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Freshman,..East Asia Pacific

Simple Collective Dreams...and Viewpoints!

Veepee is right...
張貼於:2007年 11月 20日 2:47 pm
最近編輯過:2007年 11月 25日 5:11 pm
12117 瀏覽
I guess, Al Gore had a 100% percent hitter about this climate changes all over the world...

Flooded cities here and there, global warming, heat waves, and even frequent earthquakes, mark these enviromental evolutions on weather changes...

Even here in the Philippines, We have an extension of our stormy season.

Having thypoons in mid-November is so unusual...

After that acceptance speech of that award recently , Can't help but think that Mr. Veepee is right about this Global phenomenon...

How about you folks? Any signs in your places?

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Back and well oiled...
張貼於:2007年 11月 15日 3:28 pm
最近編輯過:2024年 5月 11日 2:52 am
9800 瀏覽
My absence from this site for quite a while really made me missed things I love most...

Sharing my ideas on everyday living within us...

Just as X-mas is just around the bend, Lots of people are striving to fill things...

Goodies, stuffs, wears, and all sorts of commodities...

Cold seasons prolongs my stay in bed...

Even the new born bunnies, squeeze in for hot comfort...

Thank God in Heaven, I'm in good health...

Alright folks! Homely peace and happy days ahead for all of us...


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smoke gets in your eyes...
張貼於:2007年 6月 28日 3:46 am
最近編輯過:2007年 12月 16日 2:12 pm
13806 瀏覽
One of the Medical Doctor who had my check-up really amused me...Why?, simply because, she never tells me to quit smoking but to have limitations in it.

When I was operated on a nasal polyp last 2003, I stop smoking for obvious reason, refering to the healing process.

Then comes the 14th of June this year, when I started to have the habit again. It was Election day here in the Philippines, and I was chosen from a selected few to be a member of the Canvassing Board, in charge as a watcher on the tabulation of the election return in our localities...

This is when it all started , due to the tension brought about by the situation where-in the contention for the Mayoralty post was closely differentiated by a small margin.

A fellow worker handle me a stick, and soon before I notice it the craving to light one stick after the other returns on my senses.

I said on to myself , if not on that position I accepted, there will be no more cigarettes to light on...Sadly, I'm back on my old brand "LUCKY STRIKE"!

Promise to kick the habit once more!!! Honest!

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what's inside of me...
張貼於:2007年 6月 17日 3:16 am
最近編輯過:2008年 2月 4日 2:29 pm
13314 瀏覽

...sometimes I ain't easy on myself...

...but I do handle my friends, the best respect and adoration they deserve...

...if I made it to certainty...

...with a smile though we're miles apart, sending my dreams closer to each one of them...

...simple thoughts made me whole at the least moments...

...that's for sure...
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Scope and evaluative perspective...
張貼於:2007年 6月 2日 7:06 pm
最近編輯過:2009年 8月 10日 7:33 pm
12560 瀏覽
Lobbyist in the consumer trade rake up a lot of sum with a little negligence on the food supply being imported from Asia to the US. Very palatable and does have an increase of about eighty percent from consumers alone, but with a bit of scary preservatives unnoticed.

Although under the buying public's mouth and noses, taste and smell can be deceiving, Why? Arising death toll due to food contamination and bacterias from the fields down to the packing area with new borne findings reliable scientific sources indeed reveal.

This is not a warning but a precautionary advice to all buyers of imported aqua and agro products.

How about Organic?

Your choice is as good as mine!

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A wasted life...big loss...
張貼於:2007年 4月 29日 6:38 pm
最近編輯過:2007年 6月 17日 3:19 am
12506 瀏覽
What happen to Ms. Julia Campbell up there in the rice terraces was a big blow down to the living of other locals who depended on tourist as their source of income...

Ms. Campbell a peace corps volunteer, will be remember for her deeds and works as well as her written blogs on e-blogger. Once a freelance journalist in New York, leaving her career and devoted her time as an English teacher and a founder of an eco-enviromentalist group in the Philippines.

Recent development of the case reveals the reason of the slaying w/c according to the culprit was but a mistaken identity after a bump along the narrow pathways of the paddies. The suspect confessed that he hit Ms.Campbell with a big stone right on the head and dragged her down then buried on a shallow grave which later found after she was declared loss up in the mountains.

This case is close but the effects of the incident will hurt dearly the tourism industry in the highlands off north. So hurting to Ms. Campbell's family as well...

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Hot summer fun...
張貼於:2007年 3月 26日 1:17 am
最近編輯過:2007年 5月 29日 2:54 am
12800 瀏覽
A good travel has no definite plan but only expectations of what the experience will be...

The surprises of what you'll see along the road, what to dine, and what kind of ambience the lodging has...not to discount the possibilities of errors and booboos that makes it more exciting.

Up there on the cold mountains or the hot sands of the beaches, summer indeed will always be a part of my being...

Never forget the kids that will tag along this year...

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What I envy most...
張貼於:2007年 2月 16日 5:32 pm
最近編輯過:2007年 4月 29日 6:42 pm
10134 瀏覽
Of all the nationals in the world, I do envy the Chinese...Why?

Simply for the reason that they have two "New Years" celebration...

"KUNG HEI FAT CHOI" to all my Chinese friends...

pic** Shenzhen - xinhuanet
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a valentine escapade...
張貼於:2007年 2月 7日 9:37 pm
最近編輯過:2007年 2月 9日 4:08 pm
10035 瀏覽
...trying out something unusual, having the frantic feelings we love to feel well with body language, sighs, and frenzies...

...conducive and creative atmosphere for exploring love, a picturesque setting over looking like a citadel...

...serve with the best cuisine to dine, even the exotic local wine to ease down the shyness in you...

...A simple quiet life for just a moment, beating away the bustling sound of city life, where modern engineering feats and transportation smogs ills you, in an endless life's rat race in metro....

...to be in a cozy room on a hilltop hotel , playing footsies as a teaser in bed with your dream date, staring outside the open windows where the cool breeze and smell of pine soothes in...

...Even for once or twice on the fourteenth day...

fedders** 02-08-07-Thursday
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Three Vital Rights....
張貼於:2007年 2月 2日 9:06 pm
最近編輯過:2007年 4月 29日 6:01 pm
12562 瀏覽
Life is all about timing...Every success and recognition rely on these sequence of events...

You have to hit, the right time,

Be at the right place...

And meet the right connection...

pic** wau_mau[1]
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