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Freshman,..East Asia Pacific

Simple Collective Dreams...and Viewpoints!

September...My first day...My first friend!
張貼於:2005年 9月 1日 2:10 am
最近編輯過:2006年 3月 5日 9:28 pm
8331 瀏覽
I was at the site of MSNBC's Todays News,reading the update report of the devastations created by hurricane"Katrina" ,when the messenger pops up an e-mail from Asian Friendfinder.com.

Unable to heed on the last couples of invitation I usually received, I finally decided and peek.

My profile still in shambles ,definitely a stranger to note,decided to visit the chatrooms and see whats up, I Came up with some Chinese rooms and the English sign on the bottom left side of the panel.

Upon entering,there are about around 30plus room chatters on the discussion board.All of them in good mood and some in the berth of intros and mild proposals of sort.

Chance upon a unique handle that sez "Mydogateit"
On clear instinct 'tis must be a dog lover,Tried to draw some attention by simply hitting the keys ;mydogateit, and the 39 year old lady responded and greet me my first hello on the room.

A tone of excitement, My apologies to her for my being so abrupt in asking her for her YM a move which was reprimanded later.Maybe due to urgent notions of knowing that,She's a Caucasian,as she had said (don't know then of what nationality).

I guess,I should say that it was a great first day and with a friend to consider,'am hoping that this would be the start of my visit to this friendly site.As the curiousity grows fonder;

I started to roam about then, and read a blog of this lady,and found out that she's a good narrative story teller.With some spices of life at a certain point of the last lines,guess the lady is a trooper and a cool happy lady with poise and intellects combined.Im so glad that my pick was right afterall.

The pleasure of being a member and a part of this popular site...

My deepest thanks to Asian Frindfinder, and more power to all the staffs.
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