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Many Perspectives of Attitude

By living today, we build what become tomorrow. We must know what was within Yesterday, to understand what we are faced with today.

What do you believe
Posted:Nov 24, 2014 5:04 am
Last Updated:Dec 31, 2014 5:35 pm

Do you think you are responsible for finding a mate, or do you think love should just come to you because you exist?

Do you think that perfection is suppose to come to you just because you imagine and want it, or do you think that reality is what it will be and from there you work hard to help make it become the best it can be?
Hound Dogs and Purring Cats
Posted:Nov 22, 2014 8:55 am
Last Updated:Nov 25, 2014 4:53 pm

Hound dogs do bark too !!!! and Cat's do Meow !!!! so if you play the and cat thing, understand what is within the mix of the make up of such.

Hound Dogs (Male Players)
Hound dogs were originally used for hunting purposes, They are aggressive watchdogs and overprotective.

Hound dogs tend to slobber and drool much more than other breed of dogs. The main reason why people choose to give up their hound dogs is because they drool too much. Just be prepared to deal with the slobber.

Cats: (Female Players)
All cats, with the exception of the big cats, can purr, though they all have different reasons for doing it.
Cats also need to bury their crap... and know that Cats are the only animals that are both prey and predator.
Cat personalities vary greatly, but personality traits shared by all cats are their independent natures, cleanliness habits and the ability to be aloof and very, very quiet when necessary. All cats lift their tails high in the air when being friendly or happy, and will sway their tails slowly back and forth when processing fear, anxiety or anger. All cats have the ability to hide their pain and suffering very well.
All cats are good hunters. Some may not want to hunt, but that doesn't mean they can't if forced to survive
Posted:Nov 22, 2014 8:45 am
Last Updated:Nov 25, 2014 4:53 pm

You get a glimpse of much in the meeting stages, subconsciously the mind will pick up on some generalized motives and intentions of character traits.
sometimes we may come to deal with and even like what we may have though we did not like, it depends on what understanding presents, confirms or refutes.

It's probably not a good thing to go stumbling heads over hells, nor heels over head about anyone about anything. Because time is the factor that will unfold the reality and it won't do it all at once.

So if you don't have the patience to build a relationship, you might have less of a success in what it becomes or does not become.

Surely, Infatuation comes into play, that's just the nature of life. But as well, clarity comes too, behind anything which infatuation may proceed to present.

In the big picture of it all.. It still is as much about you and what and how you do what you do, as it is about the other, in how they do what they do... and how that works in relations to what each other is doing at any given time.

So, it might be wise to not let arguments get out of hand, nor let anguish and anger paint pictures which may not exist as you've painted them.

Instincts are many things, but be aware, that we can influence how they interpret what they present. Patience seems to be a valued thing.... if one is to be wise in the acts and actions of relating... which may or may not lead to agreed upon loving; as in making a committed relationship.
Do your really know why you pursue the mates you seek?
Posted:Nov 21, 2014 4:41 am
Last Updated:Dec 21, 2014 9:30 am

Do your really know why you pursue Asian Women?
Do you really know why you pursue Western Men?

It's a simple questions as it seems but it is bigger than one may imagine.

Yes, Diversity Mating Pursuits is a good thing, GLOBALLY. But for many do you know what drives your change in cultural and ethnic mate choices.

for some it may be money, it may be re-location and such things. But beyond those things, for those who do not have those as driving choices.

Do your really know why you pursue Asian Women?
Do you really know why you pursue Western Men?

Many will probably run from this questions, but you can't run from it within yourself, because you will have to face the motivations that drives your choice at some point and time.
The sooner one comes to terms with their motivations, the more positive their search may become.
China and Business
Posted:Nov 21, 2014 4:35 am
Last Updated:Nov 24, 2014 3:51 am

From a recent articles about Alibaba, some came with negative commentary and mis information. I think some underestimate this company, because its not an American company, but they are not paying attention to the expansion and the wide business enterprises within this business model.

In the west, we may have some good businesses, but we can't continue to carry on the assumption that we are the one and only.
40 yrs in the rise of China should show that China has a business model and they are growing and it is different than Western Business.

Often time we think hype is all we need, but hype does not stand well against a business which has a sense of duty in how its operated. The culture in China has been one with a history of less waste and more duty within how people consider their business and their work. As a result their business have grown astronomically.

They may have less valuation within their currency, but they have a higher density of population which means their money cycles in their community many times. This results to many Chinese gaining uplift in their personal monetary gains of individuals.

If we look at infrastructure project, China has out built up 10:1 easily, and they build mega structures which is to address their population size, but also they have to consider their growth elements as well.

In notice a lot of slap stick comedy by people in America when an article about Chinese business and business growth. But sadly, while we are focused on slap stick comedy, China focuses on the duty of their business aims. This makes a big difference in how their success modeling progresses.

The world has to learn from the world - PERIOD. Once any entity begins to underestimate their competing global partners, the gap in progress will widen.

We've seen this become true all across the Asian and Asian Pacific Region.

I think we as an American nation may need to get less caught up in slap stick comedy in both the social media and news articles and focus more on the duty of business and the responsibility that duty demands.

We are no longer in the 1950's and 1960's when America was in its industrial hey day, and commercial growth boom. Reality is simply, we don't make the clothes we wear, we don't make the shoes, our appliances are not made in the US and we import every type of things in massive volumes. Even non durable products, we continue to re-purchase at a high rate and our consumption becomes not only wasteful, we have become to pursue low price, and with low price comes lower quality, which mans re-purchase cycles speeds up.

We need to re-think things in the Western Model, come down off the delusion that we are the same as what we once were. Until we come to that realization we will continue to lag in how our models perform in relation to the growth of other nations.
Japan moved from making a low of low quality products to the high end spectrum and in some of those areas they dominate with higher end products. This change is and continues to take place in regards to foreign products. Toyota and Nissan and Accura, Lexus have made giant moves since the 1980's and we resulted to play the 'we've gotta catch up", and only in the last 3-5 years have US models began to regain sale %'s.

Once the South Korean Hyundai was a low cost low quality vehicles, not they compete on every level with their models.

When we realize the glory days of Post World War II are long over, Until then we will have strong need to awaken to the new era and learn better how to work with our current generations to move back into the concern for duty and quality and become more responsible in even our basic simplicity of commentary and rebuttal commentary.
The Problamatic House
Posted:Nov 16, 2014 9:35 am
Last Updated:Nov 19, 2014 3:55 pm

A few months ago I wrote about the Rental House. Well, the agency placed people in it, and only 6-7 months they destroyed it !!!! broken windows, removed the locks, broke the top on the commode, broke cabinet doors off the cabinets in the kitchen and how in the hell do you pull the light fixture from the ceiling. The paint was scraped off the walls in patches in two bedrooms, and one room that was beautifully painted colors, it appears they put dirty hands all over the walls, and then put white wash over half the room as if they were trying to cover up the mess, They tore the door off the hinges and punched a hole in the wall in the hallway. There are so many tiles removed from the floor, I have to install a whole new floor throughout the house.


The agency fixed most stuff, but I've not inspected it, but pricing the flooring is frustrating.
This house has been like a curse for 9 yrs, it will be sold as soon as its ready for viewing.
There was suppose to be a woman with three living there, but they placed a woman with 7 (SEVEN) in the home. Now how do you have seven and continue to be in this situation, at some point something should say stop having babies you can't care for and manage. Additionally, they assaulted the grass in the front yard and it looks like they attacked the tree. Now what the heck!!

I had to spend money on clearing the plumbing two times, and have the air conditioning unit serviced two time, who in their right mind flushes 'baby wipes down the toilet'?

I bought a lawn mower and when they moved the woman out, her brother stole the lawnmower, the agency forced him to bring it back. It was no more than 3 months old, but already they had hanger wire holding the handle, now why would anyone take the screws out of the handle and replace it with hanger wire.?? I bought a tarp and locks to cover and secure the lawnmower, (it's all gone).

It's crazy, I will pay the payment for it to sit there empty until I can sell it, It would have been great if a small family that was responsible could benefit from the rental of the house. But how the heck do you find that??? I'm not looking anymore.

Well.... the aim is to sell it, even if I don't make any money, I just want it sold. I can't recover the money it has cost me over these years, so why worry about profit, at this points its a matter of "STOP" the losses.
All together that will conclude the 4 houses I had beside the one I live in, and when this one is gone. I will only have my house to concern myself with. I had planned to acquire 10 properties. but nope!!! If i want to be in housing, it would be to buy, remodel, SELL, build and SELL. at the moment I don't have that kind of money, but as I acquire more money. I will buy remodel and sell !!!

People are too ridiculous!!! Probably the only way to rent property is make them put up 6 months advance, plus a security deposit and conduct a bi monthly inspection and their payment has to be payroll deduction.
It might even be suitable in some cases to have them sent for psychological evaul, before they are allowed to move in.

It's sad when you can't trust people who want to rent your property. I honestly don't understand how people can't live in a house and respect it. It does not make any sense to me. Why would anyone destroy where they live, eat and sleep?
The agency gave them everything, they put washer and dryer in the laundry room, the house already had a stove and dishwasher. All they had to do was live there and keep it clean and not destroy it.

This is sad, this is the second person who has lived there, where the only suitable place for them would be a "Cave" with stone walls, no windows, and many be a hole in the roof so the rain can wash all the carp out they bring in.

The agency furnished every room for them with very nice furnishings, when I saw the furniture on the curb, it was horrible as these people had destroyed it.

When people do stuff like this, I think they should have had the mother arrested and moved the into foster care. Or move them so far out in the country in a mobile home away from people who try and have a decent community.

This is pathetic !!!!

You could probably surmise that I'm "Frustrated" with this kind of craziness"
different strokes for different folks, how do you like to handle yours?
Posted:Nov 15, 2014 8:21 am
Last Updated:Nov 22, 2014 9:03 am

Why is it if a man has a job and the woman has a job, why do some men feel they still need to give the woman his money? It's as if he is paying her to stay, or he has to give her a weekly or monthly stipend for her to have interest to stay.

If that is the case, then I think she can leave when she wants to, because If I have to pay, then I will buy one with those 'specific terms", and we both know what the terms are.

I have no problem giving and sharing things with a woman, and if I WANT to give her some money, there is no problem, because its something I WANTED TO DO.

If she NEEDS some money, because she ran short, No problem, but don't make it a weekly or monthly habit..UNLESS she has had some unplanned expense that just overwhelmed her.

I don't care what she buys with her money, but if she has responsible bill in the arrangement, then make sure to cover her bills first. Then if for some reason she wants something and it will consume all her money, but she still needs pocket money, No problem.. But don't let it be a weekly habit.

for the guys who like giving women a weekly, bi weekly or monthly allowance, more power to them.

Now, if a guy does not want the woman to work, that's his problem, then he needs to make sure she has money available to take care of her personal things and some of the things she may want which she could get if she was working. But since he does not want her to work, some of that stuff he might be assuming responsibility to provide.

I'm all for working women. I don't see where I need or want a woman who does not work. it can be a craft, a lucrative hobby or something, but she needs to have something to do that she can invest herself in doing.

If I just want a house keeper, I will hire one. I don't need a woman to be a housekeeper. but I need her to have a mindset that we need to maintain an orderly and neat home, and I'm willing to help with that, because she is not responsible to clean up any messes I make.
I know how to put clothes in the washer, and how to put them in the dryer, and those that go to the dry cleaners I know how to take them there too.
What makes people "misconnect'
Posted:Nov 14, 2014 4:13 am
Last Updated:Nov 20, 2014 5:24 am

Often times its as simple as not paying attention with the open focus !!!! being overzealous trying to win a person who is already there; and understanding they are not wanting to see you go through trips of "i'm gonna win you". They'd rather that you be yourself and don't come off as a patronizer, or a one who has discarded their ability to speak up and stand up, and certainly they are not hung up on you trying to be overly aggressive, and in some cases, being too over eager to want to be pleasing until you don't come across as natural.

Many time when men see women who are independent, you can't match with her by trying to suck up to her with patronizing ways. She will quickly discount you as a mate potential. You pose nor do you bring any challenge to her, to work on being and expressing herself in the ways she wants. She will probably not be so motivated to connect.
The same with a man, if the woman pose or bring something in her demeanor which is 'swooning like a sick duck, then he finds over time his ways not to want to be with her.

Women are watching, if you come with a soft stand which you quickly give up your opinion and start trying to change it to appease her, she will see it.
Women regardless what they say, they want to feel challenged enough to make her want to be her best and become better.

NOPE, I'm not talking about the challenges of continual jousting, i'm talking about being yourself !!! Not being in some "i'm gonna impress and win you mode".

If she is a do it yourself woman, then don't come off like you think she needs you to do everything for her. She will loose interest, because its as important to her to show you that she can do many things for herself.

With men, women don't loose yourself by trying to be everything you think he wants, its best to be yourself, then you can be naturally whom you are,

Men like telling other men, how much of a can do woman, that his woman is, and women like telling other women, how much he as a man is a can do man.

I've seen women in this site, men fall all over themselves trying to prove that he is some Mr. Nice guy. but if you note, women cater to the guy who has some I'm a real person, can be considerate, but can have some I can make it alone as well, then she is more attracted to this guy, because he does not come across as being overly needed. Women want to win you as much as you want to win her, but both want to do it as a whole person, not some simulation of whom they are by trying to fit some image that becomes suffocating after a while.

There's a whole lot that goes into the simple thing of being ones self. It makes for a better situation in the long term of things, because you don't have to fight yourself to change back into being yourself.

Simple example: when the young women came on talking about a guy by passed her on Valentines day, and everything jumped on the "save the woman bandwagon", and even attacked the guy.. Most ignored what she previously said. She said she just liked the guy as in, a open situation, because she just wanted to hook up with him.
but after everyone finished their 'save the woman" attempts, I said plain and simple. Why can't people accept that she just wanted to hook him up, and did not care about all the rest, and the only thing Valentines day did was bring to the reality, that she was not number 1 on the list, but technically she already knew that because he was seeing someone when she met him.

No one wanted to accept that she wanted what she wanted, he wanted what he wanted and neither of them made efforts to commit the other to anything. But people go hung up on, Oh she's pretty she can't possible be that independent in her thinking and wants.

I see it over and over with guys trying to convince the women they are some saintly virginal I don't want to get any kind of guys. These women did not ask you to come off in such a manner. Nor did they ask you to come off in a "hound dog" manner. they just ask you to be real with yourself and equally so with her, because it allows her to be real with herself and with you.

US and China would start granting visas to each other's citizens
Posted:Nov 10, 2014 5:24 am
Last Updated:Nov 12, 2014 4:36 pm

President Barack Obama announced Monday that the US and China would start granting visas to each other's citizens valid for up to 10 years.

I knew this was coming, because when the economic stature of countries move up as China did, the doors swing open wide...

Chinese will begin buying up high volumes of American Properties and may take over various communities. This is the same trend that happen with Japan, when their dollar rating was astronomically high in the 1980's
1 comment
the interesting wonders within living
Posted:Nov 7, 2014 6:47 pm
Last Updated:Nov 9, 2014 4:46 am

We work, we find time for leisure and we wonder about many things of life, we make plans and we pursue various goals.
In all these things we interact with others.

Some points we find agreement, some we contend, but what is of interest is the work put into developing understanding.

Each time we engage the wonderful arts of Pursuits of Understanding", we come not only to learn more of self, we learn more about others.

This enriches our lives as well as it can bring moments of challenge, but in the big picture of it all.

We grow.

Its a cycle that continues through out our lives.

A show today was talking about how to keep a relationship 'with the wonderful initial glow".. It's easy but it work...
In the beginning we seek things to appreciate. It turns when we start bringing in expected response, and expected task and acts...We drive away the spontaneity of appreciations, when we do that, we began to fail at seeing the wonders of the individual both in the mate and in ourselves.

We take the physical and began to encumber it with all kinds of conditions, then we start to weigh and measure it, against fantasy and fiction... driving many to get in bed and out with illusions and delusions, and eventual lead into to disenchantment.

We do much of this in our own minds, then we blame it on each other. We spin in expectations built upon unshared thoughts, ideas and dreams, and we suddenly expect the other to be a mind reader.

We get tripped out and forget that we still are the individual who have various daily personal challenges, and we forget that as such individuals sometimes, is the quiet time to rebalanced the self via our hobbies or just a moment of silence.

There's much work that goes into it all, the more we love the work, the more we will find the growing of love within the relationship... and much become refreshed in the cycles of the days.

Do we have what it takes to work for love to remain loving. If we do, we find our relationships grows, if we don't we find reasons to bicker and eventually set out minds to break it up, and hope the other will provide something we can blame as a reason.
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