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Many Perspectives of Attitude

By living today, we build what become tomorrow. We must know what was within Yesterday, to understand what we are faced with today.

We never really know....
Posted:Dec 30, 2014 4:15 am
Last Updated:Jan 3, 2015 5:10 am

It's such a tragedy to hear and read about Flight 8501 of the people and plane.

One moment, the plans are filled with ideals of many wonders and joy, and other reasons people choose to travel. Then tragedy strikes.
Then to read about the Ferry Fire, where 12 people lost their lives along with two rescue people.

I cannot fathom how these Airlines claim profits but they won't invest in a GPS system which is directly linked to Satellites. It is just human greed, as to why there is no investment to address this problem.

This is why I have such disdain for some of the new age executives, they are always of concern about their stock options, over inflated salaries, but they find every excuse to claim they can't upgrade their equipment, when the technology is available. Almost every car people buy, has some type of navigation like to GPS, and General Motors has had OnStar for more than a decade. But Airlines can't upgrade their systems, and continue to rely on ineffective ground control, which has too many hand-off from region to region. There needs to be upgrades to the black box, because now we have two planes, which the black box has proven to be insufficient.

Satellites, can detect the weather patterns and provide information far better than ground meteorologist. Yet, why is the weather info, not put through a computer and verified by cross match with satellite weather data. Before it is transmitted to the airplanes.

Things get gridlocked by inactive and non function performance by executives, who fail to make progressive decisions.
I see it everyday, at work, I see it in simple things such as shopping, when the manager notice the line is growing but they won't open more registers, we see it in how processing simple things can be improved, but someone is grid-locking the process by inaction.

Something has to change in this world and societies. The first change may be to reduce what these Executives are paid, so they are forced to pay attention to the job, and less attention to the perks and the opulence of their lifestyle. Something has to take their focus from the stock ticker, and put more concern for the consumer and the organizational process and equipments.

We trust these business and things, and become reluctant to demand better upgrades in systems that matter. Not in changing the color of the seat covers, and switching up the menu items. How about upgrading the technology that keeps the plane with better information and better tracking.

We never know when something may happen- but we still can push to make sure that the best efforts are engaged by the places we do business. It won't remove the fact that we can be in our home or at the park and lightening strikes, all of which is possible. But - that does not mean we should be with any apathy when it comes to demanding that business pushes to get the best safety upgrades.

This may be 160 plus individual lives, but those 160+ lives are connected to thousands of others through the expanse of their family and friends.
A vast mixture of personalities and characters - make up the world.
Posted:Dec 29, 2014 4:13 am
Last Updated:Jan 10, 2015 6:31 am

the wonders of individuals is full with a great expanse of life; we need only give respectful regard to those who come to share in general openness about life and the many wonderful things that make up living..
Each of us has a uniqueness that makes us individuals. We have moments we are filled with joys, we have moments we are facing many variables. We have moments when we have varying opinions.
But what matters is that we don't embrace hateful elements that attack others without provocations.
We each have the right to defend ourselves, but never to play gang up warfare upon and against other for no reason.

Not everyone is going to like everyone, and not everyone will become friendly with everyone. That's just life and the nature of human social function.

Some of us have better financial means than others, and some of us face challenges in financial matters, but finances has never and will never be the measure of anyone's integrity nor will it suffice to become the essence of ones character.

It is natural by the elements of people, that some people do compete, and it is never more evident than in the circle of a mate pursuit arena. . Why that exist is a mystery, but it exist in the physical world, as well as the internet world.

It does not add up to much, because in the end circles of it all, people will result to choose whom they want, and sometimes it works and sometimes it does not work.
But at any rate, it is an experiences, that invariably people learn many things, both about self and about others.
Some people as in life are toxic unto each other, why; is a mystery they may not find a resolve, but eventually they distance themselves from each other.

In all... its just a world of people, from many places, with many various ways of grooming and growing.
But there is no one who lives without some nature of challenges.
We may all find some level of knowing these variables exist..... and not let things break out into all out war......

The world has been as such... as long as there has been people.

Since I'be been on this site, well over a decade, I've seem women attack other women based on nothing more than what level of responsiveness one woman may get in relations to another woman.. I've seen guys who develop their attitudes at other men, and avoid participating in each others blog postings and some may even swing at each other with words.

In the big picture.... It's just people, utilizing the tools available to participate to one degree or the others.
Life - Loving and YOU
Posted:Dec 17, 2014 5:11 am
Last Updated:Dec 21, 2014 1:37 pm

It's quite interesting. We never know how we will cope until changes bring us to cope.

Its such a trip, as I go to appointments, I often see people with very visibly challenged conditions, some have conditions that are not visible at a glance but the impact of their challenges is visible in the over-all. I see so many that are younger and many many whom are older, who have suffered many breakdowns in their body and its abilities to do what we often consider to be simple things.

Some require assistance to walk, some have challenges to talk, and many many people have such a broad variety of issues and challenges which in early youth would be unthinkable such things happen.
Today, there are countless with devastating challenges, still they do as best they can to continue along their path.

I often see people doing dare devil stunts, especially in their years prior to their 40's. Some make it through and some don't, some come through with devastating losses of various functions and some become paraplegic and other tragic things. I see couples who were once vibrant and out and about, and one of them has met some challenge which changes their dynamics, but in many of these cases, their mate remains with them, assisting and being considerate in ways that take great character of self investment.,

What do we know of life? Are we often aware of what it could be or what it might be, all of which can change in the flash of a moment.

Some have faced tragic accidents, while they were peacefully going about their business.
We saw recently the mass killing of in their school, what we don't know is how many suffered devastating injury that alter their life plans tremendously, as so many came to loose their lives.

Now, in all of this, when people think of relationships, and put every kind of game style gambit in the mix, which ultimately in many cases result to deny them the same love they claim to seek.. They too are suffering devastating challenges, and unfortunately some never acknowledge it as such, but they remain loveless and diminished in what life could be with love.

It may be wise to appreciate self, learn better to appreciate others, and put the efforts to move above selfish fantasy, and vain self consumption. To put love into actions while one is able to engage it with their whole self in mind and spirit.

Many people, have a "hold out mentality', as if some magical mate will suddenly appear, that delusions has been lived by so many, and is still being lived by many even still.
some make money and obstacle, in their lusting for someone with money, but they deny it when it comes to question even unto themselves, some put status and title as the obstacles, chasing for someone to give them a connection to status and pageantry.

What a paradoxical life - the many ways that people can find to defeat love. Much led by fears, often rationalized into blames upon others, many of the same fears have never taken into account their own misgivings, which led in part to the pains they may have gone through, some have gone through pains, being passive, while being frustrated at not truly being expressive of themselves from the onset.

As people come to find, they are not guaranteed anything from moment to moment, It may being some to move beyond blocking themselves, and open and learn better to make choices and share love.
If one is expecting, seeking or lusting for perfection, they not only may become hardened in themselves, they may build a mentality in themselves which voids out their own potential to share and appreciate loves interchanges.

It's always a 'day by day" love affair when two people make a relationship, because not one person can predict tomorrow, nor even 10 minutes from any moment.
Don't let them " i'm so pretty I can wait", defeat you, Don't let, I go so much money I can wait, defeat you. Don't let the "I got so many options, I can wait, result to defeat you.

Love and your living will never be more than you and whom you choose makes it to be. If it is an aim to have a problem free relations, one may want to grow up and mature beyond that, because one can't have a problem free life, even if they live by themselves.
Maybe the big questions is; Is your will to love and appreciate being loved and share loving strong enough to be willing to deal with the ups and down that are normal in the world and life we live... and do we have the fortitude to hold fast to love and 'work through" the challenges. ?

These things may have much bearing in how one choose to move forward in their life, living, relationships and loving interchanges.
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"The Glow" and its Charms
Posted:Dec 17, 2014 4:43 am
Last Updated:Dec 21, 2014 8:55 am

Quite amazing how nature built us to develop and grow. We never need to loose "The Glow" that is often a part of us in the very early youth, it comes with a different energy in our teens and then a different energy in our 20's, 30's and etc.....

We need not loose that glow. We can be mindful of its stages, but at each point and stage in the circle of our lives, it is still "a glow"..

We have to learn to appreciate it as it matures within the development of our years. We can't chase yesterdays charms, but we can embrace today's charms and their graces.
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"Big Babies"
Posted:Dec 6, 2014 8:06 am
Last Updated:Dec 11, 2014 4:57 pm

Hernandez, of Monte Vista, Colorado, was scheduled for a C-section on December 4, and had been told to expect a 7-pound baby. When she went into labor on Monday and eventually had Mia via C-section

Mia, who was 22 inches long, was 13 pounds and 13 ounces.

Mia, weighs more than mom Hernandez’s twins — combined.

Mia isn’t the first big baby to make news this year. In January, Andrew was born in Hesperia, California, tipping the scales at 15 pounds, 2 ounces. And Massachusetts parents welcomed 14.5 pound baby Carisa in April.

Only about one in every 100,000 babies weighs more than 14 pounds,
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The Sony "Hack"
Posted:Dec 6, 2014 7:53 am
Last Updated:Dec 9, 2014 4:18 pm

If the indications point to N. Korea, and then the follow up craziness of threats to the employees and others at Sony will lead to some big changes in cyber security.
If this was done by N. Korea, the end result may be that N.Korea may find itself with problems it never imagined.

N. Korea. being isolated and wasting its money on (N) missile test, hacking other places and a continual barrage of crazy talk; may well lead to more sanctions which devastated them even moreso. At some point China will have no choice but to stand up and step up pressure on N. Korea, by cutting back on resources assistance.
Equally too, as well as China will have no choice but to cut various humanitarian and economic support aid to N. Korea; as China will have to eventually face up to the fact... that providing Aid to N. Korea only free's up N. Korean resources which they( N. Korea) wrongly uses to invest in weapons and computer hacking an other threat and assault tactics, while the peoples lives is not improved in N. Korea.
Russia is weakened so that ultimately will mean that the N. Koreans can't hide behind Russian power while it continues to push the mad-man agenda, China will have to stop treating N. Korea as the spoiled bully , which it has been supporting.

Soon the people of N. Korea will have their own internal uprising; (There are many many countries who will support the people if they initiate an uprising against the madness of its military driven dictatorship.)
If China is on-board, with a league of nation (which is questionable), Then, it will be relatively easy to get the N. Korean people weapons and what ever else they need to over throw this mad man and the craziness of the military agenda.

If people look back at Romania and the way Nicolae Ceaușescu met his downfall, then the realization that N. Korean's "Kim" has numbered days.....

Every Country needs to keep reigns on the Big Oil Executives, so they don't keep funding destabilization policies, in search of trying to buy favor-ability.

It''s time for people the all over the world r to understand more about the malice within influences engaged by the seekers of "Energy" and "Fresh Water" ; and be with firm monitoring of their actives as well as, following their money trails to see who is doing things that bring instability.
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What a Wonderful World!
Posted:Nov 29, 2014 7:48 am
Last Updated:Dec 11, 2014 4:56 pm

someone sent me this for Thanksgiving. "Superb Story"

This corresponds to the Wikipedia entry for Satchmo.....

Grandson of slaves, a boy was born in a poor neighborhood of New Orleans , known as the "Back of Town".
His father abandoned the family when the was an infant.
His mother became a and the boy and his sister had to live with their grandmother.

Early in life, he proved to be gifted for music and, with three other , he sang in the streets of New Orleans and his first gains were the coins that were thrown to them.
A Jewish family, Karnofsky, who had immigrated from Lithuania to the USA , had pity for the 7-year-old boy and brought him into their home. Initially given 'work' in the House, to feed this hungry .
Then he remained and slept in this Jewish family where, for the first time in his life, he was treated with kindness and tenderness.
When he went to bed, Mrs. Karnofsky sang him a Russian Lullaby that he would sing with her.

Later, he learned to sing and play several Russian and Jewish songs.

Over time, this boy became the adopted of this family. The Karnofskys gave him money to buy his first trumpet; as was the custom in the Jewish families, they sincerely admired his musical talent.
Later, when he became a professional musician and composer, he used these Jewish melodies in compositions, such as St. James Infirmary and Go down, Moses.

The little black boy grew up and wrote a book about this Jewish family who had adopted him in 1907.
In memory of this family and until the end of his life, he wore a star of David and he said that it is in this family that he had learned "how to live real life and determination. ''

This little boy was called Louis Armstrong.
What a Wonderful World!
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What makes you happy within a relationship
Posted:Nov 28, 2014 5:07 pm
Last Updated:Dec 4, 2014 5:18 am

Each person has many things that help them connect and make a relationship, and within this there are some things that simply make people glow with joy.

What are some of the things that help you find those moments of glow?

Often so much within this site where people claim to seek love remains on the shallow end of the spectrum, and there's great avoidance of things which deal with the realities that come within the whole of relating. but the oddity is, when those same things that people avoid, brings pain, then and only then do they want to discuss it. Maybe if people prepare better by dealing with broad based realism's, they may become hurt less often and the pain may be less severe, as understanding is in some ways like a vaccination against some severe pains.

Yes, its understood that most like to put their best face on and pump up the best sides of themselves, and that is great, but one can't neglect the whole of realism's, because in the depths of real life things, there will be challenges and there will be disagreements and many other irregularities. But in honest how many are really prepared to deal with these things as they arise?

Not only knowing what become irritants, but its important to know what are the things that bring moments of glow is important.

Learning each other is and will be an ongoing process if and as people hope and expect love to grow. Are you really prepared?

it might be in some cases helpful to know what helps heal in the moments when challenges bring pings and pains.
Learning for Women and Men about Men and the Natural Aging Process
Posted:Nov 28, 2014 10:11 am
Last Updated:Dec 2, 2014 4:59 am

After the age of thirty, a man may lose up to two percent of testicular function each year and a corresponding decrease in testosterone level. We know that twenty to fifty percent of healthy men between the ages of 50 and 70 have lower than normal levels of testosterone. This statistic indicates that up to five percent of all men are at risk for low testosterone states, a staggering number if you think about it.

In men, mid-life hormone changes usually begin without notice, especially after the age of forty. Unfortunately, the only obvious result may be the gradual assumption of the appearance of an old man. Andropause, a condition in which the testosterone level slowly declines with age, also decreases a man’s ability to enjoy sex and to develop good quality erections. In addition to experiencing a decrease in sexual desire and erectile dysfunction, men with a lowered testosterone level may also notice changes in mood and emotions,

The medical profession has generally believed that, as men age, many of the changes they experience are due to the aging process rather than to hormonal changes such as are seen in women during menopause.

In the last several years, and, more specifically, with the development of testosterone in a form that simplifies administration and dose, the understanding of low testosterone in men has changed.

Low testosterone: symptoms
Symptoms of low testosterone include irritability, weight gain in the wrong places, loss of muscle tone, inadequate erections and poor sexual performance. An additional list of symptoms of low testosterone includes:

Erectile dysfunction (problems with erections)
loss of libido (low sex drive)
Mood disturbances, including depression, irritability and feeling tired
Loss of muscle size and strength
Osteoporosis (bone thinning)
Increased body fat
Difficulty with concentration and memory loss
Sleep difficulties

Men are living longer and are beginning to understand more about the aging process. As this knowledge becomes more available, men will demand treatment for low testosterone to maintain or improve their relationships, have better sex without Viagra and alleviate other symptoms, including osteoporosis and mood disturbances—many of the same problems that occur in aging women.

It's important in general for men and women to learn more of themselves and each other as to the gender and its natural processes, It is very much so important, when people have the wide span of age in their relationships, it is important for men to understand the nature of himself, but as well it is good for the woman to understand the nature of man.
As it is equally important that the woman understand the nature of herself, and as she ages the understand or herself and the natural nature of agings, as well as for the man to understand the nature of woman and the natural nature of aging of woman.

many people avoid subjects of realism, and opt for fantasy, but whether they seek to avoid it or not, the reality and nature of life will continues to be the reality and nature of life.

It's best to learn it at a point when one can understand it, rather than trying to figure it out under the emotion stress of confusions and posturing challenges as the realism of aging is and will be natural to all to greater or lesser degree, based solely on the individual.

It's another factor that tells people, in their youth, to put effort and investment in building relationships on something far deeper than just the sexual aspects.

We see some aged couples who are content and appreciate each other, and some filled with anguish and resentment at the changes they failed to consider as being part within living.
Older men and Clothes
Posted:Nov 25, 2014 5:22 am
Last Updated:Dec 1, 2014 4:18 pm

For certain, a older man should make sure his shoes are shined if he wears the type that takes a good shine.
When tennis shoes get old and worn looking, 'GET RID OF THEM".... nothing worst than a older man in some overly worn tennis shoes or some that the design and color does not suit well with his age and attire. I have some soft silver nikes that are not glossy, and they work very well and especially well with faded jeans, black pants and other things. I've bought the same pair two different times and will buy a third pair soon. I don't care for the youth faddish tennis shoes.

Dress Well-Regardless : choose the clothing that gives a looks that fits the stability of yourself, but the openness of your mind, but don't dress like you are trying to recapture your 20's. You can wear any color you want, but choose how its the design cut is.
If you wear hard sole shoes, buy you a good par, don't go get the $29.95 shoes with the plastic sole, but you don't have to go and spend $300 for them either, a good $100 - 175.00 shoes will do you well, make sure they have leather soles and then go have a sole protector added. Maybe you can by two pair if your finances permit, Stacy Adams makes a good shoes as well as Johnson & Murphy. the shoes will wear well, shine well and they are durable. If you wear them daily, it is advisable to get two pair, so you can alternate and be sure to put a shoe tree in it after wearing to help retain its form.
I don't like some shirts that are not cut right, such as "short shirts", they won't stay in your pants as you move about, so try and get the long cut, as it stays in the pants much better. It really doesn't matter much if its slim fit or a regular, because you want to move freely.
Choose carefully, the texture and composition of the material of the pants you buy, If possible and affordable, be sure it has a half lining down the front.
choosing a tie.. watch the material, some polyester will not lay properly and the knot will be too bulky, if possible get silk ties. when you choose something other than silk, think of the weight feel of the tie, because bulky tie can make for awkward feelings.
I don't say spend a fortune for shirts, because I won't pay $85 for a shirt. I stay under the $40 unless its something I really like, and you can generally find those in the sale section, after they mark down the prices on the $85 dollar shirts. Then you can have it for up to $40, some brands might not go below $65, but you got to think of where you will be wearing it, and the high frequency it must be laundered, so its not worth it to pay too much initially.
Socks can be found reasonable - when they get a worn look, give them to Goodwill or something.
As for your Wallet.. when it starts looking out of shape, CHANGE IT, nothing like a well dressed man with a sloppy wallet.

Just thoughts ..
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