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Black Men seeking Asian Women

I am curious as to why does it seem that there is still this Black/Asian taboo in America. I am West Indian origin with Asian blood-line that goes back to inter racial mixing two generation ago. I was raised up in Europe and throughout the continent, especially in France, where I spent many years, Black/Asian couple has been the sexiest thing for many years.

Today, in America, the relationship between that black doctor and the hottest Chinese woman on TV (who whacked the hell out of Hayden-Church in Sideways) is the sexiest mixing I've seen in a long time.

So then, why does it seem to me that the taboo still exists with all the simplification and stereo-types that are held among both communities about the other, especially on the east coast.

I am a black man who is fascinated with Asian culture and history, especially that of early Japan with the Chinese and Korean influences of the early hunters. It is a fact that Asian cultures and civilizations pre-date ours by centuries. And to me, an Asian woman's sexuality is still unmatched by the simplicity of what we see playing out in America as sexy. I love Asian art, and we all love the various Asian cuisines from different countries. So why would any guy in his right mind not want to hook up with an Asian woman.

So let me know what you think.. And remember, I am looking...

各種話題: ���甇∟��銵����鈭, 蝢�暻����憸冽�, �����, 雿����, ��文�賊�單��, ��舐窗蝬脣��蝬脤��蝬脰楝, Confucianism, 摰嗥頂;銵�蝯, ��踹�������踵祥, Haiku, ���������璆, ��餃蔣, 銵冽�����銵�, 摰���函����扳��, 蝬�撽�鞊�撖����撠�摰, ��株扛��嗆��, 撠���砍�豢��������, 頞喟��餈, 憭芣扔, ������, ��餉��/��餃蔣

Icarus_can_fly 58男

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在Black Men seeking Asian Women的主題

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Checking...wes_says_hi5  0  2012-02-16

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