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My Blog

For some, blogs are a way of life...

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme
Posted:Jan 5, 2010 6:33 pm
Last Updated:Jul 19, 2018 5:47 pm

A few years ago, I was contacted by a woman in China who wanted some help with song lyrics. The song is: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme, performed by the singers Simon & Garfunkel. She found learning English was easier by memorizing words with music. Maybe I should do that. I must search YouTube for some Chinese songs for .


ǰһйŮϵ Ҫʡ ǣ ۣβݣ˹Ͱ㡣 2λִ & Garfunkel ҵѧϰӢּͨסʸס Ӧǡ ұΪΪһЩйѰYouTube

Every once in a Blue Moon. á
Posted:Dec 31, 2009 4:36 pm
Last Updated:Dec 31, 2009 9:38 pm

We say: blue moon.
This is when 2 full moons appear in the same month.

The Miami sky is clear tonight. only a few wispy clouds.
սȷС һЩСƲʡ

December 2009 is this way.

A beautiful sight to behold. this final day of 2009.
עӵõ 2009ꡣ

To all of you, wishing Peace and prosperity in 2010.
Sleep ˯
Posted:Dec 12, 2009 9:12 pm
Last Updated:Jan 19, 2010 7:04 pm

Sleep is something I don't get enough of.
For many years, I survived only on 3-1/2 to 4 hours of sleep each night and usually a 1/2 hour nap in the evening.

My job is very stressful. because of this, my rest has been affected.
ÎҵŤ×÷·Ç³£½ôÕÅ¡£ Òò´Ë£¬ÎÒµÄÐÝÏ¢ÒѾ­±»Ó°Ïì¡£

Sometimes, I wake in the night thinking about my job... maybe something I forgot came to mind, or something I didn't have time to finish.

It's past midnight here. I should be in bed and not at the computer.
1 comment
΢Ц Smile
Posted:Dec 12, 2009 5:18 pm
Last Updated:May 9, 2011 2:44 am

˵£º ハÀÒ£¡ Say: Cheese!
I remember childhood photos. Someone always had a camera.
ÿウ½«ÎªÒ»ÕÅÕÕ⑵¾Û¼¯¡£Everyone would gather together for a picture.
ÉãÓ°Õß½«ºÅ½Ð£º Цһ¸ö£¡ The photographer would yell: say cheese!
The word "cheese" in English is perfect for a smile.
Êǵģ¬Ò»¸ö΢ЦÓÐÀûÓÚÒ»Õż«ÃîµÄͼ¡£Yes, a smile makes for a great picture.
Does it? That is what's socially accepted.
ÎÒ²»Í¬Â𣿠Am I different?
ÎÒÕý΢Ц ... ÕæµÄÎÒÊÇ¡£ ÎÒÕý¶ÔÀïÃæ΢Ц¡£
I'm smiling... really I am. I'm smiling on the inside.
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Trust me, I'm smiling. Because you cannot see my lips pulled back and my teeth exposed? This doesn't mean I'm unhappy. I'm truly smiling on the inside.
Do I have to distort my face, show teeth to prove it?

If I smile, will it make someone else happy?

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In the animal world, showing your teeth is an act of aggression.... I don't want to bite you... Do you wanna bite me?
һЩウÊǶªÊ§µÄÑÀ³Ý ... µ«ÊÇÎÞÂÛネºÎ£¬ËûÃÇ΢Ц£¡
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Some people have a natural smile.
Some people don't
Some people are missing teeth... but they smile anyway!
Some people practice their smiles. I think they stand in front of a mirror... for hours.
They practice their smiles.
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ÓÐʱËüÊÇÏàͬµÄ΢Ц¡£ ÍêÉÆ¡£
Is this good? It must be... so many do it and everyone likes the results.
Sometimes it's the same smile. Perfected.

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ÎÒオ」ÓжñÃΡ£ ºÇºÇ...
My old girlfriend had the EXACT same smile. every picture. She took 200 photos of the same smile.
Yes, it was a nice smile... It reminded me of a smiling politician... fake smile.
I asked her to try using different levels of smile sometimes, but she refused.

I still have nightmares.

»òÐíÎÒÓ¦¸Ãʵ¼ùÎÒµÄ΢Ц¡£ ÎÒ½«ÁôÏÂÒòÌØÍøºÍʵ¼ùÎÒµÄ΢Ц¡£
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Maybe I should practice my smile. I'll get off the internet and practice my smile.
This could be good. One day, I'll be famous. I'll be in the public and know the importance of a smile and how universally it's accepted (well, except in the animal world)

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I will perfect my smile so when I retract my lips and show my teeth, you will know it's a gesture of friendship and not an indication that you're my next dinner.
Posted:Dec 11, 2009 5:06 pm
Last Updated:Sep 11, 2018 5:16 am

PHOTOSHOP - are your photos real or fake?

Photoshopped is a generalized term to describe the of editing digital images. The name comes from the photo editing software Photoshop. Although not the first program to offer digital editing, Adobe Systems Incorporated, makers of the product Photoshop, is certainly one of the largest.
༭ʽͼ Ƭ(༭Photoshop)

Prior to computers, the term for photo editing was called airbrushing or... airbrushed. I was a when I became familiar with the term. Airbrushing referred to the (post production) technique of altering photos (and sometimes negatives) to achieve something different from a photo that wasn't originally captured by the camera. The term airbrushing is often used to describe the flawless centerfold beauties in Playboy Magazine. Large photographs were 'altered' by Artists using tiny (airbrush) sprayguns and painting out unwanted blemishes from the photos. Scars and stretchmarks (not disguised by makeup and lighting) could be eliminated giving the illusion the subject was perfect.

I studied Graphics Arts in High School (three well spent years) and part of the course included photography, where some of the techniques taught showed us how to mask out bad parts of a photograph, make corrections for poor lighting and de-emphasize unimportant parts of a picture.

Dating back to the 50's, 60's and 70's... it was very common in advertising, to take a photo of a model in a studio and (using a razor or scissors) cut the model from the photo and paste it into a background relevant to the theme of the product you wanted to sell.
It was (and still is) too expensive to drag thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment to the beach for a photoshoot when you could take a few studio shots and superimpose the model into some already made Hawaiian surf background to sell suntan lotion.

I used to prepare artwork for catalogs... by hand. Page by page, using a photocopy machine, scissors and lots of 'white-out' now, it's all done on computer.
ӣҿ (ӣ) Springtime and cherry blossom
Posted:Dec 9, 2009 4:42 pm
Last Updated:Sep 18, 2024 5:48 pm

我想要不久访问中国。 人们告诉我: 等春季, 因为这是非常美丽的季节。 我不喜欢雪。 我等待吗?
I want to visit China soon. People tell me: wait for Springtime, because this is most beautiful season. I dislike snow. Do I wait?

目前,这里的经济是柔软的。 我幸运我们有工作,但是我们人员过少。 原因吗? 低的价格。 我的老板已经预见这沮丧。 因此,我们降低我们的价格。 我们忙,但是没有利润。 感谢我们忙。 很多竞争者已经去。 破产。 每周2天,一些只是工作。
Currently, the economy here is soft. I'm fortunate we have work, but we are understaffed. The reason? Low prices. my boss had foreseen this depression. So, we lowered our prices. we are busy, But no profits. Thankful we are busy. Many competitors have gone bankrupt. some are only working 2 days per week.

I must wait to earn more money for my journey!

我问来自我的城市的一个中国人: 我在哪里在中国发现樱桃为树?
I asked a Chinese man from my city: Where do I find Cherry tree in China?

他不知道。 他是来自香港。 在香港没有树! 为什么,我说? 因为它是一座非常拥挤的城市,他回答。
He doesn't know. He's from Hong Kong. there are no trees at Hong Kong! Why, I say? because it's a very crowded city, he answered.

当我去中国时。 我必须找到一棵樱桃树。 这是一个目标。 我有我的中国之行的很多目标。
When I go to China. I must find a cherry tree. This is one goal. I have many goals for my China trip.
Posted:Dec 8, 2009 3:47 pm
Last Updated:Sep 17, 2024 5:12 pm

我爱海鲜。 除了高的胆固醇。 我每天能吃虾。
I love seafood. Except for high cholesterol. I could eat shrimp every day.
通常,我吃日本寿司。 很多寿司酒吧在迈阿密。 我很少吃中国烹饪。 星期六,我吃一些中国菜。 他们的特长是:点心
Usually, I eat Japanese sushi. Miami has a lot of sushi bars. I seldom eat Chinese cuisine. On Saturday, I tried a new Chinese place. Their specialty is: Dim Sum

我需要一位中国妻子。 她一定是一位好主厨。 她必须准备可口的食品。 以这种方法我肥胖: 象佛一样
I need a Chinese wife. She must be a good chef. She must prepare tasty foods. This way I'll be fat: like Buddha

Do you want me to be fat?

1 comment
我这里有严重的麻烦。 呵呵...
Posted:Dec 7, 2009 6:53 pm
Last Updated:Sep 18, 2024 6:31 pm

żȻ, ҸıҳӢﵽ ס ͼ⡣ Ҳҵѡ ҳһͬĵط

1 comment
Posted:Dec 6, 2009 6:58 am
Last Updated:Sep 18, 2024 5:35 pm

Why are you wearing a wedding dress?
Ҫ顣 Ӧȵһˡ
I understand you want marriage. Maybe you should wait for a man first.

Too often I see older Chinese women dressed in a wedding dress "waiting for their man" to arrive. This frightens me.
I understand the desire to be married and the seriousness surrounding the situation... but there is something wrong with this picture. Literally.
American superstition says: It's bad luck for the groom to see his fiance in a wedding dress before the wedding.
Common sense says: Who wants a woman so desperate she will be photographed in a wedding dress just waiting for her wedding day to arrive.

I recall a song about "Delta Dawn" the woman who is wearing a faded rose from days gone by.

If you have profile photos of you wearing a wedding dress, I suggest you reconsider. Try a nice party dress or something for a professional atmosphere. I'd be more interested in a woman with classy clothing than a woman wearing a wedding dress. Hey... if it's not me, who are you looking for?
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