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My Blog

For some, blogs are a way of life...

The Cruise...
Posted:Apr 13, 2014 10:20 am
Last Updated:Apr 14, 2014 2:40 pm

I went on a 4 day cruise to the Caribbean last week that took me to Turks and Caicos Islands. Since it was my first time on a large cruise ship, I wasn't sure about seasickness. Twice before I experienced day cruises on smaller vessels and one did 'bring up' breakfast later in the afternoon.
Always prepared, I had 2 kinds of medicine for seasickness expecting the worst. Taking half doses of Dramamine for the first 48 hours, I experienced no affects of nausea and decided medicine wasn't needed. The weather was great and there were times I completely forgot we were at sea.
The food was great... small portions but you could order more if you wanted. The problem there was the timing as we had little chance for another round and make it to the planned events. Broadway shows, comedians, magicians, first run movies, so there was always something going on. During the day, live music in the rotunda and a Calypso band poolside.
Did I mention the food? I gained 5 pounds. Despite walking a few miles on the boat, I still gained five pounds.
1 comment
We could meet for lunch!
Posted:Apr 11, 2014 7:07 pm
Last Updated:Apr 16, 2014 9:19 pm

I see you visit my profile but never extend any greeting.
It's the weekend and you live near me...

Seriously, if you show me a sign (and hopefully not a stop sign 哈哈!) I would invite you to lunch. My job is 1 hour away from my home so distance is not a problem for me.
1 comment
ROCK hand gestures...
Posted:Mar 23, 2014 8:51 am
Last Updated:Mar 23, 2014 9:03 am

I cannot recall what cool cultural sign Americans made prior to the 1960's 'peace sign' but I do know that singer Ronnie James Dio popularized the 'sign of the horns' when he replaced Ozzy Osbourne (who used to give a peace sign) in the heavy metal group Black Sabbath. Ronnie wasn't the first to do this and stated it publicly, however people remember Dio's Apotropaic Magical symbol said to ward off evil spirits.

(excerpt quote from Ronnie James Dio)
"...It's an Italian thing I got from my Grandmother called the MALOCCHIO. It's to ward off the Evil Eye or to give the Evil Eye, depending on which way you do it. It's just a symbol but it had magical incantations and attitudes to it and I felt it worked very well with Sabbath..."

40 years later, It's gone 'cross culture' and appears in many selfie photos, movie stars appearances and especially photos of hip-hop artists.
Who's Viewed Me?
Posted:Mar 21, 2014 3:46 pm
Last Updated:Apr 14, 2014 5:10 pm

It's been about a month that "Who's Viewed Me?" part of Asia Friendfinder hasn't worked. I noticed some movement today. Hopefully, it's fixed now!
Analog versus Digital...
Posted:Mar 16, 2014 5:44 pm
Last Updated:Mar 21, 2014 3:43 pm

More and more products on the market are becoming digital.
I bought a car a few months ago and many of the things that used to be mechanical (analog) have been replaced with electro-mechanical (digital) controls.
Very few controls are 100% mechanical.
On my old car, when I stepped on the accelerator, it moved a cable that went to the carburetor that moved a control to the fuel injector. 100% mechanical.
My new car is completely different. The accelerator, is a sensor that transmits a digital signal to a computer. The computer determines the speed (and other factors) then transmits control to the carburetor system. If I 'slam on the gas' there is a good chance the computer will pull back the control because it's programmed to be fuel efficient. The result is 'lunging' where you feel the short acceleration then the power drops making the car have a jerking motion. I don't like it and the service adviser at the dealer tells me there is no adjustment to change this.
I know why car manufacturers do it, but I don't like it.
Analog versus Digital... analog gets my vote!
Spending a million bucks to look like a million bucks...
Posted:Mar 7, 2014 6:06 pm
Last Updated:Mar 10, 2014 10:51 am

I have some wealthy who know a healthy diet and exercise doesn't always 'hold back the years' and they resort to a little 'nip & tuck' to maintain their youthful appearance.

Many years ago, I was assigned to work on a project for the new offices of a famous plastic surgeon. It was reported his first scheduled in the new facility was actor Leslie Nielson. This happened shortly before he filmed The Naked Gun movie.

Good surgery is when people say you look terrific and scratch their head wondering how you look so fine and they don't.

I know a local designer who really wanted his money's worth and they pulled his face tight... like a bongo drum! It was so strange, people often talked about it.

A boss I worked for was Scottish and had the trait of 'Jawls' where his cheeks drooped and eyelids also had excessive skin.

Maybe you've seen the real-life woman obsessed to look like Barbie, where the young woman had a Blepharoplasty... literally tightly pulling the skin around her eyes. Frightening to think someone so young would spend so much on looks... considering she was beautiful to start with.

The Scottish boss had a with the same traits/characteristics and after graduating high-school had surgery to remove his baggy eyelids. The surgeon trimmed the extra skin at the fold line/wrinkle in his eyelids. Surgery... success.
He claimed excessive exercise made sweat drip into his eyes causing irritation. After surgery the problem was greatly reduced.

Not every surgery comes out as expected. There are photos of botched facelifts in many places on the internet.

I used to say, when turn 60 I'm going to have my 'bags fixed' it's been with me as long as I can remember, including baby pictures. I've heard all excuses why I have them... lack of sleep, allergy, hereditary. instead of a trip to a plastic surgeon, I took a trip to China. Anyway, plastic surgery is so far down on my do list I'm not thinking about it anymore.

Thanks for reading my blog... !
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Windows XP... your days are numbered.
Posted:Feb 28, 2014 3:20 pm
Last Updated:Jun 29, 2023 7:28 am
Microsoft support for Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2003 will end in April 2014. Like it or not, it's a serious position for the hundreds of thousands of working systems in homes and businesses to no longer receive security updates. I'm told 30% of the computers used globally are running with Windows XP.

More than the lack of support, it's rumored there will be a massive release of new virus, malware and other network threats from the hacking community knowing XP users will be more vulnerable.

What to do? I suppose a strong firewall and top rated anti-virus anti-spyware anti-malware software suite... but you should be using that already.

Good luck. Don't open any suspicious e-mails.

And remember... Microsoft doesn't call users.
If you receive a call from someone saying they are from Microsoft to tell you that your computer is infected and you need their assistance to fix it is bogus. Yes, bogus.

Who's Online Now!
Posted:Feb 27, 2014 3:27 pm
Last Updated:Aug 6, 2023 4:17 pm
I'm patiently waiting for this part of the website to be fixed.
I suppose it's blog-a-ble that the recent changes have affected the online search engine to malfunction. I think it's more than 3 weeks now it's this way...

1 comment
Logging in...
Posted:Feb 26, 2014 5:33 pm
Last Updated:Feb 28, 2014 3:30 pm

There was a time when you could sit down at the pharmacy blood pressure machine and check your pressure by pressing one button... START
That's it. One button and wait for the results.
Old technology.
Now you have to log in giving personal information for them to keep on file. I say BS.
There are USB ports and SD memory slots for transferring and saving data.
Again... BS.

It took several attempts but I was actually able to 'work around' the menu into accepting that I wasn't going to enter my personal information... actually, I think I did give it some bogus information (age, height, weight) but pressure is pressure. Right?

All the other machines prior to this checked pressure. Height weight or age wasn't important to the machine. Pressure is pressure.

Analyzing pressure to height weight or age is different... The machines that check pressure are the same... Pressure is pressure regardless of height, weight or age. 180 over 110 is considered high pressure and it doesn't matter your height, weight or age. Sure there are other factors, but pressure is pressure.

Seriously... this has gone too far with machines that want to keep my personal information. Just check my pressure and (let me) have a nice day.
1 comment
The meteor that killed off the dinosaurs...
Posted:Feb 23, 2014 11:50 am
Last Updated:Feb 26, 2014 2:22 pm

I was listening to XM radio yesterday and one of the talk shows had mentioned a meteor killed off all the dinosaurs. Maybe I was absent the day they taught that lesson.

Lets see... dinosaurs are all around the globe. Huge creatures on land, in the water and flying around the sky. Real creatures... not mythological and one freaking meteor wiped all of them out?

Oh, I've got to know more about this. Maybe I can find something on YouTube.

Actually a friend mentioned The Chicxulub Crater, Luis Alvarez & his Walter and their hypothesis... the mass extinction of the dinosaurs and other living things was caused by the impact of a large asteroid on the Earth some sixty-five million years ago.

There you have it! one meteor responsible for killing off the dinosaurs.

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