a life defying daredevil type, why temp such a risky thing.
Consider the safety elements and adhere to doing what is safe.
That includes meeting people in social web sites.
don't get overly happy and forget cautions, don't meet people in places that can be questionable, and always make sure someone knows whom your are meeting and where you are meeting them.
Today it may be even a wise things to snap a quick picture and send it to a friend at the start of the meeting, it just might be a safe thing to do.

It's sad that people can be malicious, yet, one does not need to be paranoid, but it is certainly wise to be safe.

Some of the "sex hunters" who fill the site, and those who come preying on others for money, is a madness that probably won't go away.

Never disclose too much about your financial standing, and be cautious of discussing your financial successes, because no one knows who are the individuals that frequent these sites in covert disguise.

As to many things in life, the simple reality of honesty is a good policy in the general value structure of ones life, but never let others assume or think you to be naive to the realism which exist.
Don't send people money !!!!!! don't even come across as if you will send people money. Because you can be assured they will come after it by some means and once they get a little, they will find a reason to want and pursue more.

If people are looking for random sex, they may be better off to choose someone they know, rather than someone they have no idea whom the person is, or what agenda a person has. It's not worth risking yourself to such a degree.

Finding truths in self is a ongoing work, it will continue to be an ongoing work as long as one is living. Therefore build no delusions and chase no illusion, when you have the time if you get the mindset to have patience, to find out the truths of whom another truly is.
Very good Casting for Movie Roles.
Posted:Sep 12, 2015 8:52 am
Last Updated:Sep 14, 2015 5:32 pm

The recent movie "Focus" - the casting director did a good job, choosing Margot Robbie to play opposite Will Smith.
1 comment
The vanity of youth.
Posted:Sep 7, 2015 3:28 pm
Last Updated:Sep 15, 2015 4:57 pm

One would need to spend time visiting a rehab facility or a nursing home, then they can grasp what is more important than vanity. Old people struggle daily, just with basic health and mobility matters, they learn to live from within themselves, not what they think vanity can delight them about.

Most have no idea what as individuals we take for granted, until you see a volume of seniors who have lost many attributes and mobility factors as well as their basic sanity. One would need to see the fear of lonesomeness that invades their days and how their nights are not spent fully sleeping as one would think about in their youthful times.

One may even find out that sex, of all its time consumption in the younger years becomes something far distant in the concept of a day and what is the life within ones days.

Of things, since I had the surgery and it affected ED, that too, has presented a focus that does not readily go to the sexual aspect of living, but in the values of integrity, character, skill management and working on living healthy. It brings an awareness of the fragile nature of people, especially those whom rely far too much on sex, the lure of sex and the pursuit of sex. Many forsake so much within their lives all about sex and its pursuits and self assessments, and they never can know fully to understand what they forsake until they reach a point that it is not the driving force of their days and interactions.

One would need to review deeply the word "Vanity" to grasp what it encompasses and how much of ones daily life it consumes.
Posted:Sep 6, 2015 7:33 am
Last Updated:Sep 12, 2015 8:50 am

I have seen some pictures of amazingly large homes with vast grounds well manicured with many attributes. I often wonder, what is the point and why is there such a need. some inhabitants have no , and its simply two people occupying these vast complexes. Then we see, some who result to meet with divorce and the ultimate sale of these properties. It appears no matter how much opulence one surrounds themselves with, it affords no assurance of a long and stable relationship.
I wonder, does the home and opulence overwhelm and over come the sensibilities of what is a relationship?
Some of late have sold in the $100 million plus cost range. I personally think even though one may have $billions, is it of a necessity to have such a vast complex? Is it symbols of status and wealth, or do they care to make it truly "home", as many have multiple complex they own.
If 90% of the home is often un-used and time is not available to walk the grounds or engage the amenities, then what is the point?

I see too many entertainers, "unloading these massive complexes" as their career slows down and they are not making the $20 million a film, it appears the mortgage and upkeep cost become more a burden than a prospering asset, as these homes require a great amount for their upkeep, utilities, staff and other fixed cost, which eats into any expected value rise. I'd assume their investment management prompted many to buy multiple homes, but the individual must realize the investment person makes their profit, regardless of the individual wins or looses in the long term.
Even some may sell for a few million more than the cost, but what were the invested expenses and how does that offset what is profit? is the net gain truly of value for the challenges faced over ownership over a the span of time many people have possession of these homes.

Today, "what is a million dollar home"? has so much to do with "LOCATION", but in some areas one can have a suitable ideal property outside of prime locations even if its in another state? Or what is the reality of having a multi million dollar penthouse or apt in a very expensive high rise, as opposed to having a home where they can actually put their feet on solid ground?

I do think in some cases it may well be a 'security and safety" component in the selection and choice, as many exclusive areas have high quality security which minimizes through traffic.

Some entertainers go for the 'entertainment value" of the homes, until they settle down and factor in what the cost of continual entertainment actually sums to be. Then they curb the entertainment, and find the home to be overwhelming.

We however do no know what is the daily reality when one reaches or passes the $100 million dollar holding valuation or the $billion dollar valuation level. it has to come with many "must do" responsibilities, then there are those who surpass the 10's of $billion of holding valuation. Their life is some ways, is not theirs in the same sense it use to be, because it takes a great deal of efforts of sorts we may not know, to manage and protect that level of asset holdings even when you have staff who handles various management aspects.

Opulence has many things it presents, but it still fits within the aspect that nothing is free even when resources make it a minimal $$ concern, it still has its needs of responsible ownership elements.

I see some public figures who find that after close to a decade and their career trajectory changes, they are left with this massive expense of home maintenance, some homes fall into dis-repair or lack "optimal upkeep" once the income changes. (this is more true in the Non-billionaire owners).

What is the nature of "home" in relation to income and asset holdings? truly all about?

I see some properties that would serve better at being a "resort" more than it functions as being a single family residence.
New People
Posted:Sep 2, 2015 4:11 pm
Last Updated:Sep 12, 2015 7:53 am

Please don't spam the board with excessive postings. Thank you
Big blast
Posted:Aug 16, 2015 6:34 am
Last Updated:Aug 23, 2015 7:30 am

It's amazing how much damage the blast did to the Chinese Port Area.

Looking at the pictures it was tremendously large...... What could have possibly been the catalysis for such a blast?
Could you deal with these challenges
Posted:Aug 14, 2015 5:02 am
Last Updated:Aug 19, 2015 8:42 am

Could you deal with a mate who has sexual dsyfunctions

Female and Male sexual dysfunction can occur at all stages of life, and it may be ongoing or happen only once in a while.

You may experience more than one type of female and Male sexual dysfunction. Types include:

Low sexual desire. You have diminished libido, or lack of sex drive.
Sexual arousal disorder. Your desire for sex might be intact, but you have difficulty or are unable to become aroused or maintain arousal during sexual activity.
Orgasmic disorder. You have persistent or recurrent difficulty in achieving orgasm after sufficient sexual arousal and ongoing stimulation.
Sexual pain disorder. You have pain associated with sexual stimulation or vaginal or for men, Peyronie's or various erectile dsyfunction.

these conditions impact millions of people at various ages and states,
Who is really ready
Posted:Aug 14, 2015 4:51 am
Last Updated:Aug 18, 2015 9:47 pm

who is really ready to select a mate? It's an interesting question, as many people hold on to a great many reservation, even when mate options are right before them.
I think its a valid questions, as today the media presents so much and the social media options are endless, so it becomes a matter within an individual as to their readiness to select.

Options always exist, as does temptations presentations, but only the ones who are ready may be the ones who actually take the step to make and build a relationship.

Love is a wonderful things, it starts by many means, and not always with a overwhelming bang, something it grows where one least have considered and sometimes it come with a surprise even to those whom these feeling spring up.

Are you really ready?
What's next in the process
Posted:Aug 11, 2015 4:29 am
Last Updated:Aug 17, 2015 4:34 pm

As China contends with an economic slowdown and a stock market slump, the authorities on Tuesday sharply devalued the country’s currency, the renminbi, a move that could raise geopolitical tensions and weigh on growth elsewhere.

The central bank set the official value of the renminbi nearly 2 percent weaker against the dollar. The devaluation is the largest since China’s modern exchange-rate system was introduced at the start of 1994.

China’s abrupt devaluation is the clearest sign yet of mounting concern in Beijing that the country could fall short of its goal of roughly 7 percent economic growth this year. (web news)

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